Part 6 - A smile just for you.

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Axel's POV🦄

Her face was absolutely priceless. Her mouth made a cute 'oh' shape and I liked the way her slight smile faltered at the mention of my girlfriend. I stuffed my hands into my pockets, again, and grinned as I strutted all the way to Tiffany's office.

"Baby," she cooed as I walked in. Rushing over to me she swung her arms around my neck and planted a kiss on my unresponsive lips.

I patted her back. "Hey, you." 

The bitch boss. Regrettably, an accurate description of Tiffany Harris, but in her defense, she was undeniably driven and successful. She climbed her way up the social hierarchy and landed herself the position of chief editor at Vogue.

Too bad she didn't care who she had to step on to get there. She was cold and ruthless. So why am I dating her? Simple, she's hot!

Not to mention she was usually too busy to really pay attention, so she was a good fit for me. I didn't really enjoy people touching me, unnecessarily, although I can handle it, I prefer they don't. Also, she was so self-obsessed she hardly picked up on my insecurities.

Tiffany didn't even notice the space I created between us as she glared out her office door. I followed her line of sight and she had Melia in her crosshairs. "Ugh, that girl is such a mess, not to mention late," she added staring at her watch.

"Relax Tiff, it's my fault she's late," I said trying to come to Melia's rescue.

Tiffany snapped her head back to me glaring at me with narrowed eyes. "Care to explain that?" she hissed.

I noticed Melia's big blue eyes staring at us so I pulled Tiffany further into her office by her elbow, out of Melia's sight. "I gave her a ride to work this morning and stopped for breakfast on the way," I shrugged.

Tiffany placed a manicured finger to her temple. "And why on earth would you even be in a position to give her a ride?" her voice was cold as ice.

I grinned knowing very well the consequences of my next words. "Because I spent the night at her place, so I thought the decent thing would be to drive her to work." I know I could have answered that differently but I wanted to make her jealous. Jealousy was still an emotion, right?

Tiffany sucked in a sharp breath as little fires ignited in her eyes. "Excuse me?" she breathed out between her teeth.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Yeah, she is roommates with my sister I told you about, who knew?"

Realization flickered across her features and she visibly relaxed. "Oh," she merely voiced with raised eyebrows. "Well, then you should have just started with that explanation," she eyed me.

She flipped her long golden hair as she walked back to her desk searching through some papers. "I know we have dinner plans tonight, but I won't be able to make it," she spoke so matter of fact that I didn't see the need to respond.

I just silently watched as she had already forgotten about the conversation and my attempt to provoke some emotion out of her. Most of the time I felt content that a woman like her was even interested in me. The lack of emotional drama seemed convenient, but then on rare moments, I found myself wanting more.

Secretly, I wanted a proper relationship that reached beyond just the superficial aspects. I wanted to connect and be accepted with flaws and all. I wanted to make slow and passionate love to a woman while looking into her eyes, skin on skin. Not some half-clothed quickie while staring at the back of her head.

Just as that thought left my mind I glanced up, and on cue, a frustrated yell came from outside the office. I stared straight into Melia's blue eyes as she glanced up from the pile of papers she just dropped on the floor.

Quickly she dropped her eyes and dark strands of hair fell over her face as she crawled on her hands and knees to gather the scattered papers off the floor. I was so lost staring at this clumsy girl giving me occasional peeks of her cleavage every time she bent forward on her knees and her blouse fell open.


I snapped my head back to Tiffany, feeling embarrassed for staring but she didn't seem to notice as she stared at me expectantly. "Well?" she asked looking for some unknown answer.

"Uh, sorry what?" I asked her feeling dazed.

She huffed throwing her hands in the air. "See, this is what I am talking about. You never pay attention to me. I asked when you would want to reschedule our date?" she sounded annoyed.

Ironic, I thought, how she thinks I am the one not paying attention. "Whenever it fits into your schedule babe, I always have time for you," I said giving her a genuine smile.

It worked she turned to mush. For some reason every time I smiled she melted. It also seemed like she approved of my choice of words. She started walking over to me again, and I braced myself for her hands trailing all over me.

"You know just how to make me swoon," she trailed a hand down my chest sending a shiver to run down with it, it wasn't pleasant.

I only smiled at her, allowing her touch as I stared down at her, she was beautiful.

She pulled a hand through my hair then took my glasses off to stare into my eyes. "Axel, you could be so much more handsome if you just got rid of these," she waved my glasses in my face, "and commit to dressing in less baggy clothes," she said pulling on the loose fabric of my hoodie.

I clenched my jaw as I took my glasses from her hand and placed them back on my face. There she goes again if she ever made an attempt to really know me she would understand why I look like this.

Honestly, I didn't have to wear the glasses permanently they were only there for reading or when I was working on the computer, but I liked how they felt like a mask when I wore them

She realized she hit a nerve as she pulled away from me giving me a bored look. I stared at her face for a second longer then sighed. "I am sure you have work to do and I have somewhere to be," I said. She merely nodded.

I kissed her cheek and she gave me half a smile. "See you later," she said detached.

She stood in her door watching my every step as I walked back to the elevators. I passed Melia and she gave me a worried look so I gave her a wink. My small gesture of reassurance brought a breath-taking smile to her face and for the briefest of seconds, it completely blew me away.

The elevator doors closed and I finally let go of the breath I held. Was it really possible that something so small could cause a girl to smile that beautifully?

More importantly, that smile was because of me and her angelic lips made that gesture just for me. My own lips pulled up into a wide smile.

A secret smile just for her.

Axel in my mind ^^

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