The End (Re-Write)

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So I know others were disappointed with the ending so here's a rewrite of it. Hope you enjoy. Also take this as a celebration for 1.6K views! Thank you all so much and enjoy this possible horrible rewrite.


Garroth and Blaze had now been dating for a few years. Everyone had made it back from Starlight Wonderland safe and sound, a bonus being that the Ultima was never found so the Lycan's are still safe.

Blaze had a plan tho. Tonight was going to be his night to finally propose. "Hey Gar Gar." Blaze called Garroth.

"Ya Blazey?" Garroth responded. Ever since they got together, they couldn't be taken apart. So they bought a house in the neighborhood and lived with each other.

"Can we go on another date tonight~?" The red head wrapped his arms around his beautiful, tiny, boyfriend.

Garroth's ears lowered as his other werewolf lover rested his head on top of his. "Of course~!" Garroth pecked a kiss on his cheek and went back to doing what he was doing before. Dishes. He was washing dishes.

                                                                      ~Time skip to the date~

Blaze had driven them to a nice little restaurant that was basically for werewolves. "I'd like the La steak tartare." Garroth told the waiter.

"I'll take the Le porc." Blaze also told him.

After the dinner (ten extra Zane points if you can guess what the meals are.) Blaze took them to the Passion Carnival, held on top of Lovers Peak.

Blaze took Garroth onto the small Ferris Wheel as the last ride of the day before Romance Sunset. Conveniently they stopped at the top and saw the sun getting lower and lower, Blaze could see the couples getting ready.

They got off the rid and Garroth took out a picnic basket that had a few drinks and a cookie or two. Inside the basket was also a blanket which he set out. The two werewolves sat down on the blanket and watched the sun set in the distance.

'Now's my chance!'

The red headed werewolf looked over at his blonde werewolf lover. He turned to him fully. "Garroth." Blaze said in a serious yet soft tone.

"Hm?" Garroth turned, amazement still seen in his eyes.

"I'd like to.." Blaze paused and got on one knee instead. "Would" He asked, pulling out a ring, Garroth's size, with a little paw print on it. It glowed a beautiful blue. The sun shined and reflected off Blaze's different colored eyes.

Garroth looked at the ring, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. He reached his hand to his mouth, but not covering it. A giant smile formed and Garroth jumped on Blaze. "YES YES YES!" Tears of happiness flowed down his cheeks.

Blaze hugged Garroth, happy he said yes. Other couples around were whispering among each other, they looked happy or proud of the two. "For a second I thought you were going to say no." Blaze laughed and kissed Garroth on the lips quickly.

The two sat up, Blaze put the ring on Garroth. The two kissed, this lasting longer then the last one.

You could hear couples saying 'aww' around them.

                                                           ~Time skip to a few weeks later~

The two stood at the alter, looking lovingly into each others eyes. They had already said their 'I do' s. "I now propose you, husband and....husband?? You may now kiss the...groom??" The priest chuckled a little at the confusion. (the wiki gave me priest so I'm going with that).

Garroth jumped up and kissed Blaze. You can practically hear Kawaii~Chan scream from the other room.

After the whole thing and everyone was hanging out, many approached Garroth and Blaze. Saying things like, 'Congratulations!' or even asking questions like, 'How did you two meet?'

After a while. Blaze and Garroth finally got their alone time. "I love you Blazey~" Garroth cuddled into his husbands chest. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"I love you too Gar~" Blaze wrapped his new husband. This day has really sparked something brand new and special for the both of them. Something they only experienced with each other and now get to feel it for as long as they live.


Crap ending. I know. HOPE YOU LIKED IT. Sorry it's not long, I tried bro. I've never tried to describe weddings *\_'v'_/* lel anyway I gotta prepare my ears for fangirls. TRY NOT TO SCREAM CHALLENGE.

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