20 - Guilt and Promises

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A/N - Sorry for the hiatus. I felt the need to write something lighter while I recovered, and now it's back to working on Glitched! Sorry for the cliffhanger!


The N00b Mobile's engine purred softly before breaking into another sputter attack. N00b scratched at his ear as he let out a groan, then hopped from the driver's seat to duck back beneath the bonnet, trying to pinpoint the source of the problem while desperately denying he needed a stronger engine.

"Still can't get it workin', hey?"

N00b pushed back his goggles and looked over his shoulder at the drilbur walking over to him, a sun hat hanging down over one eye, holding a plate in one paw and a steaming mug in the other. He set them down on the rickety table that currently held an open tool box and a scattering of loose screws and bolts.

"I brought ye out a wee snack," said the drilbur. "I thought ye could use a break now. You've been at that for over an hour."

"Thank's, Gadget." N00b straightened up and stretched, his back popping loud enough to make the drilbur flinch.

"That can't be good fer ye. Sit." Gadget pulled out a chair and pointed a long claw at the seat. "Have yer cuppa and cake or the missus will give me a good talkin' to if I let ye keep diggin' away at yer machine."

N00b laughed as he fell into the seat and picked up the hot mug in both paws. "I really do appreciate your help. If I hadn't landed in your field I don't know what I'd have done. Tell Mrs Gadget thank you, too."

"Ah. Don't mention it, kid." The drilbur blushed and scratched the back of his head. "It's nothin' really. I got all me tractors and such like I need to maintain. I don't mind helpin' out a nice pup like you get ye strange car back in the air."

N00b mumbled a 'huh' as he took a bite out of his cake which turned out to be pinap berry. It was very refreshing on a hot day like this.

"To be honest," he said, "I think I might have to stay on the ground. That engine just isn't holding up with increased air speed at all."

"Is that gonna be a problem for ye?"

"Well, the N00b Mobile does move a lot faster on the ground, but the roads can be tricky through cities. Plus I need to reach one of the drifting continents. It's kind of an emergency."

Gadget scratched his head thoughtfully. "Well I might have a spare engine I can give ye."

"Really?!" N00b's eyes nearly popped out of his skull. "I don't think I could take it, Gadget. That's much too generous!"

"Ah, pish posh." The drilbur waved a paw at him and chuckled. "It's sat in a dead tractor in me shed. Thing's not worked in months. I dunno how much use it'll be to ya but yer welcome to try it."

"Wow. A tractor engine, huh?" N00b scratched his chin with a claw as he stared at the open bonnet of his little car. "It's got to pull a lot of weight, so it'll be more powerful than the standard racing engine I've used. But would it be able to handle a lot of speed?"

Gadget shrugged. "I dunno. Tractors aint cut out for racin', but it's worth a try, eh?"

"Certainly!" N00b beamed from ear to ear. "If it fails, I might be able to harvest some parts to replace the weaker ones in my current engine."

"Like a gigantic, technical jigsaw." Gadget laughed heartily as he moved away. "I'll go get it fer ya. You enjoy yer cake. Missus will probably be out with another slice soon anyway. She thinks yer a bit on the skinny side."

N00b looked down at himself and shrugged before taking another huge bite out of his cake. Things were looking up. Hopefully that little car would be back in the sky in no time. He glanced over at the drifting continents, spotting the form of Cyan Island gliding smoothly along in the distance. Wherever Leaf was taking it he had no idea, but he was certain it was moving further and further away.

He wiped his paws on his chest and hopped off the seat, grabbing the spanner and ducking back beneath the bonnet. He needed to move fast if he was going to catch up with them.


When Pixel opened her eyes again, it was pitch black. The cave was filled with the sounds of breathing and soft snores which seemed louder in the echoey emptiness. A faint dripping sound echoed in the distance – a far off, lonely sound. Her stomach did a flip as she remembered the previous day's events and a long groan came out of her chest as she pulled herself into a ball. She blinked her eyes back open and stared at her paw, waiting for them to adjust in the faint light. It wasn't enough to go by, but it looked just like any other mawile's paw. She felt a wave of relief as she flexed her own claws. Normal. Ordinary.

