Teasing Healing

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Synopsis: Giyu gets injured and Shinobu helps out, with a little teasing here and there of course.

Giyu opens his eyes, staring up at a ceiling as memories from before come back to him. 'Oh right', he thought to himself, 'The mission.' He sat up and looked around, acknowledging that he was currently in the Butterfly Mansion, taking note of the fact that the shirt of his uniform was folded up neatly on a chair beside the bed. He down at his chest and arms, seeing that the bandages he used were still  there before he was moved to the Mansion. The door soon slid open as Shinobu entered the room.

"Well, well, well," she said, with her classic teasing smile, "If it isn't klutzy Tomioka-san." Her facial expression then softened, "How are you doing honey?"

"I'm doing better, now that you're here," Giyu said with a soft smile.

Shinobu then gently giggled and shook her head. "Whatever you say charmer," she said whilst rolling her eyes. She looks over Giyu's bandage work on his arms and chest, lightly tracing her finger across it.

"Well, they look a little messy. I'll just replace them if you don't mind."

As Shinobu began unwrapping the bandages, she was decided to do what she does best, chatting with Giyu whilst also teasing him along the way.

"So how's Kanzaburo?"

"He's doing well. A little wobbly, and he still worries me from time to time, but he's doing good."

She nods, "That's good to hear. Could you tell him that I said hello the next time that you see him?"

Giyu nods and says, "Of course," as he then begins to stare off into space which did not go unseen by Shinobu.

"Something on your mind Darling?"

"It just still surprises me how Kanzaburo's still able to remember you, he still confuses Tanjiro for me sometimes."

A cheeky smirk soon appeared on Shinobu's face, "Well maybe it's because you talk to him about me a lot."

Giyu immediately perked up with a blush adorning his face, "Wait what?"

"Aww, didn't you know? He once told me that you talk about me all day and night. It was rather cute really."

Giyu only said nothing as his blush grew and turned his head away, leading Shinobu to laugh.

The next few minutes passed by with comfortable silence as Shinobu unwrapped the bandages, cleaned the wounds, and redressed them.

She then saw that Giyu had some leaves and twigs in his hair, wondering to herself how she didn't notice it earlier.

"Giyu," she said as she gently poked his cheek, "Why are there leaves in your hair? I mean, what were you trying to do with them anyway, become a bush?" She softly laughed at her little joke.

"No," said Giyu, deciding to go along with it, "I wanted to be a tree."

"Well then, I'm sure you'd make a very handsome tree," she said as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"By the way," Giyu began, "How are Tanjiro and the others? I haven't seen them in a while."

"Oh they're doing great," Shinobu replied, "They still cause trouble from time to time, mainly Zenitsu and Inosuke, but they're alright."

Giyu hummed in acknowledgement and closed his eyes while Shinobu finished brushing off the twigs and leaves from his head. After all of the foliage had been plucked, Shinobu let herself rest close to Giyu's side.

"Don't you have any other patients to take care of?" Giyu asked

Shinobu soon responded with a smile, "Lucky for you, you are my last patient of the day so I get to stay with you for the rest of the night."

Giyu hummed once more and said, "Lucky me indeed," as he proceeded to kiss Shinobu on the forehead. "Goodnight my love."

"Goodnight Darling." Shinobu said with a smile as the two faded off to sleep.

Would you believe me if I said that this chapter was born out of the want of Giyushino ASMR being a thing, with video titles like "Giyushino ASMR: Shinobu heals you while teasing/flirting with you (You are Giyu)" or something like that. No, but seriously, the idea came to me because sometimes I listen to ASMR videos when I write stories (although it feels like I just distract myself with them more often than not) and one of them was Gibi ASMR's Shinobu video (real good asmr artist by the way). Then my brain thought, "Wait a second, is Giyushino ASMR a thing?" and then I checked and no, it didn't exist, and so my brain thought, "Make it into a story!" or something similar to that, and that's how we got here. Just some silly little thoughts going through my head is all.

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