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The rhythmic beeping from the heart monitor was the only noise in the ward. Pixel sat on a plastic chair, slumped forward with her arms folded beneath her on the bed. She'd refused to leave, spending nights sleeping in the hospital waiting room. It had taken two days for the main control deck to be repaired. In the meantime it had been touch and go. The life support machine they'd wired Vector up to had been battery powered, and a raichu had come in to charge it up every couple of hours. Pixel had been certain it was the same raichu they'd fought with only a week or so earlier, but if he recognised them he didn't show it.

The mattress shifted and Pixel's eyes fluttered open. A paw brushed her head and she looked up at Vector as he stretched out his arms. His face creased as he flinched and retracted his arms back in towards his chest.

A huge smile spread across her face and she propped herself up on her elbows. "Vector."

His blew eyes opened and he pushed himself up as he looked around the room. When his eyes fell on her he relaxed and rubbed a paw across his face.

"Where am I?" he asked. "What happened?"

"After you defeated Missing Number, you... well... we had to rush you to hospital." She watched him look around the room again. "It's Central Meta. You'll be surprised. The doctor who was after you... he saved your life."

"Really?" His eyes widened briefly and he looked down at his paws. "So the antivirus has gone... does that mean...?"

Pixel nodded. "System is back to normal. Well... there's damage, but those who had the virus have recovered."

"Recovered, eh?" He rubbed a paw against his chest. "Then why am I still sore?"

"They think the antivirus did some damage. They found blistering on your lungs, but they're trying their best to fix it."

He pushed himself up and adjusted his pillow so he could lean back against the wall. Once he was comfortable he yawned widely and took the glass of water Pixel offered to him.

"So how is everyone else?" he asked.

"Switch is fine. He went back to Spool yesterday, but he wouldn't leave until the doctors assured him you were okay."

He chuckled and sipped at his water. "He's not a bad guy."

Pixel smiled. "No, he's not. He's been worried sick. Chip's recovered from the virus too and she's with Retro and the unown now. They've gone back to the Binary Jungle since Cyan Island is still grounded. I'm not sure they'll ever get them up in the sky again."

"Well, they got them up in the sky centuries ago so there must be some modern technology that can do it."

He took another sip of his water then leant towards Pixel to set his glass back on the table. Their eyes met and he raised a paw, brushing it over the long fur beside her face. She let out a happy sigh and leant her cheek into his paw, feeling it trace over her cheek and jaw.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she said.

He leant towards her but she raised a paw to stop him.

"I have some more news for you. I think you'll want to hear this."

He raised an eyebrow to prompt her to continue.

"Your group, Bridge. They're all alive and are assisting with an investigation in the ruined lab. They've found something they think might lead back to the human world."

"Wow." His eyes widened and he gave a small laugh. "That's... that's amazing."

"I know. They're keeping quiet about it though so we don't know any real details. I think they want to avoid causing too much fuss perchance it's nothing. Also, some might think it poses a threat."

"Then how do you know about it?" He paused and looked around the room before lowering his voice. "N00b?"

"Actually... we have Retro to blame for this one. She got curious about the mew cloning experiment the humans were doing. It made her wonder if that's why she was immune to the virus and she decided to go investigating. She stumbled upon Bridge's discovery and was told to stay quiet. She only told us because we were there."

"Well... looks like all this has finally come to an end then." He ran a paw over the fur between his ears and sighed. "It's all over..."

He locked his eyes on hers again and held them as he brushed his paw over her cheek. Then he leant forwards and caught her in a kiss, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her towards him until she was perched on the edge of the bed. He broke away and trailed small kisses over her cheek and down to her shoulder, then stopped to nuzzle into her fur.

"Did they say how long I was going to be in here?" he asked.

She shook her head. "No. I don't think they know. But since you're clearly better then... I can't imagine too much longer."

He met her eyes again and stroked his paw over her arm. She caught it in her own paw and gave it a soft squeeze.

"I really need to get some lunch. Is there anything you need? I'll bring it when I come back this afternoon."

He leant back against the pillow and yawned again. "Just something to read." He gave her one of his warm smiles that made his whole face light up. "And yourself."

She felt a blush spread over her cheeks and she slipped from the bed and made for the door.


Hertz looked away from the meowstic's window and turned down the corridor as he flicked over his medical notes. He'd not seen a condition as severe as Vector's before, but he was confident he was making good progress.

He passed by Sample and Mono leaning against the wall and Sample kicked back from it and cleared his throat.

