Chapter 2

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Endera's Pov:

It had been a day or two since Rainbow and Glitch had gone to a place called Glitchroplis, and I was still waiting for the two to get back. I was still angry at Rainbow for keeping L4FF here when he had just murdered a bunch of people. I sat waiting, hours seemed to go by like seconds and they still didn't come back. Where is L4FF? I thought. I was supposed to be keeping track of him, to teach Rainbow a lesson, but now he had just disappeared.

I finally got up and gently brushed the freshly cut grass out of my clothes. New mission: Find L4FF I nodded at my own thought as I prepared my wings for a long flight. He couldn't have gone far, he can't fly, can he? I closed my eyes for a second while spreading my wings further, and finally I set off.

The clouds were a pure white, and the fresh breeze came over me. The view I could see was bright, so hopefully I can easily find that maniac. I was flying much faster and smoothly before, the landscape turned into a mountain range, and I followed a river that passed through it. Whilst slowly getting closer to the river, I landed next to a river bank. After looking around exhausted from flying. I saw him. The robot was on a miniscule mountain, staring at the river gloomily. I gave a sigh of relief as I teleported to him.

"HAH, You thought I couldn't find you!" I mocked. The terminator looked directly at me. Although his gas mask covered his face, I could still see the anger in his eyes. "Where do you think you were going? You still have to see Rainbow and Glitch, then I'll kill you!" I gave a short laugh. Before he could try to escape, I grabbed his arm forcefully, and teleported him to the place where Rainbow and Glitch were last seen.

"Let me GO" L4FF yelled angrily, almost yanking his arm away from me. He stood still for a few seconds, he already knew that escaping would be useless, as I could easily find him."Now what?"

"We wait for Rainbow and Glitch, and after that, I will kill you, that will teach Rainbow a lesson."

Rainbow Pov:

I walked slowly after leaving Glitch behind, trapped in her own world. At least L4FF will also join this wonderful place! My thoughts comforted me. That's when I began to run towards L4FF. I saw L4FF and gave a sigh of relief, however, Endera stood there with one of her wings out as a warning. I came to a halt quickly.

"Hello L4FF! And Endera-" I greeted, Endera shot me a look which was full of annoyance and anger, whilst L4FF looked at me and Endera repeatedly. "No need for the hostility! In fact, I know a place where both of you can hang out, and get along with each other!"

"And what if it's a trap?" Endera asked. "You are obsessed with him, Rainbow, you aren't seeing clearly! Just let me kill him, and everything will be fine."

My hands turned into a fist.

"No. You aren't killing him. Don't you dare." I began walking to the two of them, Endera staring at me, ready to strike her wing into L4FF.

"Mate, you don't have to..." L4FF said calmly, his hands in front of him shaking. He had already been killed by Endera, repeatedly.

"I do have to." Endera replied. She then turned to me. "Come on Rainbow! Can't you see? He killed people and you are defending him. He murdered people. HE'S A MURDERER."

"Okay, let's make a deal. I'll take both of you to this place, where he can murder anyone, and you can be away from him, got it?"

"Okay fine... I'm only doing this because I trust you. But him... I don't trust him At all."

I rushed to L4FF and grabbed his arm. I began walking towards the rock that brought me to Glitchtroplis. Endera was following us quickly, she looked irritated. "Lets go!" I yelled excitedly

(Chapter by rainbow!)

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