(Fourteen - Perfect weather to climb a tree)

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'You'll end up waking him up, calm down.'


'No buts Lachlan. I get that you're worried, but he just needs rest at the moment.' Harvey scolded/ordered the blond, crossing his arms and pointedly staring the Australian down until he got the message.

'Alright, alright, but if there's any-'

'If anything happens, I'll teleport you here. His body's probably just trying to heal, so made him unconscious to do so.'

Lachlan whined softly and looked over to his friend - It had been Vik, of course he had been the one to hit his head. He could have even more brain damage now, all because he hadn't been quick enough. The sorcerer noticed this behaviour and shook his head, smiling softly and patting his tall companion's shoulder 'Vik's going to be fine. Hey, could you do me a favour and see if Rob's awake yet?'

'Yeah, sure, just-'

'I'll keep my eyes on him, alright? Now go check the Canadian.'


'They're still asleep?'

Marina grinned fondly at her son, and nodded towards the guest room by the stairs. 'I can't wake them. They looked so sweet earlier.' She admitted, tossing the blond a piece of fruit as he walked by.

'That's a bit weird.'

'Not if they don't know I saw them cuddling. Preston might be awake by now, but Rob's probably still going to be out cold for a few hours.'

Lachlan almost spat out part of his apple. He wasn't really that surprised, but his mother had just explained it so bluntly. The woman laughed at her child's stunned expression, ruffling his quiff and taking a seat by the counter. 'Yep, they looked pretty cosy together.'

The blond looked around the kitchen, before pointing to a picture of a boat that he'd drawn when he was about six. How it had survived the battle nobody knew, but Marina followed her son and laughed softly. 'I've taught you well, Sweetie. You might want to go in and check on them anyway, it's rather late.'

Only about three in the afternoon, but eh. They deserved rest.

'Right, yeah. If they don't get up?'

'Do NOT wake them up. If they're both awake and they want to talk, then fine, but if they're still out then just leave them.'

''Kay.' He chucked the rest of his apple into the bin, ignoring the glares from his mother, and walked over to the door to crack it open.

'Preston? Rob? You guys awake?'

'Oh, uh - Yeah.'

He pushed through the door into the room, looking at the strangely neat desk with little interest before waving at his two older (and shorter) friends. They were both sitting on the bed by this point - Rob having his head in Preston's lap, with the younger running his hands through his hair - so dragged the desk chair over and sat with his arms resting on the back. 'So, how're you guys feeling?'

'Rob had a bad dream.'

'Preston had a weird dream.' The two spoke at the same time, before glaring at eachother jokingly. Rob attempted to push himself up, before his arms wobbled and he fell back down. 'I'm just loving life right now, it's been absolutely delightful.'

'Something about your voice tells me that you think otherwise. D'you want to talk about it?'

'Maybe l-later... How're the others? Are they okay?'

"Awkward subject alert, ring ring ring. Uh, talk about something else, real fast." 'Most of the group managed to get out okay, I'm pretty sure you got the worst of-'

'Most? Who was hurt?'

Lachlan let out a sigh, looking at his hands while he spoke. 'There was Kenny, he somehow died then came back to life. I think Choco's feathers might've been singed by the heat in the castle, and Vik's unconscious.'

The wolf hybrid frowned, finally managing to sit up properly with Preston's help as he observed his friend with dark eyes. 'What happened to Vik?'

'Herobrine threw him against a wall. The next time I get my hands on that little-'

'Eyes bro, eyes.' Preston warned, with his younger friend blinking back into the room and narrowing his flickering orbs. 'Yeah yeah, thanks Mum. Seriously though, you both probably need something to eat - You've skipped breakfast and lunch.'

'What? But it's only like eleven or something, right?' The blond snorted, shook his head, and pointed to the window. 'It's almost four in the afternoon, guys.'


'Mum didn't want to wake you guys up, apparently she saw you cuddling in your sleep and decided to leave you alone.' He grinned at his flustered counterparts, the younger of which looking away and rubbing the back of his neck while Rob groaned and buried his face into a pillow.

'Oh geez, that's... That's weird.'

