25th ♕

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"I can't do it anymore!" I said, collapsing on the wooden floor. I elevated my legs and placed my heels on a chair. "My legs are dead tired."

"One more before we call it a night, Georgiette. Stop mopping the floor. I can't believe you're even doing that. Get up and we'll do it one more time," Bridge said, as if that were easy. She didn't show any signs of exhaustion.

Taking a deep breath, I forced myself and dusted the ballgown she made me wear. "Okay, just a little more. This will all come to an end."

"You are aware that you'll be doing that all day tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah," I said, nodding. "I'm fully informed that everything we've been doing for this past week is for tomorrow."

"The big day, what else?" said Bridge, throwing me a quick smile. Then turning to Jack, she added, "Jack, please."

Jack offered a hand to me. "Princess?"

"This looks so easy when they do it in movies."

"If it is of any help, stop thinking that this is a dance lesson. Talk about something else. You'll get even more tired if you keep thinking about it," Bridge coached me. She also corrected my slumped posture.

I straightened my back and kept it that way, with all the energy I had left. Taking Bridge's advice, I asked Jack, "Did you like my present? How is she?"

"She's a wonderful companion, Princess. My mother likes her as much as I do. She keeps an eye on her when I'm on duty," Jack answered.

"The kitten you slipped into your bag the other day?" Bridge asked. She was carefully observing if I actually learned something in the dance lesson we'd been having every night.

"I wanted to surprise Jack on his birthday," I told her.

"I was surprised to see a kitten in your bag, Princess. Especially when I thought your bag had been compromised and it was a matter of national security," Jack went on.

"Good thing Cat meowed while I was in the dressing room," I laughed.

"You named the kitten Cat?" Bride asked, disbelievingly.

"My dog's name is Dog," I informed her. "He's the one who will move here to the palace after the coronation. The same one you have approved of."

"When the coronation is over. We've got so many things to do right now," she answered. "Smile. Even when you're talking, keep a smile on your face."

"I'm trying," I said between clenched teeth.

"Whatever method you use, just as long as it looks like you are smiling," Bridge said, opening her planner and writing something on it. "When we're done, take a rest and look pleasant tomorrow morning."

I glanced at Jack's watch. "It's only seven."

"You would need an ample amount of time to sleep, Princess," Jack told me.

"Sleep sounds nice."

Someone knocked on the door, and we all turned around. After a while, a girl stepped inside the ballroom. It was Love, who saw what she had interrupted and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry. They told me you were done with your practice."

"Unfortunately not," I replied. We didn't get the chance to talk after my suspension had been lifted. I still had to thank her for what she did, despite the current status of our own relationship.

"Maybe I'll just come back some other time," Love said, looking apologetic.

"There's no need for that. We'll be done in ten minutes. You can stay," Bridge said to her.

Love smiled, closing the door behind her and leaning against the wall. "Then I'll just wait here."

We resumed our dance lessons. Bridge turned on the music again, before tucking the remote to the pocket of her coat. Nobody watched me practice before, and I felt rattled all of a sudden.

Bridge had noticed this, and said in a low voice, "That's just one audience and you're fretting."

"This made me even more nervous for tomorrow."

"Try to relax. You're doing great, Georgiette," Bridge said to me. Thanks to Love's presence, I momentarily forgot how exhausted I was feeling. I focused on not making a fool of myself instead.

When our practice had ended, Bridge dismissed me and headed to another meeting. I took off my heels and bare-footedly walked over to Love. I used to glare at her a lot or just ignore her. She used to do the same thing. And now, we weren't doing that and it was really annoying how stupid it was making me feel.

When no one was saying anything, I said, "Thanks for what you did."

"I told you, I was on your side this time." Love rolled her eyes. "You didn't believe me."

"Gee... you really have to roll your eyes?"

"I'm used to it," she admitted sheepishly. "Growing up is the culprit mostly."

"You can also thank your chosen group of friends," I added.

She fiddled with her nails. "I barely heard from them since graduation."

"That was fast."

"Except for Lilian. She calls sometimes. In fact, she'll be home tomorrow to watch your coronation," Love told me.


"We'll be coming together. She wants to congratulate you personally."

"She didn't have to, but I appreciate it."

"So... congratulations?" Love said after a while, offering a hug.

"Thanks." I took her up on her offer and hugged her back. I never thought I'd be doing this again. But I also never dreamed of becoming a princess, and here I was.

After pulling back, she extended her hand. "Friends?"

