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The summer breeze rustled cherry blossoms off of their branches, still cleansing the earth of spring's presence. Sun rays pierced the air and brought warmth down onto the people rushing to and fro on the streets of Seoul.

But Jin felt cold. Colder than he ever had in his entire life, because he knew what it meant to endure love and loss.

God, how he missed her.

All he could think of was how he would never feel her touch again. Never see her face again. Never hear her voice say his name in the light, endearing way she used to.

He couldn't help but wallow in his own self-loathing like a pathetic loser. He sat slumped on a park bench, feeding pieces of bread to the pigeons that flocked to his feet. They were so desperate for the plush pieces—almost as desperate as he was for her.

It could have been hours that he was sitting there. He didn't know. Time had slipped away as he spent the day in his thoughts. Eventually, he found himself just staring at the concrete. The world buzzed around him, but it faded into background noise.

What made the aching in his chest worse was that as the days wore on, he found it more and more difficult to recall what she looked like detail for detail. If he couldn't even remember her, then she really was gone. And there was no point in trying to find her.

She didn't know him.

"I thought I'd find you here."

Jin was normally very jittery, but Namjoon's voice didn't even faze him. He didn't even look up as the younger male sat next to him with a thump.


He blinked, eyes unfocused. "Yeah?"

"What's wrong with you lately?"

Jin could only shrug at the question. It wasn't worth explaining how he'd somehow glitched into a version of reality where he had never met Victoria, Yoongi, or Jungkook—not to mention that Taehyung was serving a life prison sentence for murdering his father and Jimin was locked up in a mental hospital.

Namjoon sighed before pulling out his pack of cigarettes. His eyes flickered to the brand written on the paper. The same brand Victoria smokes. Or smoked. Maybe she didn't smoke in this universe.

"You claim you can't remember things that were huge for all of us," he started, taking in a drag. "You come down to this park everyday talking about her. How you miss her. How you wonder how she is doing."

The older just continued to stare at the ground. "Sorry," he mumbled.

"This isn't the Jin I know," he continued. "The Jin I know kicks ass, takes names, and fucks really hot girls without lifting a finger."

Jin furrowed his eyebrows, looking at Namjoon for the first time that day. "Really?" He turned his gaze back to the concrete. "I'm an asshole..."

"If you're unhappy about something, change it," Namjoon finished strictly. "It's never too late."

His eyes flickered to a husband and wife, each holding one hand of their infant son as he toddled around. "Can I change this?"

"Hyung," he sighed. "I know it's hard right now. I'm not really sure what you're bugging about, but nothing lasts forever." Jin turned to look at him, hope fluttering in his heart. Was he going to say it? "Happiness passes, but so does sadness."

Tears pricked at the older's eyes, and he quickly turned away. "Did Victoria tell you that?"

Namjoon's brows drew in as a particularly strong wind gust blew leaves and cherry blossoms past their feet. His customer had said that to him one night when she went inside to talk. "How did you know that?"

"I just do," he replied, voice cracking.

Namjoon was about to say more, but his gaze was drawn to a familiar face approaching. "Do my eyes deceive me?" he asked playfully.

"Hi!" a woman's cheerful voice said to him.

Jin stopped. He knew that voice.

He looked up so quickly he thought his neck might break for a second.

There she was.

"Victoria," he muttered, eyes wide.

She looked so different. More mature and put together. But more than that, she looked genuinely happy. Her hair was cut to her shoulders, her white t-shirt exposing the definition of her collar bone.

Then he looked to the man on her left. He was different as well. No crazy hair colors, no smug look, no hatred in his eyes.

A small child stood at their feet, hiding behind their legs with a shy smile as he looked up at Namjoon. He looked like the perfect blend of the two.

Victoria looked up at the man whose long, slender fingers were twined with her own. "Namjoon, this is my husband, Yoongi."

"Hey, man." Namjoon extended his hand with a smile. "It's great to finally meet you."

Yoongi returned the smile before giving him a firm shake. "You too. Thanks for all the discounts, man. I think it's thanks to you that we were able to afford our house." The three laughed.

Something bubbled in Jin's gut. Was it anger? Jealousy? Sadness? He couldn't decide before Namjoon turned to beckon him.

The oldest stood unsteadily, needing Namjoon to pull him over by the wrist. "This is my friend, Jin."

"Any friend of Namjoon's is a friend of ours," Victoria said happily before reaching her hand out to shake his.

Jin only stared at her in awe. How was he supposed to react? He'd hated this woman, he'd loved this woman, he was nothing without her, yet here she was with Yoongi and their son. The happy family.

Namjoon pressed his lips together, a bit embarrassed at how Jin said nothing—only stared at this man's wife. "Jin's going through a hard time right now," he said quickly while placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry to hear that," she sympathized before brightening. "Don't lose faith, Jin. Nothing lasts forever. Happiness passes, but so does sadness."

There he went again. Jin broke down in tears right then and there. Victoria and Yoongi exchanged wide eyed glances as Namjoon tried to think of something to say or do.

"Mister." Jin felt a tiny hand tugging at his shirt. He took his hand away from his eyes to see the Yoontoria mesh looking up at him. "Why are you crying?"

"Woongjae," Yoongi said sharply, but the child didn't move.

He only continued to tug at Jin's shirt. "Don't cry. It's my birthday tomorrow."

Jin couldn't help but smile at the kid's small voice that squeaked in ways that were so adorable that even Kim Jongun himself wouldn't be able to resist his cute charms.

He squatted down to the child's level, appreciating how he had the bright caramel eyes of his mother and the round, defined nose of his father. "How old are you going to be?"

Woongjae thought about it for a minute before holding up four fingers. Jin wiped away some excess tears and grinned at the boy. "You're getting big, huh?"

The boy nodded.

"Well, I'm sure your mom and dad have a very special day planned."

"Really?" he squeaked, brightening in the same way Victoria did.

Jin nodded with a laugh. "Yep." He grabbed at his nose playfully, garnering a giggle from the child before he stood.

A sense of calm washed over him as he realized what he had to do. He said quick goodbye's and walked away before they had a chance to protest.

Victoria was happy, and that's all he wanted, but he had to find a way to fix the lives of his boys as well.

He had to attempt to glitch again.

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