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Jaxon's P.O.V.

I ran through the alleys of Gigabyte City with a very important item for the GTF a Power Core. "Ladybug it's Cat what's your 420," Cat said through my comm. "I got the item the GTF wants but an entire squadron of Antiviruses are on my ass," I said. "Don't worry i'm sending in the Bee-g guns," Cat said "Get it,". "Yes," I said emotionless. "COMPUTER CRASH!" I heard Bee yell. Bee's stingers hit an Antivirus freezing him. "Thank you Bee's Glitch Power," I said. I hopped to the top of the building next to me and found Bee in her suit. "Thanks Bee," I said. "No prob Ladybug. Now do you have the Power Core?" Bee said. "Yep," I said. "Great now let's get back to HQ," Bee said. We ran across the rooftops but the Antiviruses started chasing us. "Um I think we might need a Pop-Up right about now," I said. "I already got Fox on the line," Bee said. "POP-UP!" Fox yelled. A giant hot-air balloon rose from the alley and blocked the Antiviruses. Fox landed next to Bee. "Thanks Fox," I said. "No prob guys now let's go," Fox said. We continued running and we got to the meeting point where Cat and Turtle were waiting. "Okay beams us back," Cat said through his comm. We were enveloped in blue code and sent back to the GTF HQ.

"There you 5 are," The Assistant Commander Eliza said with her British accent. "Hey Eliza," I said. "The Commander is waiting for you in her office. And I mean all of you," Eliza said. "Oh shit," I said.

We walked into the Commander's office and I was fearing the worst. "Hello Tops," The Commander said. "Commander," Me,Cat,Turtle,Fox,and Bee said in unison saluting. "So I hear you have the Power Core," The Commander said. "Yep," I said taking out the Power Core. I placed it on The Commander's desk and she grabbed it. "Good now we have one more piece of the puzzle to free us from our oppression that is Motherboard Industries," The Commander said "You can head home now Tops that'll be all for today,". We walked out of the room talking about possible future upgrades to our suits. "Oh wait Ladybug can you stay for a bit?" The Commander asked. 'Goddammit' I thought. I walked back in the room and saluted. "So I was thinking about something last night when I was charging my code," The Commander said. "And what where you thinking about ma'am?" I asked. "Well I was thinking 'since Ladybug's one of the more powerful Top Glitches why not give him an upgrade' and that's why you're here. For me to upgrade your suit," The Commander said. The Commander took out a small tablet and pressed the holo-screen a few times. The spots on my suit glowed and it changed into something cooler than my old suit. "Woah thank you Commander," I said. "Now head home Buggy-boy," The Commander said. I walked out of the room and smiled. 

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