"I don't think this is a good idea." I faltered.

Love didn't believe me for a minute and took my hand in hers. "Let's try again."

"You would insist this anyway, even if I would say no."

The lines on her face eased. "I'm just glad that the past is behind us now. I'm really sorry for everything I did to you in high school. And for that Robin thing. Did you hear that he was hospitalized?"

"Pete told me about it."

"It's just a minor accident," she said. With a complaining tone, she added, I'm so ashamed to admit that I lost my best friend because of that asshole. When I look at him now, I seriously have no idea what we even liked about him."

"I think it's the hair. We thought it was cool," I filled her in.

Love laughed. "But I'm happy for you. You've found a great guy, and he's in love with you in every way. I tried talking him out of it, you know? Told him stories when we were young and how you liked wiping snot with the edge of your shirt. And when your shirt wasn't enough, you'd wipe it with anything you'd get your hands on."

"Okay," I said slowly, "I take it back. Let's stop being friends again."

"Just kidding." Love liked her arm with mine.

"Why are you acting all friendly with me now?" I said, pretending to remove my arm that was linked with hers.

"Get over it. I've always been clingy. Come on, I'll walk you up to your room. You better get some sleep. I didn't give up my chance on being the next princess for someone who would look like a zombie during her own coronation day," Love said, dragging me along.

"It's coming back. I'm feeling tired again. I don't know how Bridge stands it. She doesn't even slouch. And to think that she's been with me since all of this had started again," I said, gathering up my ballgown. They made me wear it as part of the rehearsal.

"Take note. She's all over the places even before that. She managed my life while I was saving your seat," Love added.

"I'll send her to the moon after this is all over. There, nobody would disturb her or make her do things. Or let her find anything to do."

"She loves what she does. It's her passion," Love pointed out.

"I guess that's that," I agreed. "How about you? What are you doing with your life now? You seem to have so much free time on your hands that you still have the time to join the search and pester me."

"Oh, please. I didn't join the search for you. Don't flatter yourself. I actually did it so that Robin would be pissed off with me. But after hearing that you won and you were having trouble, I did you a favor. Admit it, you're indebted to me."

"All right. I'm grateful. But that's just calling it quits for what happened before," I said to her.

"Fine. That would work."

We laughed.

"I'll be going on a backpacking trip starting tomorrow. I'm taking a year off from school," she said.

"Sounds fun."

"I'll tell you about it. Send you postcards. You'll hear every detail you'll wish we didn't make up."

"If you ask me again what to wear every single time you go out, I'm warning you, I'll be handing the phone to Lenora's assistants," I said, as we arrived to my room. "But have fun with your trip. I'll probably be all over the places tomorrow, and I won't be able to see you off."

"I bet. You will be wearing a crown and all that."

"Why is that so true?" I said with a laugh.

"I had a glimpse of how your life would be from now on. Honestly, you were the last person I thought who would be the next princess. But I know you'll be able to handle it well. You've got the guts."

"And lacked everything else," I finished.

"With a lot of help, you'll adjust to this new life just fine. I can't wait to see the princess you will be, George," she said.

I took a deep breath. "Talking about this makes me nervous."

"You'll be all right. I'll be heading home, because I still need to pack. I'll see you tomorrow," Love said, giving my hands a light squeeze.

"I'll be the one goofing around," I replied, waving goodbye.

"With a tiara. I'll be on a lookout," she said, before heading her way.

When she was at a distance, I said to Jack, "Who would have thought we'd be talking again?"

"Forgiveness makes it possible to say hello to a person who have once done you wrong," Jack replied.

"You should go home, too," I said to him. "We have a very long day ahead."

Jack bowed his head. "I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night, Princess."

"You too," I replied, opening the door of my room.

Turning on the lights, I looked around. This was where I was going to live from this day on. My dad had called last night. He said that it was as if I had gone to college and I was living in a boarding house.

Only my room was part of Winterlace Palace.

He also added that his business opening would be soon, and I had to come with Art. Roger and Mom no. 1 would also be there with the twins. It was nice seeing things come together. The things that were once broken started to find ways to be whole.

I put down my heels on the shoe rack. Locking the door, I slipped out of the ballgown and into an oversized shirt and pajamas. Lenora placed nightgowns in my closet, telling me to use it when I liked it. Occurrences were close to none.

As I was about to go straight to bed after brushing my teeth, a knock came on the door. I was so close to shutting my eyes and calling it a day. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Art, seeing that I didn't respond to his last message for hours now. I didn't even know where my phone was located. It must be buried underneath the ballgown crumpled on the right side of my room.

