Part 14 - Take a hint

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Axel's POV

I sat on that sofa staring at the door—longer than intended—after she walked out of it. The area on the sofa she occupied suddenly seemed empty, leaving me confused. Sighing, I pulled the blasted hoodie off, she was right I was feeling hot. Throwing the hoodie on the floor I turned to stretch myself out on the sofa pretending to watch the sitcom she left on.

It was pointless, all I could think of was her annoying giggling every time she thought something was funny. Now that it's quite; I miss it. I groaned, sitting up again and feeling off-balance.

Frustrated, by these unknown—unwelcome—feelings, I got up and paced the living room a few times. With my hands lodged in my hair, I passed the mirror and it made me stop. I stood staring at myself dressed in jeans and a tank top. Melia's words rang in my thoughts, if she was brave enough to face her past then so am I.

Determined, I rushed to my room to get dressed, I suddenly felt the urge to hit the gym. Bravely, I dressed in sweatpants and a simple black t-shirt that fitted me snuggly. I gave my shunned hoodie one last longing look, then mastered the courage and stepped out without it.

At first, I felt liberated, walking around without the confining comfort of my hoodie. Then the heads started to turn in my direction, and my confidence fizzled. Random girls stared at me, they smiled, but it made me uncomfortable. Just focus. I thought encouragingly to myself. They are not judging they are admiring. I repeated my mantra over and over. Only when I sat protected in my car did I dare to relax again.

I Stopped in front of the gym and immediately my phone buzzed. I pulled it out to answer, "Hello?"

"What's up, loser?"

"Besides the sun, and your level of annoyance?"

"Boo, you drama queen."

"What do you want Bex?" I asked, smiling to myself.

"I miss you baby bro, where are you? We need to talk about your future," she rambled on, like always.

"At the gym," I said not thinking twice about it, "hurry up I have a life to get to," I said getting out of the car.

"Yeah right, I'm on my way like a bat out of hell," she said ending the call.

I grimaced at the phone, straight out of hell, she got that right. I tucked the phone back into my pants and headed inside the gym.

"Looking good, big boy," the perky redhead greeted me at the reception.

I blushed. "Hi, Ali. Is Max in today?" I asked, trying to keep a safe distance from her wandering hands.

She smiled deliriously as she got up and walked around the desk towards me. "Of course, he is in the training hall," she smiled, backing me into the corner. Right now, I wished I had my hoodie on, I was scared out of my mind she would try and touch me.

Desperation made me rude. "Back off, Ali! How many times do I have to say no, take a hint woman," I said. Hurt flashed in her eyes as I walked past her.

I hurried towards the training hall, bursting through the door. Max had his client in a choke hold as he snapped this head up. "Axe my man, did Ali rub you the wrong way again?" he asked letting go of his client. Was it written on my forehead or am I just that transparent?

I threw my bag on the floor nodding as I walked in towards them. "I doubt this Ali girl even got close to him," his client said straightening up.

"Landon?" I asked incredulously when I recognized my friend.

"Yeah man, you always talk about this place so I thought I might try it out," he said giving me his megawatt smile, rubbing the sweat from his brow. "You were right, Max here is a champ. No wonder you're in such great shape," he said motioning to me.

"Landon?" a shrill shriek boomed through the room.

"Bex," Landon turned to catch her just in time as she hurled herself at him.

"I didn't know you were in town," Bex said hugging the poor guy senseless, "Hi Max," she looked up over Landon's shoulder.

"Hi crazy girl," Max greeted her back with a smile.

She paused for a second to look at me, an odd expression on her face. "You're not wearing your hoodie," she said puzzled, "You look amazing," she said softly with a smile.

Everyone fell silent, they all—regrettably—knew my issues. "Thanks," I mumbled, "Now what did you want to talk about?" I asked, changing the subject.

An evil smile grew on her face and a devilish glint appeared in her eyes. Panic gripped me. I knew that face was trouble. "Melia, you should make a move that girl is perfect for you," she said, and it was exactly what I feared.

Max and Landon threw me curious looks. They knew my aversion to women, and they were barely over the shock that I had an actual girlfriend. "Who's Melia? Aren't you dating Tiffany Harris?" Max asked with raised eyebrows.

"She dumped his ass because she walked in on Melia still wet and only wearing his t-shirt after she spent the night at his place." Bex so graciously hung my dirty laundry for all to see. I glared at her but she was unfazed by it.

"Dude," Landon said proudly, giving me a pat on the shoulder. I winced at the contact, so he removed his hand from my shoulder with an apologetic smile. "Bummer, Tiffany was hot but I am seeing some change in you. It's a good thing," he said with a reassuring smile.

"Tiffany did not dump me, we are just in uncharted waters," I said sighing. I turned my attention back to Bex standing there with a silly grin. I bet she is really proud of herself. "Thanks for that," I said sarcastically, "Why on earth would you think I should pursue Melia?" I asked trying to look passive.

But honestly, inside I was bursting with questions. Did Melia say something about me? Does she want me to pursue her? Why does that Idea seem so appealing to me?

"Well, for starters, you broke your rules for her, you allowed her to stay over and you seem to be able to tolerate her. Also, she seems curious about you, and for her, that's saying something," Bex said excitedly, "and I think it's a great idea for both of you. You can rehabilitate each other. So forget that apparent girlfriend of yours because no one likes her not even you," she said very sure of herself.

I looked down, staring at the floor. Is she curious about me? That might be a bad thing, but those are my favourite kind of things.

"Take a risk Axe, what do you have to lose? Besides, Tiffany had not been good for you," Max encouraged me with a warm smile.

I looked up to Max with a small smile, then shrugged and turned to Landon. "The problem is that this girl is also the one Gabriel told us about," I said speaking to him only.

"The one that got away?" Landon asked stunned. I nodded in confirmation.

His eyes widened and he nodded with understanding. "That may be a problem, yes," he said slowly. There was something in his voice, he knew something I didn't.

"Gabriel Aims? What's that asshole got to do with this?" Bex suddenly spoke with a new ferocity.

Landon sighed as he looked at her. "Bex, I know that I am the only friend of your brother you ever met because he is so socially retarded but there are actually two more. Marcel and Gabriel," he spoke carefully.

"It's true Bex, the world is a smaller place than we think. Gabriel is a close friend, he has done a great deal for me in the past and I owe him a lot. He really isn't the asshole everyone makes him out to be," I said trying to protect my friend from my sister's wrath. I can only assume she knows of him through Melia's version of events.

"Well, he had his chance, besides she will never in a million years give him a second thought so there is no harm in it if you make a move. I will even teach you how to flirt," Bex said convinced of her conclusion.

I frowned at her offer. "I know how to flirt," I said coldly. Honestly, this woman severely underestimates me.

Bex raised an eyebrow at me. "I highly doubt it. I didn't even know you had more than one friend. As for the Tiff-Monster, you didn't land that because of skill that was merely a sad accident," she said with her hands on her hips, giving me attitude.

Max stifled a laugh, and I threw him an angry glare silencing him completely. "There is no point arguing with you. Now, get out of here so I can kick Max's ass," I said hoping to get rid of her.

Bex shrugged. "Fine, but I am not giving up on this. I am cooking ya'll dinner tonight so I expect you to be there," she said pointing to me, "You too, and bring this Marcel guy as well," she said pointing to both Max and Landon.

"Great, the more the merrier," Landon said walking out with my sister.

I turned to face Max. "You ready?" I asked mocking him. Somehow my kickboxing session with him turned into another friendship.

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