(Six - More specifically.)

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'Let's go!'

"How is he so fast now? Seriously, he could probably race against an ocelot and win." Lachlan laughed quietly at the thought, jumping the last few feet down as he caught sight of Preston hopping by the lava shoreside. It wasn't noticeable at first, but now the Texan was more hyper than the entire group combined and kept running everywhere.

Literally, everywhere. He'd already managed to get onto a ledge 10 feet tall by the time the other four made their way down 'Preston, bro, I get that you're excited but can you please be a bit more careful?'
'Yeah yeah, whatever - What the heck is that?!'
'Nether quartz.' Mitch called from the alcove he was inspecting, but the younger hybrid shook his head and pointed to the glowstone-lit horizon 'No, that thing.'

Following Preston's gaze, curious mutterings broke out from the group as they saw it. A large accumulation of blood-red clouds was gathering in the distance, and though it was far away they could see bright orange drops falling from the cloud.
'What even is that, fire rain?'

'Firestorm. Those are droplets of lava - We need to get into shelter before it gets here.' Choco warned as he squinted at the clouds. Kenny nodded at this, but didn't say anything as he leant against the permanently heated rock that formed the majority of this world.
'It's coming in fast... Dang. The safest option for you guys is to get into a cave and patch up the entrance incase it starts flooding or something, I'm going to try and find this Nether fortress.'

'Not by-' Preston covered Vik's mouth before he was able to continue, shaking his head and gesturing to the fast-approaching clouds of death and suffering. 'I'm the only one who can withstand fire and lava. I think so, anyway; I'll just parkour through it. Apparently those things spawn around fortresses, which means Rob's probably gonna be through there. Love you all, good luck, bye!'

He'd jumped over a ledge before anybody could stop him.


Preston hadn't necessarily intended to abandon his group, but knowing that he was the only person that could get to the fortress at that moment in time (plus the fact that his thoughts were all over the place) caused him to run head-first into the readily growing storm.
Within minutes, it had probably found it's way to his friends. Unlike the Overworld rain that would permanently scar him (unless Marina got to him in time), since this was literally lava falling from the clouds, he was fine.

"Nether fortress, Nether fortress, where the fudge are you at?!" He sighed, eventually coming to a halt in the raining deathtrap and craning his neck to look up at the clouds. They seemed to be thickening, with slight rumbles indicating a full-on storm ahead "I should go check the group."
He took one step - And a crimson lightning bolt slammed into the ground barely metres away from where he was standing. Giving a quiet scream, he jumped back as a few more fell in the background 'So much nope, get back to the boys now!'

The hybrid heard somebody call his name. It was faint, and in a state of panic he'd thought it was the one they were looking for. 'Rob?!'
'No, it's - Preston! You need to get-'
The level of sound appeared to fall victim to a mass decrease. Bewildered, Preston looked up - Everything seemed to be in slow motion.

There was a piercing scream. An agonizing shock ran through the mutant's body, and he fell to the ground with fading vision whilst twitching uncontrollably.
"What... What just..."


'W-What's going on out there?'
A Nether storm. Beautiful, really - Hold still.
Sorry Robert. Anyway, a Nether storm is a natural occurrence around high-level fortresses. Instead of a normal storm, like yours in the Overworld, they rain lava and normally have severe lightning bolts.

The wolf hybrid bit back a whimper as Entity healed another of his wounds. The cloaked god, apparently, didn't want this torture to happen and was trying to convince his brother to release him back home.

Pfft, yeah right. Didn't stop his brother from... From...

Robert, listen to me. I need you to understand that I don't want to hurt you, but that Herobrine will take control of all sessions that we have. I'm sure you'd prefer being healed after, wouldn't you?
'What's the point? They... They're not coming for me.'
You can't listen to what the others say. I don't know your friends personally, but I'm sure they're already on their way here now, and that they're going to send Herobrine back to his grave after they find out what he's done. Entity scolded him gently, standing from his kneeling position as he looked through the wall.

Yep, through. With one of his powers being X-Ray, the ability to see through certain materials, he could see the storm raging on - And a singular figure getting struck by lightning.

They're here, so soon?

'Do you r-really think, really think so?'
'Do you really think they're going to come here?' Dang, whatever Herobrine had done had caused some serious emotional damage to this kid. Physical too, obviously, but...

He was gonna need therapy, and tons of hugs from his lover.
Of course, I can almost see your boyfriend right now!

'I-I don't - You thought-?'
You and the lava mob, am I mistaken?

'Well, uh, I guess we act like it sometimes, but - No! No, I don't have a-'
You may not have one, but you want one. More specifically him.

If you say so. Are you able to walk? You're supposed to be back in your cell by now.
'Uh, sure, just let me-' The Canadian pushed himself out and away from the netherrack he'd been using as a chair, taking two tentative steps before wobbling and collapsing to the ground. Taking a deep breath of the humid air, he crossed his legs before putting his hands over his face and rolled to the side. ...Robert?

'I-I don't really, really wanna t-talk right now.'
Ah, right. Well; Herobrine and Octavia aren't here for the next few hours, do you maybe - Want to see them?
Your friends. Robert, they're already here for you.



Errybody needs an Entity in their life.

...I want one XD

So, what do you guys think happened to Preston? Who was the voice?

Why's Entity being so nice to our favourite wolf hybrid? Idk man, and I'm the author.

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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