'Aw, is lil' Robbie embarrassed?'
'Shut the fudge up, mate, I'll fight you.'

'Dude, it's not even September yet, and if you finish that song I will literally throw you into a swamp.'

Jerome flashed his sharp fangs in a grin, but followed his Canadian's friend's request and stopped... Ahem, "singing" Christmas songs.
'So, Mitch, what did you get up to since we last met?'
'Nothing much. Mostly just practicing my archery, a bit of hunting.' The brunet shrugged, jumping up and tapping a thick branch as he and the bacca made their way through the forest.
'You hunt?'
'Yep. I had to do something during the years of dull and boring adolescence, so I'd normally just ride out to a forest.'
'Impressive. What's the biggest kill you got?'

Mitch smiled cockily and put his hands behind his head, basking in the filtering sunlight as they continued. 'It was an orespawn, actually. I think it was the same Mantis that tried to get me the first time around.'
'A Mantis? Not bad, not bad... But I managed to get an Alien.'
'No way, those things exist?!'
'Yep! They make a weird noise when they die though, messed up my hearing for like a week.' Jerome admitted, finally breaking through the treeline as a singular jungle tree loomed above them. He then turned to his friend, and gestured to a cluster of low-hanging vines.
'Want to climb?'

'I'm gonna beat you to the top!' Mitch declared childishly, dashing forwards and clambering onto some of the lower branches as Jerome pulled a face.
'You think you can beat me?'
'I know I can.'

In reality, he probably wouldn't be able to, but it would be a fun challenge.
The bacca hybrid smirked, taking a running leap at the trunk and digging his claws into the thick bark as he began to make his way up before Mitch practically shot past him. 'What the heck?!'
'The vines are bouncy!' The Canadian cheered happily, coming to rest on a thicker branch while Jerome shook his head.
'Just be careful, alright? We don't want you falling back down.'
'Alright Dad.' He just rolled his eyes, continuing to pull himself up the trunk as fine drops of rain started to fall upon the canopy. 'Oh great, more rain.'

'Perfect weather for climbing a tree, huh biggums.'
'As long as it doesn't turn into a storm it's fine with me!' Mitch yelped, his fourth landing causing the branch beneath his feet to wobble as he clung to the tree's centre tightly.
"We should get down." 'Oi Mitch, buddy, we might have to get down. The branches are getting too-'

Thunder rumbled through the sky, with the Time-keeper letting out an alarmed screech "He's afraid of storms?"
'This was a terrible idea!'
'Just stay where you are, alright? I'm coming to get you.' Jerome tried to assure him, jumping up to a nearby branch. There wasn't any lightning - Thank Notch for that - but the thunder rushing through the sky seemed to be enough to scare the slightly shorter teenager out of his wits.
'Why did I agree to this?'
'The race was your idea! I'm just gonna stop the storm until we get down.'

Ahah, too late.
Mitch's eyes flashed grey, with magic of the same colour beginning to swirl around his hands. As it had before, the rain froze in time, but the two males weren't affected.
'C'mon, let's get out of here.'
'Mitch, you almost collapsed last time you do this, are you sure you'll be alright?' Jerome asked, doubtful, while the silver-eyed Canadian shrugged.
'I'm stronger now, I'll be f-fine.' Cue nosebleed. The bacca decided against pointing this out, instead just pouting and sliding down the trunk 'Let's go then.'

Mitch fell.
The rain had begun to rise towards the clouds, with the Canadian screaming curses and flailing his arms before managing to grab a cluster of vines.
'Oh sh- Mitch! You alright?!'
'I'm fine, I just-just-just- I'm fine, I just-'

The brunet started to repeat himself, throwing himself about just to glitch back into the original position.

"...We need Harvey."
"I'll send him over, what's up?"
"Vik? Oh, thank the gods... It's Mitch, I think his ability got and of control. He's- I think it's like a seizure or something."

'What the Nether is going on here?! First Preston, now - Holy crap.'



Any ideas as to what's going on the the Ti-

*sudden realisation that, in the series, Mitch is basically a Timelord*

...*very quietly humming the Doctor Who themetune*

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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