"You gonna do something about that mawile and her friends?" Sample asked a little too loudly.

Hertz looked back at him. "Hmm? No, I wasn't planning on it."

"But they broke into the hospital," said Mono. "Not to mention started a rumble and smashed a window!"

"While that may be true," said Hertz as he turned to continue down the corridor, "they succeeded in doing what I couldn't. I think saving the world is a good enough excuse for the little inconvenience they caused, don't you?"


One month later...

Pixel stood between Vector and Retro, peering between N00b's ears while craning to see past the pokemon in front of her. The portal looked like a black tear amongst the debris of the laboratory. It leaked an ultraviolet light like those cracks, but allegedly posed no threat. The marowak pacing back and forth before it spoke clearly into a megaphone.

"Thorough investigation has gone on beyond this portal and we can confirm that it does indeed lead to the human world," he said. "However, I want you all to know before you go back that your world has also been affected by its own virus outbreak. The city beyond this portal has been reduced to ruin, but we can assure you any trace of a virus is gone. The humans were affected in much the same way as the pokemon were here. Their forms were changed into that of pokemon, but they are now returned to their normal state. How do we know this? Because we asked."

A few cries came from the group of pokemon as they retreated back from the nearest humans standing amongst them.

The marowak raised his paw and shouted through his mega phone, "Calm down, don't worry yourselves! We already know the virus can't cross the species barrier. The humans were with us way before the outbreak." When the crowd had calmed down, he went on, "Since humans are still pokemon here, we ran a test to see what would happen when they go back. Our volunteer's form reverted to that of a human the moment they stepped through the portal, so we can rest assured your forms will be returned to you very soon. As for the humans back in your world, they are also conducting their own experiments on the other side of the portal, and are eagerly awaiting your return. Firstly, the ones still in comas will be entering first, then those who are conscious will follow."

N00b sobbed and looked up at Connor. "Well... looks like you're finally going home."

"I know." The pikachu's eyes widened. "I can't believe it."

"You sure you don't wanna stay?" asked Byte. "I can teach you some electric attacks."

Connor waved the emolga off. "No, thank you. I've been waiting for this day for years."

"Aww, I'm gonna miss you, Connor boy." Snippet the leavanny dabbed her eyes with a tissue. "You take care now, okay?"

Her eyes flew wide open when Connor span and threw his arms around her waist. Tears shone at the corners of his eyes and he wiped a paw over his nose as he pulled away.

N00b shook his head sharply. "No, no! Don't you cry! You're gonna set me... aww!" He screwed his eyes shut as tears trickled over his muzzle and sobbed loudly.

Switch leant forwards and ruffled the lillipup's ears. "You know it's for the best, buddy."

N00b nodded. "I know, I know. But if you can... you know... visit on holidays and stuff."

Switch laughed and turned to Connor, pulling an envelope from his pocket.

"If you wouldn't mind," said Switch. "The directions are on there. Please pass that on to my parents."

Connor looked from the envelope to Switch. "Wait... you're really not coming?"

Switch shook his head. "I've got a life here. Everything my parents need to know is written in that letter." He gave Connor a fond smile. "You take care of yourself, okay?"

Connor stared at him for a moment then nodded, returning his smile. "Thank you, everyone. For everything."

They watched the pikachu as he went to join the crowd of humans. Wheels rattled over the concrete as beds were dragged towards the portal and guided through to the other side.

Diode and N00b snuffled and dabbed at their eyes.

"I can't believe this day's finally come," said Pixel.

"No," said Vector. "Neither can I."

"So Switch, why-"

Pixel looked around through the crowd and spotted Switch's retreating form. She quickly apologised to Vector and ran off after him.


He stopped and looked back at her.

"Why aren't you going home?" she asked.

He chuckled and leant back against a tree. "I thought you didn't want me to go home."

"I don't," she said. "But that's just me being selfish. It's your home. This might be your only chance to go back. They're going to try and close it after."

He shrugged and looked over at the crowd. "To be honest, I see this place as my home now. It's kind of a long story, Pixel, but before I got sucked into this world I was already running away from home. I'd got fed up of life in my town. It wasn't easy. I didn't have any friends. One day I decided to just leave. To go and find myself. I'd managed to make it all the way to Cinnabar Island when that explosion hit. I found myself in this world and at first I wanted to go back, but after a while I made friends. I even made a living for myself. The one thing I do regret though is that I never had a chance to tell my parents I'd made it to Cinnabar Island. Surely they know by now that I was in that explosion, so I sent Connor with a letter to tell them I'm okay. I'm alive and I'm staying here."