But Art was as busy as I was. Bridge told me he would be home even later, since he had a meeting outside. Who could this be?

Putting on my slippers again, I grudgingly opened the door. I was surprised to see who was my sudden visitor. It was Diana Davidson, aka flyer lady.

"Were you about to sleep?" Diana sweetly asked, holding something in her hands. "Can I come in?"

"Sure," I said, making way.

"We've missed you at dinner. Bridge told us you might have gone straight to bed. You must have been exhausted." She headed for the bed and placed what she was holding on it. She took a seat and asked me to come closer.

I stepped forward. "Why do you want to see me?"

"I want to show you something," Diana said.

"What is it?" I got curious. From the looks of the velvet box, it must be something important.

She opened the box and what was inside was shining in so many beautiful ways. It was a tiara. I remembered that she wanted me to see my tiara before the coronation. I had dismissed the thought before, thinking I wouldn't even be here by that time.

But I was.

"It's the most beautiful thing I've seen," I gushed, kneeling beside my bed to have a closer look at it. "Is this the one you've talked about before? The one you wanted me to see?"

"The one and only. I've been working on this ever since you won the search. This will be your tiara tomorrow, Georgiette," Diana said, pleased with my reaction. She moved the box closer to me, pointing to the gemstones. "The inspiration was your answer during your interview. Those are emeralds. It symbolizes life and springtime. "

I stared at the large central emerald, seeing my eyes reflected in it. The smaller ones were carefully placed across the entire length of the tiara, and they looked as if they were buds waiting to grow.

"Life," I said in a low voice, understanding what she meant.

"Do you remember it now?" Diana asked me.

"Yes," I said, wanting to touch the tiara, but refrained from doing so. "This is amazing. How did you come up with this beautiful thing with what I said during the interview?"

"You can touch it. It's yours," said Diana.

"I'm afraid it will break."

"Just because it's beautiful doesn't mean it's fragile. It could be beautiful, graceful, and strong," Diana explained.

"I have no words, really. I can't believe I will be wearing something so elegant," I replied, tracing the edges. "All of this feels like a dream."

"Are you ready for it? Are you ready to live this dream?" Diana asked me.

"A part of me is. Another lives in doubt that I won't be able to fulfill this role."

"I want you to know that this beautiful ornament is more than a piece of jewelry. That when you finally put this on, you have to be committed to the duties it will ask of you. Your will, your thoughts, they won't be solely yours anymore. You will place the citizens' wishes before your own. They will be your greatest concern. This isn't you trying to find a way to live. This will be you living for them, seeking to fulfill their wishes, and doing what's best for them. This is what being a royalty is about."

I gave it a thought. "A task that is greater than me."

"You take it one day at a time, Georgiette. Nobody expects you to learn it all in a day. Tomorrow is the start. You just have to know what your life will be like from now on."

Placing a hand over my heart, I said, "I like the sound of it. To serve these people for the rest of my life. To know their thoughts and be their voice. It sounds like a meaningful way to live."

Diana smiled at me. "That's great to hear. From today on, you will represent the people. You will be someone they will look up to. Everything you do will be a reflection of the royal family and of your land. This dream will turn into reality in a matter of hours. Make sure that when it does, you're wide awake and prepared."


Dear Georgiette,

Let me return your letter from before. In the silence of the four walls that accompanies you before we will tell you that the car is ready and the people await you, you may find this letter as an amiable companion.

As you're waiting in that room, dressed up and polished, a million thoughts must be running in your head. I know you're afraid. I know you don't think you're ever going to be ready. I know how you tremble at the mention of this day.

It's okay to feel that way. Nobody has ever been ready for a day like this. Not the Crown Princess Elaine. Not the Queen herself. Not all the princesses before them.

I've been involved with the palace for a long time now. I've read journals. I've heard stories. I might have not ended up in a place like yours, but trust me, what you're feeling is normal.

For now, take deep breaths. There. See? You're doing great.

And yes, we will soon call you and it's probably taking us time, seeing that you're still reading this letter. Take a moment to appreciate your dress. You're young and have so much personality, so we all settled for that light yellow ball gown. The Queen personally picked the beaded design, saying that it would look nice on you.

