Asking him out

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Nikki was out with Alexa they haven't had the chance to hang like they wanted to and decided today was the perfect day as they were talking Nikki mentioned something. "So umm Alexa your good at this relationship thing right?" Nikki chuckled nervously as she looked at her friend. "Well I'm pretty good at it but m not the best to come to when looking for advice but I could help you out. But what do you need help with exactly." Nikki scratched the back of her head and sighed. "Well I know Kaiden probably hates me but I wanna ask him out." Alexa stopped in her tracks a huge smile on her face. "Okay first off he doesn't hate you that's just who he is and if you asked him why wouldn't he say yes." "See that's the problem though I don't know if I hat I've done is gonna make him say no." Alexa put her hands on Nikki's shoulders as she sighed. "Look I'm only gonna say this once Nikki do you better listen just tell him okay it doesn't hurt at all to try." Nikki nodded and sighed as the rest of the day they did whatever girls do (I don't know so I'm not even gonna put anything lol)

time skip to end of the day

Somehow Nikki had convinced herself to do it as she was walking around backstage looking for Kaiden she knew he would be here but she never saw him outside of catering so when he wasn't there it was like trying to find Waldo. Eventually she gave going to catering before hearing a familiar voice. "We're you looking for me Nikki?" She quickly turned and met eye to eye with Kaiden a smile coming across her face. "Yea I was  now it's pretty much known I like you and I wanted to ask... if you liked to go on a date with me?" Kaiden took a step back in utter shock of what he was hearing. This had to be some sort of dream right or was this actually happening that was the only thing on his mind or at least he thought as another though crept into his mind do I say yes or no. Now he was completely mouth dropped open all he could do was mutter slowly he came up with an answer. "Y-yeah id love to." Nikki's face went from won of sadness to one of pure joy as she hugged Kaiden and ran off. "What the hell did I get myself into and what the hell am I gonna wear I have no nice clothes well fuck time to come out with plan a." Kaiden pulled out his phone and called a number one that he didn't think he would have to call again.

To be continued

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