Chapter 10

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"What about your family?" she asked him immediately.

"Parents. And a brother who is two years elder to me," he said. Thinking that he was done, he kept quiet. But then he saw her wait expecting for more. "That's it," he shrugged his shoulders.

"Really? Okay."

Gosh! I seem so boring, even to myself. He thought as his smile disappeared feeling awkward.

"Trust me, I'm not this boring if I had alcohol in my system," he suddenly said.

"Ooh!" her eyes lit up.

"I have my question," she took in a fast breath before she said, "What's your favorite drink?"

"Ha!" he gave out a laugh, "That's simple. Beer."

"Really? Me too! Nothing gets me like some good old beer. I'm very classic that way," she nodded confirming her own statement. But then without any warning, she stopped.

"Wait!" she raised a hand and let it suspend in the air. She had stopped walking. Her eyes wide, ears sharp and a stern pose, she was on high alert mode. He watched her carefully.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear-"his voice came out all squeaky. Immediately, he cleared his throat.

He saw her smile at this as he said, "Hear what?"

This time his voice came out barely as a whisper. She said, "I heard the laugh again."

He could see hat she was very serious as she took slow steps down the street. He tried to match her steps, listening intently to hear what she could. Then he saw her smile slightly. A smile made way into his face as he said, "You are bluffing, aren't you?"

Before she could answer, he heard it. The voice of a woman. Very faint, but it was there.

"Shit!" he mouthed to her.

"I know!" she mouthed back.

No one could be seen in near vicinity. Rarely 2-3 human beings were seen in the past hour.

What creature could it be? He thought.

She took the lead and he followed her. The voice kept on getting clearer with each step. And then she stopped near an alleyway. Immediately she stood against the building, hiding form the alley. He imitated her actions, standing next to her. Then she started peeping into the alleyway.

He watched her for a minute and then tapped her shoulder. Without looking back at him, she shook her hand in the air. He stared at the hand and then tapped her shoulder again. She kept shaking her hand, asking him to wait.

"What is it?" he whispered, losing his patience.

Suddenly she turned to him, placed her finger on her lips and gestured him to be quiet.

Then she mouthed some word to him. But it was too dark there for him to see.

"What?" he whispered again.

She moved in closer, pulled his ear and whispered, "Two of them are doing it in there."

She moved back and saw him look at her with very blank eyes. And then she saw the change in his expression as realization hit him.


She nodded her head.

"'IT' it?"

She nodded again showing all her teeth. Immediately she returned to spying on them.


His eyes were still bulged with surprise. He couldn't believe it.

"Why are they doing it in an alleyway? And why are you watching?!"

He tapped her shoulder. As she turned, she said, "I don't know. Maybe hotels are expensive here. Oh man, they are full-on going at it!"

She turned her attention to the alleyway again.

He bent forward, towering over her as he followed the moans and peeped into the alleyway himself. Then his eyes turned wide and he said," Let's leave now!"

"Don't be such a wuss! I want to scare them!"

He caught her hand and started pulling her away. He said, "Let's leave, you pervert!"

"Just a second!" she whisper-yelled at him. Then she bent down, took a rock and threw it into the alley. The moans stopped at once.

"Shit! Run," he grabbed her arm and ran out of fear for his life, occasionally turning back to see if they were being followed.

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