Chapter 17~ Support

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Shinsou's POV
Not everything was better, there was still something that I knew I needed to do, and it wasn't going to be easy, but here we were, walking with Yume to the massive autumn tree that Y/n and Suki ate on. It had been a week since he helped me and y/n, since then, he began to do things his own way, very discretely, but every now and then he spoke up for himself in conversation, which made a specific someone smile. Me and y/n had been texting about the two, and we agreed that they were dodging around each others Cupid arrows, all the while firing at each other. If you don't get what I mean, it means that they've both been leaving clues that they have feelings for you each other, even interactions seemed deeper than just friendship.
Yume had received a letter of confession on his desk this morning, and after school he had to meet this secret/not-so-secret-to-literally-anyone-who-had-a-pair-of-eyes someone. He was in disbelief at first, but the more he read the more he realised that this person actually cared for him and had for a while now. We practically had to tape Lasina's mouth shut when she found out who wrote his letter. She'd become part of our weird gang, the crazy fangirl of the group, but she got on well with Haruto and Suki, and y/n seemed to have a weird acquaintance with her, as I heard the two laughing at the back of the class a while ago.
Yume's whole body was shaking as we walked around the school to the tree, and his feet seemed to hate every step he got closer to his unknown admirer. Y/n held his quivering hand with both of hers, as I put an arm round his shoulders.
"I...I don't think I can do this..." he muttered, his head hung low.
"Yume, you have to try, and you'll really hurt h- uh their feelings if you don't show up, c'mon, we believe in you," y/n squeezed his hand.
"But what if it's a joke...?" He began to tear up.
"If it makes you feel better, we know who it is, and we know for a fact that they aren't joking around," I gave him a small smile.
"Really...?" He sniffed.
We both nodded. We reached the corner of the school, and once we walked past this corner, the tree was there. He leaned against the wall, his hands to his chest, trying to calm down.

He was clearly trying to gather himself before he met him. Yes, I knew who was waiting for him, and was surprised he didn't. I huffed and held him by his shoulders, saying "you can do this," and pushing him round the corner, then hiding again next to Shinsou.
He looked back, biting his lip, before turning around and walking to the tree. Me and Shinsou giggled and looked round the corner too. We saw him walk to the tree, and saw Aito come round from behind it. His face was so adorable, I wish I took a picture, but he first was surprised, then his expression lit up as he laughed and jumped onto him, hugging him tight. Shinsou squeezed my hand and I turned around and smiled, then began laughing.
"You're crying Hitoshi!" My mouth opened wide.
He wiped his eyes and shook his head.
"No I'm not!" He sniffed harshly. I leant my head against his shoulder as we watched our friends kiss under the tree, and apparently they were in the tree too.
Haruto, Lasina, Kurasshu and Suki were all sat above them on a branch, clapping and cheering them as Yume buried his head into Aito's jacket, embarrassed. I dragged Shinsou and ran up to them, jumping onto the pair and hugging them, Shinsou joining in.
"Shit, Izumi don't fucking drop me!" We heard Kurasshu shout.
Izumi was helping him get down (he was holding onto her leg like I did) while Lasina helped Haruto climb down.
"Okay okay damn! It's your fault if you let go!" She retorted.

Third Person's POV
As it got dark, the group were still all sat underneath the tree, all talking and looking at the sunset, and the explosions of orange and pink. Lasina had used her alien quirk and played around with the moon, which made the time go faster to show the sun setting.
"We should probably go inside now, we have class tomorrow," Haruto said.
Everyone agreed and went back inside to their dorms, Yume and Aito were going to spend the night in Yume's room, so Shinsou and y/n decided to spend the night in his.
"Can I borrow your shirt again?" Y/n asked, using his comb to brush out her hair and tie it up.
He nodded and threw it to her, he was in black tracksuit bottoms and a tank top anyways so he didn't change. She slipped his shirt over her own tank top, and it came just over her knees, and kept on the pair of black leggings she was wearing outside. Hitoshi was sat on his bed, reading his book while she got changed.
She kicked off her shoes and sat on Shinsou's bed in between his legs, and laid down on his stomach. He was leant against his cushioned bedframe, and started to play with her hair, twirling the strands round his fingers.
He leaned over and planted a sweet kiss onto her forehead, where she pouted.
"Want a kiss here?" He poked her lips.
She nodded shyly.
He lightly grabbed her chin and kissed her lips, before picking his book back up.
She smiled and he pulled a blanket over the pair of them, discarding his book as he wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling into her messily-done hair. She shifted to be beside him.
"Your hair smells sweet," he whispered slyly.
"It's called conditioner, how do you get your hair to stick up?" She asked.
"Shhh~" he placed his fingers over her lips, "secret."
She laughed into his chest and settled.
He woke up in the morning, and saw y/n happily typing away to someone on his phone.
"Who's that?" He yawned, wrapping is arms around her waist and sitting behind her.
"Your friend Izuku! He's so sweet!" She laughed.
He tried to grab his phone, desperate to know what Midoriya had told y/n, but she lifted it up and in front of her, trying to get it away from him. He pulled her down on top of him, where he kissed her sweetly. She got distracted, lowered her hand and kissed back. He broke the kiss, to her disappointment, and plucked the phone out of her hand.
"Mine," he smirked, and poked her nose, "this is mine too,"
Her breath hitched and she went scarlet, before slapping him and falling off of the bed in an attempt to get off. Her legs were still on the bed, but her back was on the floor. Hitoshi looked over the side of the bed, down at her. His shirt she was wearing had rose up to show her bandaged stomach.
She quickly pulled the shirt down and reached her hands up towards him, "help," she laughed.
He sat in between her legs that were propped up on the bed and pulled her up, pecking her nose.
She covered her face with her hair, before freezing and looking at his alarm.
He did too, then looked back at her.
"School!" They both gasped.
Welcome to the end of the book. I've loved writing this, and I hope you all liked it! Thanks for all the support!
Have a lovely New Years Eve! 💫

Wildfire + Puppet

Word Count: 1312

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