Chapter 8~ Call Out

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I can't sleep. I rolled around and fidgeted in my bed, my covers twisting and turning, before eventually getting kicked off by my foot.
I just laid there for a bit.
Why can't I get to sleep?
Now that I think of it, I hadn't been sleeping well for the past week or so. Was it school? Was it the pressure?
No, it's something else.
Maybe it's a person? Maybe I feel lonely...
That's why.
It's all because of Kurasshu and his stupid little gang. I punched my bedpost, my knuckles meeting the wood and sending a sharp pain through my hand.
"F-f-f..." I can't yell, people are asleep. I winced quietly.
I held my hand which was now probably bruised, and decided to go to the kitchen. I'd be alone, it's 11:00.
Once I got to the kitchen, I flicked the light on and the yellow-tinted flash of colour met my exhausted eyes. Opening the fridge, I grabbed a cup of milk and sat down at the table. I sipped lightly at it, the light making my eyes droop.
But I couldn't fall asleep. Thoughts were still shooting through my brain in all directions.
I wanted to talk to Shinsou, so badly. I missed when I felt my heart flutter whenever he did his little light-hearted laugh. I missed when I felt my face light up whenever I saw him walk into class in the mornings, knowing I'd have someone to talk to. I'd only known him for a day or two, and yet I already felt extraordinarily close to the lavender-haired boy.
"Fuck you Kurasshu." I muttered sleepily.
I slowly felt my eyes close, my body gradually became numb.
11:35, I guess that's when I fell asleep.
I stared at her for a while. She looked at drained as I did, her deep eye bags showing the sleepless nights filled with pain and restlessness.
I sat opposite her and reached for her hair. When I stroked it, I felt my mouth smile. She nuzzled into my hand, still fast asleep.
I rubbed her cheek with my thumb.
"I miss you Y/N." I whispered.
"Let's get you to bed."

I turned around, and felt the warmth of my duvet brush against my nose. A bright light shone through my eyelids as I sniffed. I did not want to get out of bed, it was so warm. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, letting the dusty lines of light reach my pupils. The blankets fell from my shoulders. It was so cold!
I groaned again and began coughing. Great, the best time to be sick, but I guess it's my fault for sitting in the cold kitchen.... wait. I was in my dorm... but I remember falling asleep in the kitchen?
"Someone must have carried me back to my dorm.." I whispered.
I picked up my shirt from my desk chair and took off my top. I slipped my arms through the long sleeves, but I gasped because it was even colder than my room.
I whined and put on my blazer.
Once I finished getting dressed, I brushed my hair and packed my books into my bag.
I wonder who carried me back?
I was too shy to ask anyone, I'd become even more clumsy around people because of the anxiety.
Well, whoever it was, they must not be sleeping well either to be awake the same time I was.
Oh well, I'll just try to forget about it.
I sniffed heavily again.
"Thank god I woke up early." I rubbed my eyes again then began coughing. My throat began to itch.
I grabbed my bag and a coat and went to the kitchen. I rummaged through the cupboards for ingredients to make a honey and lemon drink. It doesn't taste the best and I don't really like it that much, but I had no cough syrup so this would have to do. I placed my bag on the table and boiled the kettle, it whistled after a while and I poured the water into the travel mug, then squeezed quite a bit of lemon juice in after. I really don't like the taste of honey on its own so I like to place a bit more lemon in the remedy. I opened the sauces cupboard and eventually found honey. Opening the cutlery draw and picked out a tablespoon, I smelt the warmth of the lemon float around the room, giving it a sweet, citrusy smell. Placing two tablespoons of honey in the mug, I sprinkled a bit of sugar in with it and pulled the lid onto the cup. I grabbed an apple and placed it in my bag, and sipped at my drink, the warm liquid trickling down my throat and soothing it almost instantly.
I walked to class early, I didn't go in the teacher's lounge this morning, I didn't want to bother them. So I sat at my desk, remembering my chat with Nezu.
"Did you get in a fight with Kurasshu and the others?" He asked.
I didn't answer, but nodded after a moment.
"Am I right in thinking that they were the ones who provoked you?"
I nodded again.
"I'm sorry.." I whispered.
"I didn't mean to cut them, my quirk messed up, I-I know I shouldn't have fought them but I just-"
I started crying.
Nezu put his hand on my shoulder.
"I know, I believe you. I don't think you did any of this on purpose."
I sniffed and continued.
"I hadn't used my quirk in a while, so it didn't react right and made glass go everywhere. I think that's why they had cuts on their legs. I didn't mean to do it."
Nezu nodded, looking down at this notebook he had written something down in, then asked the question that I did not want to hear.
"And what happened after Hitoshi helped you?"
I didn't need to think about him right now, and that's what set me off again.
"They're all lying, we didn't do anything like that!" I sobbed into my hands.
"I know you didn't, that's just the rumours. So he helped you with your plasters and then what?"
I was wiping my nose with my sleeve.
"I- we went to the tree, I forgot to do my homework so I was finishing it then."
He wrote this down aswell, flicking the pen against the paper a couple times before nodding and smiling.
"You and Hitoshi's stories match, so I can tell that you are both being truthful, thankyou for your time."
I placed my head in my hands. They were cold, and shaky. Then I realised that I was.
"Ugghh," I groaned, sniffing loudly.
I picked up my bag again and headed for the bathrooms, because without tissues I was sure I couldn't cope in class.
I walked with my head down, my hands stuffed in my pockets. I knew there were people around me, but I couldn't make out any of the words they were saying, it was all muffled.
But I could make out one voice, one above all others, one that sent red creeping up to my cheeks.
I ran, pushing past all the others.
There was no way in hell I was talking to him, not infront of everyone.
But I can't ignore him forever. I tripped my way around a corner and made my pole form in my hands, again for the first time in a while, and tiny glass pieces sprinkled off of my legs, and made a trail as I kept running, down the halls and through to the empty classroom.

Shinsou's POV
I wanted to talk to her about last night, I was sure she'd have woken up really confused as to why she was in her dorm instead of the kitchen. When I saw her in the halls, she looked exhausted. I tried calling out to her, but she froze and ran past me, her staff in her hands.
Running after her, I soon came to realise there was a trail of small, shiny shards laid out on the floor, leading to the frequently vacant classroom. They were too small to see, but I was positioned in the perfect way. The lights above made them sparkle, looking like diamonds. I walked slowly down the hall, knowing that the glass meant something bad was waiting at the other end of the trail.

I'm alive!
I've had this chapter written for a while, but was too scared to post it because I hated it to be truly honest, so me being the picky bitch I am, I rewrote it/very heavily edited it, and I'm still not happy with it.
But it's been too long so here ya go, have this trash.

Wildfire x

Word count: 1484

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