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The prospect of loving and being loved was frightening, to say the least. She had never truly loved and been loved back. It always made her feel this emptiness that wore at her day in and day out no matter how much she tried to ignore it.

But as she laid snuggled into Yoongi's chest, Jimin's bare one pressed against her back, she felt something new. It was hard to describe. It was like they filled her where she was lacking. They provided a sort of stability that she needed. Not love, although she was no fool—they definitely all loved each other.

The night had brought out a side of her she didn't know existed. That dirty side she so desperately wanted to connect with. She saw and experienced things that she would have never dreamed of. Watching Jimin fall apart on top of Yoongi, having Yoongi wreck her with her own vibrator, just all of it. It was an experience.

She wracked her brain as she breathed in Yoongi's scent while he massaged Jimin's earlobe, arm resting on her shoulder so he could. When Jimin's breathing slowed in her ear and Yoongi moved his hand to rest on his waist before kissing her forehead softly, it finally came to her.


She felt whole.


It was a bit scary to think of having two boyfriends. And yes, that's exactly what came to mind when Victoria woke slowly the next morning. She wanted both Jimin and Yoongi. It was clear that they all cared about each other.

Hell—Yoongi even stayed the night and cuddled with them after their intimate evening. It was an unexpected but much appreciated gesture that Jimin and Victoria hoped would lead to something more.

That's probably why they were so disappointed when Yoongi said he had to leave after they had all woken. The stoic man had stood to put his clothes back on, leaving the couple to stare at him in dismay from where they sat up in bed.

"That was fun," he said flatly while buttoning his jeans, shirt already covering the chest she so desperately wanted to be cuddled against once more. Then, with one last nod, he turned toward the exit. "See you guys."

His shoes clicking on the floor echoed throughout the large room. To her surprise, Jimin called out, "Hyung!"

Yoongi raised his eyebrows a bit as he turned back to face them. "Yeah?"

"You're just..." He trailed off into a sigh, grip on Victoria's hand tightening. "Leaving?"

The older nodded casually. "Jimin, last night was a riot, but I have to get to work and so does Victoria—and don't you have a few classes to teach with Hoseok?"

Jimin nodded, eyes downcast. "Fine. Bye."

"Come on, Jimin. Don't give me that," he pleaded, leaning on the doorframe. "I don't get why you're upset."

He looked at Victoria and she nodded, squeezing his hand. "Because we all just spent an amazing night together and you're leaving!" The younger furrowed his eyebrows. "You can't tell us you didn't feel anything."

Yoongi sighed and scratched the back of his head. Jimin wasn't wrong, but he was a bit curious as to what the female thought. "Vic." She perked up as he addressed her. "Why are you so quiet?"

She exchanged a glance with Jimin. He nodded encouragingly, giving her a small smile. "Because I agree with him."

"You guys know how I am," he said with a smirk. "If you want something, you have to say it. I'm not a mind-reader."

Victoria drew in her brows in thought. "How do I say it?" she muttered to Jimin, who seemed to mirror her expression. "I think it's called polyamory," she blurted.

Yoongi giggled. Like, he actually giggled. Jimin brightened immediately, but Victoria was confused. Why was he laughing? "You guys are cute," he said with a fond smile. "I'll see you."

"What do you mean?" Jimin yelled after him, but the older didn't turn back.

The two sat in confused silence until they heard the front door shut. Victoria watched her boyfriend lay back on the bed with his hands behind his head, quietly singing the lyrics of What Do You Mean by Justin Bieber.

Victoria laid next to him, head on his chest. He brought one hand down to stroke her hair, the other lacing with her fingers that were splayed across his stomach. "We're on the same page, right?" she asked in a small voice, looking up at him and appreciating the warmth radiating from his beautifully tan skin.

"Mhm," he hummed back, pressing his lips to hers gently. "We'll figure this out." She only nodded and nuzzled her face into his neck. "I love you."

