Chapter 14~ So Your Quirkless, huh?

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Third Person's POV
She brought her hands to the glass, as she looked out through the window. Sat outside, a thick coat covering half of his body, was Kurasshu, his fingers pressed against the ground. She gritted her teeth, bracing herself for the impact, but nothing came. She saw the disappointment in his face, the kind she knew too well; it was the kind of disappointment you feel in yourself when you've failed at something.
"Did he lose his quirk..." she whispered to herself, shocked and beyond confused.
He pulled out something from his pocket, a glass vile with a thick red liquid, followed by a small needle used normally for vaccinations. Her eyes widened as she watched him inject the liquid into the needle and into his arm, pulling his coat down further down his arm. She saw him grimace in pain as his hand twitched, which eventually made the other side of his body twitch. He took out a pill and swallowed it whole.
"Did he just...." she was too shocked for words, why was he injecting himself with...blood..?
He went onto his knees, punching the ground, where y/n felt the ground spasm and shake, stronger than usual, making her lose her balance and fall to the side.
His quirk...activated....why didn't it before?
Without stopping herself, she walked outside, through the door, down the stairs and towards him.
His eyes widened in surprise as he quickly pulled up his coat sleeve and kicked the needle behind him.
"What are you doing!?" She yelled, confused and scared more than anything.
His face fell and he was lost for words.
"...whose blood is that?" Her voice broke slightly as a horrified look took over her face.
He stood up on one leg, and on instinct she backed away, her hands rising in front of her.
"S-stay away..." she whispered.
"Don't leave!" He whisper-yelled, his expression practically begging her.
"Whose blood is that!?" She yelled louder.
He opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything, so she decided to try again.
"Why didn't your quirk work before you injected yourself!?"
He now stood up, but he couldn't form one sentence.
She formed her pole, holding it out defensively.
"Answer me!" She cried, still shaking with fear.
He bit his lip nervously, before sighing and nodding his head. He reached inside his pocket and took out the now empty vile. He threw it to her. She caught it and looked at the label, reading it aloud.
"Shindo + Dad + Uncle's your family's...?"
He looked down, then around to see if anyone was watching.
"I'm quirkless..."
She froze, unable to come up with a response. Was this his secret...he was quirkless..?
"I have to do be able to be at UA..." he said slowly, his tone harsh because he was gritting his teeth.
"How does it wear off..? Surely it would stay in your body once you have their DNA..." she asked, now calmer.
"No, it's their blood cells. They have a different blood type to me, so my blood naturally fights it off as it sees it as a virus."
"How can they have a different blood type to you...?"
If they were his family, surely they'd share the same or a similar blood type..?
"I'm...adopted...they adopted me...I had no quirk, so they... they gave me one.." his nails dug into his coat.
Y/n had no words.
"People started to notice my quirk's power varied, because the doses were slightly different," he continued, "so I had to find a way to cover myself up somehow...I didn't want to be expelled...and when you and Shinsou came along...I...I'm so sorry...I've ruined your lives to save my own ass."

She let her pole drop to the floor, and walked over to him. She handed him back the vile, and looked at his hand. The veins and arteries were prominent as the stolen blood pumped through his body.
"How long does it last?" She asked.
He pulled his hand away, stuffing it in his pocket.
"About three to five weeks, my immune system is crap so it takes a while for it to fight off..."
She looked down to the ground.
"You should go..." he said slowly, sighing and walking away.
Still looking down, she grabbed his coat, making him stop.
"We'll stop your secret from spilling if you stop the rumour with us." She said.
His expression remained blank, but he said, "I've just said that people started to notice, how would you stop it?"
She looked up at him, "you are human. You're quirk isn't always going to be dead strong, if it was then you'd be in the Hero course. That is a reasonable lie, a white lie at least."
"You're got an idea to get rid of the rumour then?"
She nodded, "I can't tell you though, but if you say yourself that you made the rumour up, and that, for some reason, doesn't work, then we have a second plan."
He sighed, and walked away.
She dissolved the pole on the floor, and walked behind him.
"Look, Suki already blackmailed me, so I don't need you to rub salt into my wounds, if that's what you're gonna do.."
"No, I just want to ask you about Yume-" y/n began.
"If it's about how I treated him as kids, I know I was a shit friend, but at that point I was actually filled with a new sense of confidence I hadn't had before, so I had no idea that I wasn't treating him right. Now, I don't want to talk to him, it just feels wrong."
"Kurasshu would you just listen for fucks sake!" She shouted.
She was tired of him interrupting her.
He turned around, a bit surprised.
"Wow, language..." he muttered.
"Just listen! Haven't you noticed that he doesn't argue about doing what you want. He doesn't have a clue how to think by himself and does what you say, no matter how dumb it is! Do you realise what he's feeling!?"
He looked startled, but then said, "you told him that he liked me didn't you..and he said he might do. Why do you think that is? Because he doesn't know how to think for himself! Like you said. He'll go along with what you say, because he considers you a friend, from then on his emotions get twisted, they play up to what he is telling himself to believe. Aito's the only one he knows who makes him feel as if he can think himself, so when he's around him, he can think for himself!"
Her mouth opened, she didn't think he knew anything about him. As if he read her mind he sighed and continued, "I've known him since we were five, so of course I know how his messed up head works."
She nodded slowly, where she walked up the stairs, past him, and turned around one last time.
"You're working with us, okay, with us, not for us and we're not working for you, so we're working together, and after we are helping Yume, because of what you're saying is true, then he is suffering and we have to do something."
With that, she turned around, opened the door and went inside.
Have this crap. I have writers block so this is pretty bad but oh well.
Have a great day/night and merry Christmas/Boxing Day 🎄💫🎊

Word count: 1259

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