4. Whhyyy?

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SORRY THIS TOOK SO DAMN LONG. Had to draw the things, and we all know how much I procrastinate.

"Come again?" Khonjin asked, clearly confused.

"I'm going to have to stay here for about.. Well let's say I needa move in, until I... Uhm yeah."

"Why..?" (The $0.01 quesion.)

Pents cleared the his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. "Let's just say I needa find someone."

"But why do you have to say heerrreeee?"

"I.." Pent sighed. "Come with me, and don't touch anything." He got up, walking over to a rug(Shoosh he deeefinitely has one.) moving it aside to reveal a lil' trapdoor.. Which had a key lock. "Great.. Khonjin, have you found any weird looking keys around here?"

"Uh, one but it went to the garage."

"Where is it?"

"Right over here..?" Khonjin seemed unsure as he walked over to the kitchen, grabbing his keys off the counter. "Yeah this one." He showed it to Pent.(The key's in media cause ye.)

Pent shivered, getting a sudden deja-voo(DAD SHUSH.) just by looking at it. He gently took it, wanting to be careful with it for some goddamn reason, and tryed it on the lock.

It worked.

Pent slowly opened it, feeling a wave of heat. Khonjin looked confused. "How did I not know about this?" He muttered, half to himself.

"Because you weren't supposed to find it." Pent stated, before hopping into the hole, not using the ladder(which woulda been a good idea.) Khonjin followed after him.

Pent looked around, having to squint since there was no light source. "That kinda looks like a.." He walked over to what appeared to be a lamp and after fiddling sith it for a while, managed to turn it on. After blinking away the inishil ouch of the light he looked the room over again.(Not explaining it, too lazy. Go down to see.)

"This has been under my house, this whole time." Khonjin shook his head, disappointed with himself for not knowing.

"Yeah pretty much." Pent chuckled lightly. "Anyways-" He gestured to the room itself. "-This is why I can't stay anywhere else." He smirked. "I may not be able to control this unsiverse, but I can still know everything about it."

"A'ight, that's enough weird things for the day, and I spontaneously combust." Khonjin said, going back upstairs. "Have fun or whatever."

"As to you." Pent called after him, moving to a stack of folders.  "Now let's see..."


BOI. Sorry if the 'interruptions' got annoying, just my brain is like; "YO. YOU NEED TO CLARIFY THESE THINGS." And then I do it. HA I have no clue when the next chap will be out. AND I'M WRITING IT RIGHT NOWWWwwww-- later.

Also, I forgot you can't put 2 pictures in the media soo.. here's the thing.

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