(Three - Well this is definitely a drawback.)

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By the end of the day, Preston wasn't sure what was more scary.

The fact that Vik almost suffocated, the fact that Rob had been kidnapped by a power-hungry god, or Adam Latsky's reaction when he and Brandon told him.
...Yeah. Let's not repeat that experience ever again.

'-powers at all?'
'N-No, I can't do anything.' Pushing the door to the Power's house open, the lava-creeper-human mutant shook his head fondly as he saw Vik and Lachlan sitting about .5 millimetres away from eachother.
"Aw, cute..." 'Yo Vik, how're you feeling?'

'I've been better, but I'm alright thanks. How was Mr. Latsky about the whole thing?'
'I never understood why Rob could be scared of his Dad until today, that man can be one threatening dude... Eh. I'm gonna head out for the night, come get me if anything else comes up.'

The pair nodded, both saying their goodbyes as he stepped back out into the snow. Widening his eyes as he saw how much worse it had gotten since the morning, he pulled his cloak tighter around himself as he began the short journey home.
When he'd first returned after the years, Rob wouldn't let him go near his mother (and vice versa). Due to this, Preston lived in one of the empty houses near the outskirts of where the hybrids now called Home. The decision was understandable, but at the same time a bit over the top.

"Home sweet home I guess." It wasn't literally empty - It had furniture and décor and everything - but it was pretty lonely all by himself. Nonetheless, he respected Rob's plan and agreed to live there.
"Ugh, Rob... What have you gotten yourself into? Being kidnapped by a crazy god, with no clue as to where you are." He smiled at his thought, undoing his cloak and throwing it onto the nearby coat-hanger before falling forwards and faceplanting into the couch. While a normal person would have moved after a few moments, Preston didn't.

The sofa was comfortable, and he needed some comfort right now.
"Please be safe, buddy, I... I don't want to lose you."
Soon enough, as the moon began to rise over the mountains, Preston fell asleep with his face buried in the couch.

- - - - - - - - - -

'Woah... Where the heck am I?'

The hybrid suddenly existed within the confines of the small corridor. He blinked a few times, unsure of what he was seeing as he involuntarily moved forwards. 'Okay, this is some weird dream. Got it.'
The dream-Preston continued to hover through the space. He tensed up when a wall came up, but relaxed when he just - kind of passed through it, really. 'So I'm a ghost? Sick.'

'G-Get away!'


96 hours now, Robert, yet you already beg for mercy? I now understand why your Father is so disappointed in you. He continued to float towards the voices, but he covered his eyes incase the scene was too grim.

Aw, did I make you cry?

'Get away from him!' Dream-Preston yelled out, but of course nothing happened. It was just a dream after all...
Or was it?
If you think your friends are coming, you're wrong. You're not important to them, to anyone, that's why they chose Vik over you.

'If you gave Lachlan the choice, th-then I'm not surprised.'
As he turned a corner, Preston could see row upon row of cells. Right at the back, in the farthest corner, he could tell was his friend's location. This was correct, as his "character" began floating towards it once again.

You may not be, but they still won't come for you. The blondie said it himself, he wouldn't risk sending his friends anywhere too dangerous.

'And he wouldn't.'

...Insistent brat. Get this into your thick skull, kid- He turned just in time to see Rob getting pinned against a wall, the light-eyed god practically spitting in his face as he spoke You're not getting out of here alive.

'Wasn't really planning on it.'
'Or am I?'

Mind games will not work on me, you rat! The Canadian fell, both hands at his neck as he glared up at the man. 'You sure about that, buddy?'

'Rob, don't - NO!'

- - - - - - - - - - -

'Don't hurt... Rob...'

Kenny tilted his head slightly, looking over at Choco who just shrugged and mouthed "nightmare?" at his blond companion. The pair had been sent to wake Preston up, but with the level of heat around him, that probably wasn't going to happen anytime soon.
'Should I just chuck a cushion at him or something?
'I mean, I guess.'

Ten cushions and a book later, the Texan finally woke up. Sure, in a half-asleep state he managed to throw the book straight back into Kenny's face, but at least he woke up right?

'Aw geez... Kenny, you alright.'
'Ugh, I'm good. Bad dream, Preston?' The hybrid just nodded, rubbing his arms with wide eyes as he looked up at the two.
'What-What're you guys doing here?'

'There's gonna be a meeting at Rob's house to make a plan to get him back. We figured you'd probably want to be there.'
'That obvious? Dang. You guys go ahead, I'll be there in a few minutes, just gotta get something first.' The chocobo nodded, dragging Kenny by the back of his hoodie as he waved goodbye. 'See you there, buddy.'
As soon as they were out of the door Preston sighed, placing a hand over his rapidly-beating heart to try and calm himself as he stood. What he needed wasn't anything that important, but it would probably make him feel better about the whole situation.

"Where're you at... Ahah! There you are." Pulling the fabric from underneath the table, he buried his face in the scarf and let out a quiet sigh before wrapping it around his neck and glancing outside. The snow wasn't as severe as it had been yesterday, but he wasn't going to take any chances "Alright, let's get a plan together."


How much did the lava mob see?

He was woken up before you got to the juicy bit. It's a shame, really, but there's always tonight. Octavia smirked darkly, cracking her knuckles as she looked back to her crystal ball. He believes that it was just a dream, but he's on edge at the moment. With any luck he's not going to be able to concentrate through this meeting they're going to have today.
Excellent, excellent... Instead of dragging out the journey, spawn him straight into his cell. Make it so that the hybrid can see him, if you can, make them both suffer.

I do love some good suffering on a Saturday afternoon. And, if his "nightmares" continue, he'll be too tired to get him back.
They'll be too tired... Of course.
Say what you want, Brother, but you know what's going to happen. Entity called as he teleported to the front of the thrones. The bright-eyed god rolled his orbs (if he could, that is) - But Entity was right.

The prophecy was slowly, but surely, coming together; And if they all made it out alive, then the hybrids would be his end for good.


Prophecy what prophecy I don't know what you're on about ehehehahhahh.

Ten cushions and a book? Let's try and get that higher in another chapter XD

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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