She looked back at the group of pokemon, the marowak's voice cutting over the noise.

"Form an orderly line! An orderly line!"

"Besides," said Switch. "I can't break N00b's heart twice. He's already got one human leaving him."

Pixel laughed and clasped her paws behind her back. "So what are you going to do now he's going home?"

He made a thoughtful noise and gave her a wink. "I think I might join an investigation team. Do you know any?"

A huge smile spread across her face.

"Hey, guys?" Vector waved at them. "Connor's going home. Don't you want to see him off?"

Switch gave a heavy sigh and ran his hand through his hair. "All right. I'll watch him. But get ready to see a grown man cry, okay?"

They rejoined the crowd and Pixel stood between Retro and Chip. The buneary gave her a fond smile and looped an arm around her shoulders.

The flow of humans walking into the portal caused tears to well up in Pixel's eyes. She wiped a paw across them and looked over at Switch. He'd adopted his talonflame form in an attempt to blend in, but the tears were clear in his golden eyes. She made sure not to miss the small pikachu dressed in a suit slip through the portal. He never even looked back.

When every last human was through, the marowak and members of Bridge pulled up a hazard ribbon, cutting off access to the portal.

Pixel found herself swept in the crowd on the way out of the ruined city.

"Well, this has been an x-tremely emotional day," said X.

"You're telling me," said Amp. "I don't think I've cried so hard in my life."

"Hmm." Switch folded his arms behind his head. "I'm gonna miss Connor, but I'm happy for him. It'll be interesting to see what this world is like now. All the cases I took on for Luma Island were hate crimes towards humans."

"Yeh, they got cast aside," said Pixel sadly.

"I can't really remember what life was like twelve years ago," said Retro with a laugh. "What did we do?"

"Solved cases that were swept under the rug," said Pixel. "Took on small requests."

"Weren't you looking into the human's mew cloning?" Switch asked her.

Retro waved a dismissive paw. "Oh, I've dropped that. There's no possible way I can find out if more mew were immune to the virus since they all live in the Analogue Islands, and the virus never made it that far. Since I can't find out any more, I've decided to get an investigation team up and running again."

"That's great!" said Pixel. "I was hoping to do that too!"

N00b skipped up beside them. "Well first thing's first, you wanna get your island back up in the air, right?"

Switch looked down at him with a start. "N00b, I really don't think you should toy with a flying island."

"I made a flying car!"

"Yes but that island is a lot bigger!"

N00b tutted and looked away from him. "You've got no faith in me."

Retro laughed. "I'm sure they'll get it back up there somehow. In the meantime I was thinking of going back to the Binary Jungle."

Switch grimaced and Pixel hid a smile behind her paw.

"Can we find somewhere a bit bigger?" she asked Retro. "Somewhere that could at least accommodate a talonflame?"

"Oh!" Retro clasped her paws behind her back and floated up in front of Switch. "Thinking of joining us, are you?"

"If you wouldn't mind," he answered.

Vector closed his eyes and snorted. "I don't think he would have given you much choice."

N00b bounced up and down on his toes. "Well, if Switch is joining, I'm joining!" Diode waved frantically and N00b nodded. "So is Diode."

"Well, we need all the members we can get," said Retro. "It's not an easy job. I think we'll be the first investigation team to reform."

"Oh wait! I have an idea!" N00b trotted backwards as he talked to the mew. "We can use Connor's old base! I'm sure Snippet won't mind!"

"Oh wonderful!" Switch beamed. "We'd have a maid!"

"Hey! Snippet's like a mother to me. Don't call her a maid!"

Retro laughed again. "If Snippet won't mind, then we would love to use Connor's base."

"Excellent!" Switch stretched languidly. "I can fit in there in either form."

As they walked on, Vector slipped his paw into Pixel's and she looked over at him, catching his eye. He gave her a warm smile and edged closer to her, turning his attention to the sky. She followed his gaze and felt happiness swell up inside her.

No more cracks. They had a perfect, clear view of the sky.

"You know what would be nice?" he asked.


"Relaxing in a sunbeam."


That's it! It's done! =D Just in time for Sun and Moon! Thank you so much for reading this story! I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, I am currently in the process of writing a load of background fluff for an upcoming Pokemon fanfic I hope to be an epic. I've missed writing a long story. It hasn't got a title yet, but it's going to be a dystopian. If that's your thing, please keep an eye open ;D

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