Part 10 - Baring teeth

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My consciousness stirred, slowly coming back online after a much-needed reboot. My eyes fluttered open but bright light made me squeeze them back shut. I groaned at the bad taste in my mouth then slowly reopen my eyes, but the bright light was back and blinding. I turned away from the brightness, the movement was painful.

What is wrong with us? Miss Priss croaked.

Squinting, I stared at my surroundings in alarm. This wasn't my room. Dark grey walls, a Star Wars poster and Axel sleeping in a chair...

Mmmm, Axel. Miss Priss purred.

I sat up feeling disorientated. Axel? Where am I?

Gabriel Aims! Miss Priss yelled loudly in my head.

Last night's events resurfaced in my groggy mind, effectively bringing me out of the fog. Painful pounding erupted in my head when I look at the bright sunlight streaming in through a gap left in the dark red curtains. I looked away from the light rather quickly. Add a hangover to my list of unfortunates and call me out of order.

Out of their own accord, my eyes went back to Axel. He looked very uncomfortable sleeping in the chair. He had a fluffy grey blanket thrown over him covering his body his glasses still perched on his face.

Ooh, I wanna touch the fluffy blanket. Miss Priss shrieked wiggling her fingers.

Focus Melia. I closed my eyes for a second to gather my haywire thoughts. My head was pounding, my muscles sore and the taste in my mouth was foul.

OMG is this puke? I thought repulsed as I stared at the dried pieces in my hair. I pulled the covers away from me, hesitantly, scared of the idea that I might be in my birthday suit.

Relief washed over me as I looked down at my fully clothed body, but then it plummeted at the sight of the vile stains on my white dress.

What the hell happened last night?

My sense of decency left the premises as I zeroed in on a ball of socks on the floor next to the bed. Snatching it up I threw it at Axel's sleeping form. "Psst, Axel, wake up," I yelled in a whisper, my voice barely audible as it cracked.

Axel stirred, his hand cupped his neck as he grimaced before opening his eyes. "What?" he asked in a sour tone. He blinked a few times before he stood up, the fluffy grey blanket slipped off, and my jaw dropped at the sight.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes only to stare at him again. He was actually wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and his arms looked deliciously muscular. Why the hell would he hide those perfect guns?

He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, looking around his room in desperation until he found his grey hoodie. Pulling it on he finally seemed to focus. I stared at him pointedly. "Why do you do that?" I asked pushing my hair out of my face as I stood up.

Axel looked at me from head to toe, pausing for a second at my cleavage area before looking away. "Do what?" he asked pulling a hand through his hair.

"Hide yourself," I shrugged still staring at him.

He frowned at me, the wheels in his head turned loudly. "Melia, we are not having this conversation," he said sternly, "do you want coffee?" he asked over his shoulder as he walked out of the room.

Miss Priss perked up at the idea of coffee. "Yes, please," I yelled after him. I paused before walking out after him, my eye caught the en-suite bathroom. I looked up at myself in the mirror, I look wretched. Shrugging I made my way to the bathroom stripped and got into the shower.

Feeling human again, I dropped his towel in a wet heap on the floor before scanning the room for something to wear. I settled for one of his Star Wars t-shirts since he was so freakishly tall the t-shirt fell to my mid-thigh. Happy with my wardrobe, I mean it's not like I had a lot of options, I made my way out, combing my fingers through my long wet hair.

Axel stood with his back towards me so I just walked right up to him. He turned startled as I reached over him for a mug of coffee. He turned, staring at me wide-eyed, and I returned his weird stare. "What?" I asked very matter of fact before turning to sit on the kitchen counter.

He continued to stare at me. "You're wearing my t-shirt," he finally said.

"Great job, Sherlock," I rolled my eyes at him sipping my coffee, "Now what happened last night?" I asked the million dollar question.

"And you used my shampoo and deodorant, I can smell it on you," he said looking like an angry bird that just got his feathers ruffled.

"What are you a bloodhound? Now back to last night," I said sarcastically.

You are quite the smart mouth today, funny you seem very comfortable around him, Miss Priss noted like some behavioural psychologist.

He crossed his arms over his chest, still staring.

"What Axel? Do you prefer the essence of vomit over the smell of you?" I asked in exaggeration.

"Well, if you put it that way, I guess the answer is no. I just don't appreciate the invasion of privacy. Besides you guessed it Melia, nothing more attractive than a woman smelling like a man," he said, every word dripped with sarcasm.