Something shifted beside her and she looked up into Vector's blue eyes. She could just make out the faint dark markings beneath them showing through his white fur. How long had he been sat there, watching her?

She cleared her throat and rubbed her paw over her eyes. "Haven't you slept?"

He shook his head slowly, but didn't take his eyes off her. It made her feel a little nervous so she diverted her gaze to the wall.

"You really should. You need rest as much as any of us."

"I can't."

She looked back at him, meeting his blue eyes. "What do you mean you can't?"

"What if I take my eyes off you, and something happens to you?" he said. "I'd never forgive myself."

A dry chuckle escaped her throat and she shook her head. "I'm fine. It's been hours now, and I'm the same old mawile I've always been."

He was silent for a moment as he stared down at her, his stare only broken by the occasional blink. "I hate to distress you again, Pixel, but the longest recorded time it's taken the virus to show damage is twenty four hours. I'm taking no chances."

A chill ran down her spine and she diverted her gaze to the wall again. She was speechless. The longest recorded time...

"But that's only in exceptionally rare cases." The doubt was thick in her voice, and her paw curled into the cold, dry ground. Rare occasion or not, she'd been touched by a virus-ridden pokemon. The odds were already stacked against her. "I'm scared." Her voice came out as a whisper.

Vector slumped down onto the ground and her eyes flitted back to meet his. His paw hovered above her shoulder uncertainly then jerked back towards him, resting instead on her paw. Warm and comforting in the cold air of the cave. He took in a long, ragged breath and let it out through his nose.

"If you have caught it, Pixel, I promise I'll do everything in my power to help you." He paused and took in another breath which she thought might have hidden a sob. "Even if I die trying."

She looked up at his face but he was avoiding her eyes, instead watching his paw as he absently trailed a thumb over the back of hers. Why would be be so adamant to help her? He'd already returned the favour he thought he owed them for his breakout. He didn't owe her anything. As far as she was concerned, he never had.

Then there was the incident with the Fracture. His declaration that he was responsible for the outbreak of the virus and cracks.

That was it, wasn't it? He blamed himself. He could no longer look her in the eye.

"It's not your fault, Vector," she said. "I have to admit, I doubted you were telling the truth, and I'm truly sorry. But you shouldn't blame yourself for the virus, you were only trying to help the humans."

He let out a single laugh. "It was a poorly thought-out plan."

"You had their best intentions at heart though, didn't you?" She managed to catch his eye briefly but he still wouldn't look at her. "Switch thinks you only told us all that because you wanted us to stop following you."

"He's right." He sighed. "It's not easy to get close to anyone in this day and age. Not with the virus claiming lives every day."

"I know. I've lost friends myself."

"I lost all my friends when they walked into the Fracture. That's why it's easier if you hate me." His voice cracked and he pulled his paw from hers. "I don't want to lose anyone else."

She reached out and grabbed his paw, holding it fast. He couldn't think like that. A lonely life living in fear of losing loved ones... It would only destroy him. He finally looked at her and a frown creased his face, but it melted away as he looked back into her violet eyes.

"You can't live like that," she said. "Besides, I can't hate you. Especially when you've given me no reason to."

His paw relaxed back on top of hers and he closed his eyes. "Pixel..."

"And I really don't want to be alone right now." Her voice wavered and she clenched her paw against the floor.

His paw tensed around hers, clutching it tightly.

"You're not alone," he said. "I promised I'd help you, and I will."

There wasn't a single note of dishonesty in his voice. That feeling of loneliness was extinguished as she realised he wouldn't just leave her. She didn't even think Switch would abandon her either.

He watched their paws as he brushed a thumb over hers, once again avoiding her eyes.

"You were right, though," he said. "I do blame myself for that virus, and I hate myself for it. I won't let it claim the life of a friend." He paused and his paw tightened as his voice faltered. "It's claimed enough already."

She opened her eyes and stared at the black and white paw clasped over hers. She couldn't help but think there was more of an undertone to those words. More than just his appearance and abilities had been taken. But those thoughts were clouded out of her mind to be replaced by the fog of sleep.

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