It was a huge relief that she and Jimin knew what the other was thinking without saying anything. "I love you, too, baby."


It was one thing to act the strange way Yoongi had that morning, but when he still refused to talk about it two week later, the couple was approaching nuclear. Victoria was more hurt than anything, but Jimin was downright upset.

He was much more impatient than his girlfriend, so when the group was all out at the beach—a trip that Jin had suggested—he cornered Yoongi on the sand when the rest of them were racing down near the waves.

"Hyung, what the hell." It was more of a statement than a question, and Yoongi realized he wasn't getting out of this easily when he saw the younger pouting, his arms crossed.

The older smiled and pinched one of Jimin's cheeks. "What is it, baby boy?"

Jimin's eyes went wide, his face flushing. "What?"

"What did you want to talk about?"

His words sunk in, making Jimin sigh heavily. "You're so confusing. You know how Victoria and I feel. Why are you being such a tease? Can't you just say 'Yeah, I love you guys, too—let's be together'?"

Yoongi pursed his lips, taking his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. "Well, you see, I'm not very good at talking about my feelings, so—" Before he could place the cigarette in his mouth, Jimin leaned over to kiss him tenderly, his hands cupping the older's face.

For a minute, he leaned into it, gripping Jimin's hips. Their lips moved together like the ocean, fluid and natural. But then he remembered that the boys weren't very far away. They'd have a lot of explaining to do if anyone saw Yoongi kissing Jimin.

He pulled away quickly and took a full step back. "Fine!" he conceded. "Fine. You win. I like you guys, okay?"

"Yay!" Jimin beamed, not being able to hold back the little happy bounce in his step. "Then me and Vic will go to your place tomorrow for a date."

"What? Jimin—"

"No! You can't object!"

Yoongi snickered. "I'm not objecting, but Jungkook is staying with me right now."

"Fine, then you come to Victoria's. Okay?" The oldest couldn't resist the way Jimin's plump lips were turned up into a smile, his face having so much brightness that it could rival the sun.

"Yeah, yeah." His dark eyes met Jimin's light one's, not being able to look away. He could stare into them forever. It was the same feeling he had when Victoria had snuggled into his chest—like he could breathe her in forever. He loved them. He was afraid, but he couldn't hide the truth. He loved them.

"What are you guys talking about?" The voice of Hoseok startled the both. Yoongi was too busy staring at Jimin to notice him approaching.

"Sports," they said in unison before smirking at each other.

The other let out a boisterous laugh. "Yeah, right!"


"Baby!" Jimin shouted as soon as Jin had dropped them off—albeit reluctantly—at her place. Before they even went inside, he cupped her face with his hands just as he had with Yoongi, and leaned down to press the perfect kiss to her lips.

Victoria giggled as he pulled away, covering his hands with her own. "What is it?"

"I talked to Yoongi. He wants the same thing we do! Isn't that great?" he beamed. "He's coming here tomorrow."

She squealed and jumped up and down with him. When they stopped, she pressed his hand to her chest. "Do you feel that? My heart is pounding like crazy."

"You always get so nervous with him," Jimin pointed out with a smile.

"Oh, and you don't?"

He shrugged. "I've known him for a long time. I was more nervous for our first date." She pulled him down for another kiss. "There's just one thing," he said quietly as he pulled away.

"I think we should always be together—together. If you know what I mean."

Victoria raised an eyebrow. Jimin didn't want her alone with Yoongi? "Like, you don't want me and Yoongi to be...together like that without you?"

Jimin nodded, his cheeks pinking a bit. "Yeah. I mean, I just...I don't know, if it's the three of us then I think it should be just that. The three of us."

She nodded, only a little disappointed. He was right. If they were all going to be in a relationship, it would only be fair that they were all together. Jimin only had the best intentions for all of them, so she agreed with him. It wasn't as if he had an ulterior motive or anything.


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