He took his coffee and came to sit next to me. His words and his actions confused me, he was verging on rude with his words but then he sits so dangerously close to me.

Bae wanna be in ya bubble. Miss Priss said in a sassy voice as she edged closer to him.

"Invasion of privacy? You let me sleep in your bed for crying out loud," I said throwing my hands in the air.

Why did he not cuddle with us? I like cuddling and shit. Miss Priss pouted.

I quickly hushed her, the shame of my inner thoughts showing on my face.

"Exactly," he said raising an eyebrow at me, "why are you blushing?"

Ha, he knows your dirty little secret. Miss Priss danced around like a five-year-old.

I shrugged it off and acted indifferently. "Like I'm the first girl to ever be in your room," I retorted.

"As a matter of fact, you are the first girl to ever be in my room," he said looking away.

He looked vulnerable and it knocked me right off my high horse. "I'm sorry for invading your space, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," I said with my foot in my mouth.

"How much did you drink last night?" he asked, changing the conversation.

I was grateful for the new topic even if it made me sound like a dysfunctional alcoholic. "I don't know, a lot, but I sure as hell wasn't drunk enough to pass out like that," I said puzzled.

"Well, did you accept any open drinks?" he asked accusingly.

"Yes, there was a guy that was nice enough to buy me a drink when I turned back to him he already held the open drink—" realization dawned on me as I spoke, "Oh, that asshole spiked me," I yelled appalled.

Axel nodded at me. "Yes, Melia, never accept open drinks from guys. Their intentions aren't pure," he scolded me.

I hate to say I told you so, silly girl. Miss Priss pulled a duck face as she agreed with Mr. Righteous.

I sat staring at my mug feeling like a petulant child, ashamed of my own stupidity. Axel sighed making me look up at him. "So, do you remember anything? Just before you passed out I mean?" he mumbled, nervously drumming his fingers on the counter.

Miss Priss cringed as I remembered Gabriel's face. Nope, keep your mouth closed. She tried to hush me before the words slipped out.

Too late.

"Gabriel, my son of a bitch ex," the words spilt from my mouth. I clasped my hand over my mouth as I looked up at the devil himself standing in the doorway.

"In the flesh," Gabriel said with his arms open, strolling in like he owned the place.

"Gabriel, you could have called," Axel said, sounding annoyed.

Gabriel sunk down into the sofa behind us, sprawling himself out in a confident manner. I swallowed hard at the sight of him, it was painful seeing him again like this. He was just as handsome as I remembered him, groomed and immaculate.

"And ruin the surprise? No, my friend, I think not. Besides now I get to see the beautiful Melia." He looked at me with a Cheshire smile on his face, his expression faltered as he took in my attire. "I see you have been ploughing my old stomping grounds." He wrongfully assumed as he accused Axel of sleeping with me.

Axel frowned at him. "I thought you knew me better than that," he said turning in his seat to face Gabriel.

"So did I, but this is very out of character for you, usually you are the one showing them the door, not your bedroom," he said lifting an eyebrow at us.

"We did not sleep together Aims, he was merely a gentleman and took care of me as a favour to his sister, who happens to be my roommate," I finally spoke, feeling compelled to explain the situation to him. Old habits die so hard, all I ever did was try and explain myself to him.

"I like the dark hair, the blonde never suited you," he said looking me up and down with a grin, "as for last night, I do believe that I was actually the one that caught you before you face planted," he spoke slowly never taking his eyes off me.

I shied away from his gaze, trying to shield some of myself behind Axel's large frame. And ironically enough, Axel actually seemed to have puffed out his chest and slightly moved to shield me from Gabriel's line of sight in return.

For a second time, the door burst open and I swear Axel almost had a heart attack as his girlfriend, Tiffany, walked in with a mean glint in her eyes.

"Why the hell don't you answer your stupid phone—" she whined but stopped as she finally looked up from rummaging through her Prada bag. Her eyes scanned the room and her accusing glare landed on me, still wet and only dressed in her boyfriend's t-shirt.

Miss Priss made an angry cat hissing noise at the sight of the Tiff-monster, holding up a cross with her fingers for protection.

I tried my best to maintain my composure so I fell into default mode, and came up with a smile. I don't know when exactly people started thinking the silly gesture of baring one's teeth was considered a friendly one. Because the teeth-baring smile she gave me in return was absolutely savage. 

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