About the baskets of roses placed around your room, you might have guessed where those came from. Or who sent them. That is not a tradition, nor part of any protocol. He insisted and arranged for the red and white roses to be delivered to your room first thing when you woke up. Go ahead. Nobody's watching. Smell the roses. Maybe when you try smelling them, you'll finally understand why he insists on giving you flowers.

I used to say that if someone would give me a thousand roses, I would marry that guy. It's a sign of love, Georgiette. Let me solve the mystery for you. And don't count the roses. You don't have time for that. He personally confirmed that it would be a thousand, and yes, you would marry him someday.

He picked you, and you have chosen to be with him. I couldn't be any happier with how things worked out. I once let go of things you're holding on to now. And for that, I'm proud of you.

There's just one thing I want you to keep in mind:

Every girl has a tiara, her own shining moment, that bright light, and all she needs to see is that she's worth it. Or else, it won't mean a thing.

By now, I really hope we're calling for you. We can't afford to be behind schedule.

As always,



The door of my room opened, and I saw Bridge smiling at me. She was wearing an elegant navy blue evening dress. Her hair was tied up in a neat bun and completed with a pearl hair piece. She looked so beautiful—earpiece, planner, retractable pen, and all.

"It's time," Bridge told me.

"And I'm ready to go." I stood up, slipping my feet into a stunning pair of white lace heels. Dusting my ball gown and straightening the tulle skirt, I stretched my arms and loosened my tensed shoulders.

"There'll be no helping this. I should come in terms with the fact that you'll be doing things your way. When did I start creating this illusion that you'd be holding a fan and hide a bashful smile behind it?" Bridge observed.

"By now, Triavia is fully informed that I'm never going to be that person."

"Truly," Bridge agreed. "Nervous?"

"Enough to throw up, yes," I replied, taking a deep breath.

Jack was waiting outside my room. He was also wearing a fine suit and a tie, and a boutonniere was pinned to the lapel of his tuxedo. As for the new pair of sunglasses that Art bought him for his birthday, that one stayed in place.

"You look very nice," I said to him.

"Thank you, Princess. And you look lovely. Shall we go?" Jack asked.

I nodded.

"Let's go. You'll feel better when you see how many people are waiting for you," Bridge, who was walking by my side, said to me.

"I'm not sure how that will make things better," I said quietly, as we were approaching the stairs.

"You'll see," Bridge replied.

When we turned at the end of the hall, I saw someone tuning up his smile while looking at us. Or at me. He was clearly checking me out, while carrying that mischievous smile on his lips.

I turned my gaze away, laughing to myself.

And the first thing he did when we were standing in front of each other, without so much as a warning, he pulled me by the waist and placed a kiss on my lips. Everyone else around us turned their heads away, flustered.

"Her lipstick," I heard Lisbeth mumble behind me. Lenora's assistants would accompany me all day, doing what they did best.

Jen hushed her in an equally suppressed voice, "Shut up. It's such a perfect moment. They're so in love."

"You are so beautiful," Art said to me, staring in my eyes.

"Thanks," I said, my heart racing.

Bridge cleared her throat. "So are you two done yet?"

"Oh, just wondering why we're not dying of mortification or anything, with all of you looking at us like that," I replied, placing my hand on Art's arm.

Everyone laughed.

"Then let's get going," Bridge continued, leading the way.

I turned my gaze to Art, adoring his royal suit. It was a black suit, with a red sash and badge. The pants were of the same color as the suit. I touched the fancy shoulderpiece. "What is this called?"

Art replied, "Epaullete."

I nodded. "Your outfit is even more complicated than mine. It looks nice on you."

"I see," Art said thoughtfully. "Does this mean you've finally been smitten by my charm?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Looks like it. Or I wouldn't be here."

"Is this you conceding?" Art asked, surprised.

The front door of the palace opened, and the sunlight came in together with the cheers coming from the crowd outside. Before we took a step forward, I told him, "I'm happy to be here."

"I can't exactly hear you." Art leaned down, shaking his head.

The crowd's cheers intensified. I whispered in his ear, "I love you. Thanks for the flowers."

Art smiled this time. "What did you say again?"

I pinched his arm. "Let's move. They're waiting."

"Bummer. I wanted to hear it again," he replied, leading me outside the palace.

When the people saw us, the response was overwhelming. They were saying our names and how much they loved us. I couldn't properly make out the rest of what they were all saying, but I knew what they meant when I looked at their faces and saw the smiles. Tears. It was incomprehensible why they felt this way, but Bridge told me that I should just accept their love and find ways to give it back to them.

