(Nineteen - Cue Muffled Screeching.)

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'Kenny! Oh my Lords, are you alright? Where are the others?'

'Oh hi Simon. Mitch and Vik are fine, but there has been a slight issue.' The young blond began, flopping down into a chair and gesturing for Choco to do the same.
Yes, they'd managed to get to the village safely after a two-hour-long nap which only really ended because Avery tried to eat Choco's cloak. Speaking of the "hybrid", he now looked like a human, so hopefully the Council wouldn't call them out for that.
'We would have tried to contact you guys sooner, but there was a major occurrence with the hybrids so we didn't. Yeah, when I mentioned to Marina that you guys wanted a peace treaty, she seemed a bit sketch, but once Rob's healed fully we should be good to go. Any questions?'

'Uh, yeah, who the Nether is Marina? And what was this so-called "occurrence"?' JJ countered, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow - clearly unconvinced. Kenny and Choco glanced at each other, both pulling faces as they silently debated either telling the humans or running away.
'It can't have been that important-'
'One of our friends might have lost his life, mate, so I'm awfully sorry if none of us could talk about a bloody peace treaty!'

The blond jumped at his friend's sudden outburst, but agreed with the point as the former hybrid sat back down. 'Choco's right. One of the hybrids - a good friend of ours, Rob Latsky - was kidnapped by Herobrine a day before we got there. He was in a really bad state when we got to him, and we couldn't just go in there unplanned, so it took a few days to get everything prepared.' He added, noting that the majority of the group wore sympathetic expressions.
Apart from Simon and JJ.
Heartless fudgers.

'Well that's understandable. It's a far more urgent emergency that what we had planned.' Tobi mentioned as he set his book down. Choco nodded at this, before flinching as the Medic looked at him.
'Choco, weren't you the bird hybrid that was shot down a few years back?'
'I, uh, maybe?'

'Exactly! Hybrids can't tell the truth, I'm telling you-'
'JJ, shut up. Personally, I believe them, but one thing I want to know; what did Herobrine want him for?'
'To break our spirits, maybe? Could be to get revenge for what our parents did, we could never find out.' Kenny sighed, turning in the plush chair to see that Choco's knuckles had turned white.
Which was pretty difficult, considering he a; had pretty tanned skin in this form, and b; probably hadn't had fingers until today.

'Choco, mate, you alright?'
'Mhm. Nervous.' Glancing at Josh for permission to leave, the eldest "Sidemen" member nodded and gestured to the half-open door. 'Go get some fresh air, it's a bit stuffy in here.'
'Thanks, Josh.'

'So don't panic, but nobody can find Choco or Kenny anywhere.'

Of course, when the boys found out, they panicked. Rob especially, because they all believed that Herobrine had taken them, and he knew exactly what he could do.
'Does anyone know where they were last?'
'Uh, I think Kenny mentioned something about going back to the village like two days ago. He could have taken Choco with him.' Vik suggested worriedly, plucking at the hem of his black jacket as he spoke.
It was a more logical explanation, and it calmed the rest of the group (save for Preston) down.
Preston's hair just set on fire.

'Holy - Preston, dude, you're on fire.'
'You saying I'm hot?'
'YOUR HAIR IS LITERALLY ON FIRE!' The brunet just shrugged, saying that they had more important things to worry about, but the fire did end up going out. 'Someone should probably go and check, just in case.'
'I would fly over, but that would basically be a death wish after passing through the barrier. How long does it take on foot?'

'Uh... Too long. Depending on whether the horses are still out there, it could take up to eight hours-'
Or you could teleport, which may save a lot of time.
The last time the group had heard some omnipresent voice, they'd found out that their friend was being held against his will and Vik had list his abilities, so naturally they looked to attack whoever it was. The owner of the voice sighed loudly, turning visible while leaning by the empty fireplace and crossing his arms at the group.
Honestly, this is no way to treat a god.
'Entity?!' Rob yelped, taking a few cautious steps forward as the cloaked figure waved. Oh hey kid, feeling any better?
'Obviously. What're you doing here?'
What, am I not allowed to check if you're alright? How rude.

'It's not - Nevermind.'
'Yo Rob, mind explaining this real quick? I feel like I've missed something.' Brandon requested, eyeing the god warily as the werewolf grinned awkwardly.
'Sorry guys. This is Entity, he helped me out back in the castle.'

'Entity, as in Herobrine's brother Entity?'
Unfortunately, yes, and it gets rather annoying. Anyway, your two friends rode on horseback to the human village a few hours ago. Last time I checked, they were talking to the council about why the peace treaty couldn't be established yet.

Preston seemed unconvinced, as did the rest of the group, but Lachlan just shrugged and stuff his hands into his hoodie pocket. 'I mean, if he helped Rob out, then this guy's cool with me.'
'You've got to be kidding me.' The former lava-creeper-humanoid spoke, narrowing his eyes suspiciously as the blond shook his head. 'Not at all, I believe them.'
'We know where the boys are now, that's the important thing, but Entity - Why did you help Rob?'

'Well he-'
'Is not staying around for this, and is gonna go somewhere else.' The Canadian quickly blurted out, backing towards the front door as the god nodded. You should go get some fresh air, Robert. You appear tense.
'Oh really, how could you tell? Not like you're gonna-'
I'm not going to tell them details of what happened to you Robert, I wouldn't do that. Go and get that air - Take that kid with you. He gestured to Preston, and the wolf hybrid eyed him accusingly.

Noting this, the brunet crossed his arms and just shook his head. 'That's not gonna work out, buddy, since he's now completely terrified of me.'


so guess who's a piece of crap?

that's right this piece of crap

today has NOT been a good day.

im genuinly a mess rn jfc

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