Get Out!-Klaine

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Tw:Swearing,threats,homophobic language,and violence. Set during season three.
"Hey Kurt?!" My dad yells to me from the other side of the shop.

"Yeah?" I yell back as he starts to come into view.

"Okay so listen it's starting to get really busy here and I know you have that date with Blaine tonight but I really need your help. So I'm willing to let you invite Blaine down here and you two can work on cars together and he can,god I can't believe I'm agreeing to this but he can sleep over and tomorrow you can have the day off and can hang out with Blaine."

I sit up straight excitedly "really?!"

"Yes really, but hey you gotta promise you won't get distracted by Blaine kay. You're still on the clock kid."

"I don't get distracted by him but thank you dad! I texted him and he said he'll be here in an hour!"

My dad nods while walking back to the car he's working on as do I,out of the corner of my eye though I see one of my dad's employees,Benny,give me a dirty look. Great, he heard I think to myself while getting back to working on the Honda that needs new tires,oil change,brake fluid,a new ac system,and new brakes.

Now you're probably wondering why Benny would do that,well see to simply put it he's homophobic. For the past months since he's started working at the shop he would shove,drop things on me,and even threaten me. I never told my dad because I don't want him stressing out,and I didn't even think of telling Finn because then he would tell both my dad and Blaine and that would mean I would be watched 24/7.

Hopefully this day goes by with nothing happening.

I sigh as I put the last tire on the car and check the clock on the wall. I get excited as I realize Blaine should be here any minute! I turn around to get the sticker,a system for marking finished cars,I'm brought into a pair of strong arms.

I start to freak out but then I realize it's Blaine who's holding me. "Blaine!" I exclaimed excitedly while giggling a bit. He kisses my head lightly while I brush a loose curl out of his face.

"Hi honey how-"

"Anderson, you have five seconds to get to work before I rethink this entire decision!" My dad yells at Blaine cutting him off.

"Yes sir!" Blaine yells back while saluting to my dad jokingly. I hear my dad laugh a bit as he double checks my work on the Honda. After my dad approves he gives us a car to work on together.

Me and Blaine start to get to work on a Suberu when Benny comes by. "Hey Kurt I'm sorry but your friend can't be back here."

"Oh my dad cleared it already and Blaines been building cars since he was fourteen. He's just here as an extra hand I won't have him do anything of the extreme stuff." I explain to Benny

"Yeah but you kn-"

I cut him off. "You know when Finn's friends and his girlfriend are back here I've never heard you say anything but I mean you could always go talk to my dad I'm sure he'd love to talk to you about this."

"Forget it fag." I freeze after hearing him call me that tears already forming in the back of my eyes.

"Hey it's okay just ignore him, he's an idiot." Blaine says while rubbing my back. I nod a bit and we get back to work.

Throughout the day Benny became more hostile towards me especially,especially when Blaine wasn't around as he soon figured out Blaine wasn't afraid to stick up for us.

"Better hope I don't drop the car lift on you or better yet on your boyfriend" that was the final straw I was done with his threats.

"DAAAAAAD! I screamed at the top of my lungs drawing the attention of a few other employees,Finn being one of them.

"EVERYONE STOP WHAT THERE DOING!" My dad screams at the top of his lungs.

"DAAAA-" I go to scream again but someone holds me back and covers my mouth.

"Shut it fag" He starts to clench his hands around my throat. I see Blaine trying to get him to let me go as my dad comes rushing over.

"Kurt budd- HEY GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SON!" My dad runs over and prys his hands off of my neck. I'm brought into a bone crushing hug from him. "Shhh you're alright Kurt I got you."

I see Benny start to lunge at Blaine but my dad puts his arm out in front of Blaine,which Blaine starts to cling to. "YOU WILL NOT HARM MY BOYS! GET OUT OF MY SHOP!"

"You realize your kids a fag right?! A filthy fag!" I start to cry and Finn starts to go at Benny.

"Finn stop take your brother and Blaine to the back and stay there!" I'm suddenly brought into both Finns and Blaine's arms,how they're both holding me at the same time I don't know. I hear my dad yelling at Benny.


"Yeah I don't-"

Through the window I see my dad lunge at Benny and hold him by his shirt. "I said NOW!" He pushes Benny away.

Benny starts to head towards the door but stops and turns around like he's about to say something.

"I will call the police!" My dad shouts at him

That gets him to finally leave, my dad turns around to face all of the other employees. "Anyone else got a problem with my kid can get the hell out now!" No one moved. "Good back to work everyone!"

I see my dad start to head towards the back room and me,Finn,and Blaine all back away from the window to make it look like we weren't just listening.

My dad walks in and looks at all three of us. "You three are horrible at looking busy, you know?" He says to us with an eyebrow raised. "Finn back to work. I wanna talk to Kurt and Blaine. Hey if anything happens you come in here immediately. Got it?"

"Yes" Finn says while nodding his head. He exits the room and my dad turns to the two of us.

He opens his arms wide "come here you two.'' We both are brought into my dad's arms. I can feel the worry my dad is feeling.

"God I'm so sorry you two he's never coming back here again okay?"

We both mumble out a teary okay even though there's still more to talk about it's nice knowing my dad has my back.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too kid, you too Blaine I love you both" he says while squeezing us a bit tighter.

Please please let me know what you think I hope you liked it! Also any tips on how to improve my writing are appreciated!

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