Even inside the car, I could still hear their cheers. Camera flashes were everywhere. But this was my life now, and I had to accept all the things that came along with it.


The coronation ceremony was held at the Royal Assembly Hall. It was a short trip from Winterlace Palace, and the streets were filled with people on both sides. True enough, everyone was waiting to see a glimpse of me. The footbridges and high-rise buildings were a massive hit.

The royal band set the uplifting mood, and the people waved our flag when we passed. I asked Jack if I could roll down the window. It was clear that Jack wanted to disagree, but he could see that I really wanted to do it. After making several briefings with the other security personnel using his radio, he finally gave me permission.

Of course, this surprised our audience. The cheers grew louder and louder as Art and I waved. This made me smile. The looks on their faces were impossible to forget.

The sun was up high in the sky, and it was truly a lovely day. I gave myself a time to breathe and take in the moment. This was where my worn-out pair of sneakers had taken me. But no matter where I went, I wouldn't lose sight of who I was before. Life was vast. From time to time, I had to wear a different pair of shoes to another, but those worn-out sneakers would always be my favorite. Because in every way, it was me. It would always be me.

Art got out of the car first when we arrived at the place, offering a hand to me. I looked down at my heels, and then tightened the white laces in place. It didn't escape my eyes that the pumps Lenora made me wear were patterned to sneakers. Taking Art's hand, I went out and took one last deep breath as they prepared us for the red carpet walk.

They decorated the Royal Assembly Hall in the same hue of the dress I was wearing. There were live broadcasts shown at Central Park and in a viewing place near the Royal Assembly Hall. Inside the waiting room, we also had a huge screen, which showed what was happening in the hall.

"We're all gathered here to witness the coronation of Triavia's youngest princess," the Prime Minister, who was standing behind the podium, started with the ceremony.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" Art asked, placing a hand on mine.

I tightened my grip on his arm. "Yes. Just nervous."

"You're doing well. During my coronation, I couldn't even walk," Art told me.

"That's interesting. I'll ask Bridge for a recording of the event."

"And we're going in one, two," Bridge called our attention, motioning the guards to open the doors, "...three."

When the doors opened, I saw that the hall was filled with dignitaries and representatives. The King and Queen were standing on the stage, together with Crown Prince William and Crown Princess Elaine.

Among the ones I'd personally invited were my family, who were seated up front—all of them, including my long lost grandmother. I also invited the new friends I'd made in my Architecture class.

As we were walking to the stage, I spotted Love with Lilian. Beside them, I reckoned that they were Art's cousins. He told me that they would be sitting beside Love. They were daughters of the King's older brother, who had forfeited his title years ago. The eldest daughter was about Prince William's age. Art said the older one's name was Micaela, and the man beside her was her fiancé. The younger one was an exact copy of her sister. She was Art's age, and her name was Katharine. They flew all the way here for the coronation event.

Oh, and as expected, Bridge was surprised to see that her seat was beside Jim Heisz', who came upon Art's invitation.

We reached the end of the red carpet before we'd realized it. My heart started to pick up its rhythm again as we went up the stage. Art led me to the center, giving my hand one tight squeeze before taking his place beside Prince William.

As we did on our rehearsal, upon cue, I kneeled on the cushion.

The King was handed the tiara, and he walked over to me. "It is my great honor to bestow upon you this royal crown, which signifies strength, wisdom, and grace. May you live your life protecting and serving the people with all of your heart. And with the power vested in me, I shall proclaim and crown thee, Georgiette Elise McAlden, Princess of Triavia."

My hands were trembling when the King placed the tiara on my head. I concentrated on keeping still and finishing the ceremony without falling unconscious. Slowly getting up on my feet, I slightly bowed my head and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Everyone started clapping their hands.

"Now go ahead and say hello to the people," the King told me, pointing to the empty podium. Then he went back to his chair, and everyone took their seats.

I walked over, recalling the speech I'd been practicing. The nervousness I felt was incomparable to any, and I was afraid that my mind would black out. When I reached the podium, I saw that Bridge had placed my speech outline there. I held the piece of paper as if it was my lifeline.

When I faced the audience, I saw the anticipation in their eyes. I moved closer to the mic, and then tested if it worked, which created a feedback and reverberated across the entire hall. "I—uh, sorry. That wasn't part of the plan."

Adjusting their ears, the audience laughed.

"Okay. First of all, I want to say thank you for entrusting me with this position. I will do everything I can to fulfill all of my duties as a princess," I started, subtly pulling the hem of my dress that got stuck to the bottom of the podium. "You must all be wondering what I'm doing. Sorry, my dress got stuck. I can't move. Oh, there it goes."

