Part 17 - Next Time

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My face was flushed. I could feel the heat creeping across my cheeks. Axel stared at me with a shocked, yet apologetic look. He thinks I am beautiful?

Who cares, he just admitted to wanting you in a sexual manner. Miss Priss yelled, doing a cringe-worthy happy dance.

"Melia, I..." Axel started but trailed off. Everyone was staring at him. I could tell he was extremely uncomfortable.

He looked ridiculous, his glasses were askew on his face and he had some kind of dried pink stuff smeared on his left cheek. He swallowed. "I didn't mean—"

"Well, of course, you didn't mean it, you're obviously drunk," Gabriel spoke up, putting words in Axel's mouth.

"And who the hell invited you?" Bex stumbled over a knocked-over chair as she walked up to Gabriel, pointing a menacing finger at him.

I was still staring at Axel, his eyes have not left me either. "You didn't mean it?" I asked softly, my voice barely audible over the loud music and bickering between Bex and Gabriel.

Somehow he heard me. He stared at me for a second, hesitating, then shook his head. "No, it's the tequila talking, I am sorry," he mouthed. I doubt anyone heard our silent conversation.

His words were painful. I don't know why I wished for a different response but I did.

Well, if you ask me alcohol never lies. Miss Priss said, refusing to accept his denial.

"Listen. I don't know what type of authority you think you have but Melia already agreed to give us a second chance, and I am not going to let you—" Gabriel breathed out angrily at Bex before shooting Axel a glare, "—or anyone else get in my way," he finished his rant still glaring at Axel.

"Dude, calm down, no one is getting in your way," a freakishly handsome stranger spoke up. He stepped in front of Axel shielding him from Gabriel's glare.

I glanced around in alarm. Who are these strange men in my home?

Axel gently touched the guy's shoulder as he stepped out from behind him. "Thanks, Landon, but I got this," he said with a slight nod. "Gabriel, I assure you it was a drunken slip, hell, I am still seeing double, now I am sorry for my distasteful remark but let it go man. Right now, you're killing my buzz, and I would much rather enjoy it while it lasts," he spoke sincerely, a bit of a slur here and there but we all heard him clearly.

He finally turned to me again, "Melia, honestly you do look hot, and those jeans look like they were painted on, so sorry not sorry," he shrugged then gave me that dazzling smile of his.

Now, I am confused. Miss Priss said fanning herself.

"And since you made the decision to give my buddy, Aims, here the chance, I don't think my opinion should concern you," he foolishly continued.

I frowned at him and Bex almost had a hissy fit on the spot. "You're a moron," Bex huffed at her brother, "But in the spirit of bad decisions," she continued, pouring another shot of tequila and hoisted it up to Gabriel, "Here's to you asshole."

One of the strangers burst out laughing at Bex's less than honourable toast. His laughter broke the ice and instead of Gabriel lashing out, he poured himself a shot. "Here's to you bitch," he said.

Gabriel wrapped an arm around me, startling me at first, as he turned me towards the three strangers. "Baby, I would like to introduce you to these handsome sons of bitches," he said with new confidence. I cringed at the endearment he used, his fast pace coming back to memory, but I smiled nonetheless as he started pointing out these 'sons of bitches'.

"This is Landon and Marcel," he pointed them out respectively then paused as he got to the third one, "Him I don't know, and of course last but not least, and also not new to you is the last of my brothers, the rebellious Axel Sterling," he finished in a dramatic voice.

Don't look now, but Axel is staring at you, again. Miss Priss whispered slyly.

I hushed her, well aware of Axel's eyes on me, or more specifically his eyes on Gabriel's arm around me. The only reason I was aware of his eyes on me was because I had been stealing secret glances at him as well. Twice we caught each other staring, the daring little game made me blush.

"Oh baby, no need to blush, although the shyness is enduring," Gabriel said noticing my blush. He caressed my cheek, but little did he know the reason behind my blush was the reaction to Axel, not his touch.

I merely smiled at Gabriel's playfulness. "Hi, I am Max. It's great to meet you, I'm Axel's trainer. The man is a champ in the arena," the third guy introduced himself.

Gabriel finally lets go of me as he joined the rest for shots at the counter allowing me to question Max. "Hi, Max, nice to meet you too, and I didn't know that, what arena are you talking about?" I asked genuinely interested.

Axel shot Max a glare but he ignored him. "He's a heavyweight Kickboxer, and a darn good one," Max said, bragging just a bit.

"Okay, that's enough," Axel interrupted me before I could ask another question.

We need to make note of this 'Max' he is useful and may serve a purpose. Miss Priss concluded writing his name down on a notepad.

Max smiled knowingly, something tells me he let slip some information on purpose. He walked away to join the others. The counter turned into a watering hole for the animals to gather around. That left me and Axel alone, standing awkwardly and staring at each other.

Axel sighed heavily, closing his eyes for the briefest of seconds. I reached up with the intention to rub the pink stuff from his cheek, but his expression changed when he saw my hand reaching for his face. "You have something on your cheek," I said innocently.

"Oh," he gave a small chuckle, "It's probably cupcake batter," he said trying to rub it off.

He missed so I reached up again, but slowly this time. "May I," I asked softly, giving him the control and the choice to trust me,

"I do," he said relaxing his shoulders and dropping his hands to the side.

I gave him a quizzical look, not sure if it was a yes or a no. "I do trust you," he said softly again.

I smiled at him, he understood the deeper meaning behind my question. I reached up and gently rubbed the batter from his cheek, his skin was warm to the touch. He stayed very still, his eyes never leaving mine.

"There, all gone," I said, retracting my hand.

He caught my hand and pressed it to his chest, his racing heart pounded against my palm. His chest was hard and defined, I could feel the contours of his muscles. "It doesn't feel gone," he said in a deep voice.

Oh wow, just go ahead and lick his face and say you missed a spot. Miss Priss swooned and melted on the spot with a nervous giggle.

I dropped my eyes to my hand on his chest, a warm sensation washing over me.

"Melia, do you care to join me?" Gabriel's voice shattered our private moment. I looked up at Gabriel, who was looking at us with a hard stare.

"Why don't both of you join us?" Bex asked swatting at Gabriel's head.

I nodded and walked to Gabriel, my hand slipping through Axel's fingers.

Axel suddenly pushed past me on his way to the 'watering hole' he ducked his head to whisper so that only I could hear. It was as subtle as it was brief. "Next time, I get to touch you in return."

There was going to be a 'next' time? Miss Priss asked with excitement.

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