My audience was delighted with this. At least they were laughing. This relaxed my mind.

"I've always thought that I'd look hideous wearing a dress, so I never wore them. I looked at it with so much disgust, always proclaiming that I didn't like it. But then, during this search, I realized that maybe it wasn't the dress that I hated. What I hated was me looking weird while wearing it. So all along, I was directing my repulsiveness to the dress. When all along, what I really hated was myself," I paused, glancing at the camera. Then going back to my speech, I went on, "Looking at it deeper, yes, because this speech was really about dresses..."

The audience laughed again.

When they were finished, I carried on, "I disliked standing out. I hated doing things that would make people look at me. I was terrified that if they saw me, they'd remind me of who I was. One look. One judgment. Sometimes, these simple things we did could have a huge impact on others. I was afraid of getting recognized, because then, I feared that they would reject me after.

Aren't we all afraid of rejection? And like human instinct, our response to rejection is to put our defenses up, retaliating whatever harm comes our way. But in being afraid and always hiding in our comfort zone, we'd never get the chance to see what we could have become.

The first step to accepting ourselves is to know who we are. To know what we can and cannot do. To do the things we couldn't and see if we could. It's always about finding ways to discover more of you, on a personal level. Always leave room for possibilities. Let life surprise you. Because surely, mine did.

As you all know, I first came to the palace because I needed a job. I had to find means to earn money, in order for my mom and I to live. And even if my original intentions weren't preferable, this place had taught me a lot of things.

From the girl who was so eager to have a means to make it through the next day, the palace had taught me that what I wanted was an easy escape. An uncomplicated solution. All along, I wasn't paying attention to the real problem. Eventually, I learned how to deal with my shortcomings and insecurities. I've learned how to embrace who I am, ready to be judged for it, but never to lose sight of it.

I met a lot of inspiring people during my training. Not only did they teach me how to deliver a speech like this, walk properly all the time, or even how to dance for the ball later tonight, they also imparted to me life lessons. Most of them, they experienced themselves.

I went back to the palace because I finally wanted to wear this tiara. To be an inspiration for all the other girls who are struggling like me. Because I know I'm not the only one who is going through this. I'm not the only one who thinks she'll never be worth more than an ugly duckling.

One by one, let us eliminate our fears and insecurities. It doesn't have to happen right away. Let's make it our day to day battle. All we have to do is fight with all we have.

And wherever you are, I've found out that you have to learn to love where you're at. It's probably the last place in the world where you imagined to be. But you're here, right now. Take the opportunity to use that time well. Open yourself to chances. You have to hear what life has been saying to you. Let go and let it lead you to where it will take you.

If by the end, you still don't like where you are, then find the road back. But if like me, you realized that you are already in love with where the path has taken you, then take the time to say thank you to those people who helped you get there.

So now, I'm taking this opportunity to thank everyone who have helped me. I wouldn't have been this person if it wasn't for them. My earliest and fondest memory of the royalties was when Queen Elicia uncessantly volunteered after a tragic earthquake hit us seven years ago. I remembered watching the TV in a friend's house and admiring her. From then on, she has become someone I looked up to. Your Majesty, thank you for being an inspiration to all of us.

My parents, both sets. They taught me how complicated life could be. But it doesn't necessarily mean I have to give up. They're the ones who have taught me how to be strong. And to my mom, thank you for selflessness and for raising me up like your own child.

I would also like to mention Bridge, my secretary. She helped me in so many ways. I couldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for her. My personal bodyguard, who I think should consider writing a book about life, because he know so many things about it. Lenora and her assistants, for their endless patience and for always believing in me. My best friend, Pete, for cheering me on despite everything. There's more to the list of the people who have helped me. An old friend who helped me behind the scenes. Thank you so much, everyone.

But most of all, I would like to thank Prince Art. Thank you for loving me so much I've also learned how to love myself.

These scars of mine, they will never go. And now I'm letting the world see it. Yes, I have scars. Yes, I'm imperfect. But having scars means that you have been healed.

It's not easy being a princess. I'm hardly ready for anything. But you've got to trust yourself that you can pull this off. And with that set of mind, I'll do everything I can.

You keep an eye on your own dreams, work hard for it, and expect miracles here and there. These things have brought me to where I am now. And with these things, I hope that you also find the place where you belong. Thank you and have a great day."

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