Ch. 9 - Splash

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Maddie corralled the girls at 7:30. They went over the plan of the evening. Each girl was instructed on what to wear.

"Wear black. But if you hoe's look like your going to a funeral I'll make it your own. And no heels. We don't want you clomping around like ponies when we're trying to dump bodies.  Deniese, bring some jerky. We need sharks. They like meat and jerky is the closest thing we've got."

Claudia looked puzzled. She put down her current book "Ferocious" by Leigh W. Stuart and raised her hand while blurting out her thoughts.

"Won't the Sharks be attracted to the blood and the bodies?" 

Maddie patted her on the head like a teacher with a class of red headed step children.

"Think about it Claudia. 'Jaws' did not eat leftovers. Once the swimmers stopped screaming and squirming he went for another live body. Your super cute when you think hard."

Claudia smiled like she just won the bathroom key after a keg party.

"So go future porn stars. Saddle up. Get your outfits on and meet back here in an hour. And bring your plastic linen bags from the closet. It may be a bit messy."

The girls scattered off to their corners. Excited at having a reason to dress stealthy and nervous about scooping up body parts.

Maddie made sure to put her hair up. She didn't want to be dealing with strands of luscious locks in her way while she was making out or giving vital orders on how to dispose of the dead.

The girls made their way on deck to meet up with the lacrosse players. The boys were horsing around with a home made Hackie sack and shoving each other. When the girls walked in the ball of Saran Wrap and napkins fell to the floor. The feet stopped mid motion and boys quickly lined up and put out arms to escort the girls to the small metal tables. Evening was in full swing and the decks soft lighting came on and music started over the speakers.

Randomly couples paired. Chatting and having soda water spritzers with a splash of mint. Maddie and A.J. wandered to the rail overlooking the water. A.J. placed his hand upon hers and the other on her shoulder. They walked along the deck until coming to a secluded spot. A.J. began rubbing her neck and leaned in for a deep kiss. Maddie was more than happy to kiss back. He led her by the hand to his cabin.

Inside his cabin was clean and smelled of aftershave. He had a short story book on his nightstand "Invisible Beasts" by Daphney-Firestorm. Reading the cover Maddie gave him brownie points for good taste and made a mental note to look it up. They resumed their kissing on the edge of the bed and soon layers of clothing were strewn in piles on the floor. Maddie was rather impressed with A.J.'s physique and made another mental note to date more lacrosse players.

He rolled easily on top of her. Gently pulling her neck as leverage to get his lips moist with hers. She felt a pleasant warmth of his soap smelling skin and as he playfully nibbled at her neck and her breathing increased. He easily found his rhythm and soon Maddie forgot everything and everyone except this moment.

A.J. smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. Maddie laughed and smacked his taut chest as he lay down next to her and began to twirl the loose strands of hair that had escaped her messy bun.

"Want to stay here tonight? I can tell Truant to room with someone else?"

Maddie looked at the bedside clock. She got out of the bed and started putting on clothes.

"I would A.J., I really would, but I can't tonight. The girls and I have a thing."

His face fell and she wished she really could stay. Warm arms were a nice place to sleep away the troubles. But she was the Captain. And 'with great power comes great responsibility'. She was proud of her ability to overcome obstacles and be selfless, it was such a Tumbler moment!

"Tomorrow? I'll bring my stuff and we can spend the evening together ok?"

"Deal. Don't back out on me though. I'll drag you like a caveman if I have to."

Maddie smiled as she pictured her slung over his bulging pecs in her leopard bra and thong.

"That you can do anyway."

With a long sweet kiss goodbye she walked into the lit hallway. Sending a Glitz Gurlz mass text she went straight to her room.

The girls appeared almost instantly. Pink cheeks and glossy eyes. Maddie scowled.

"Listen up bitches, that better be rum scented lotion I smell. Alcohol is empty calories you nit-wits. And we've got business. Go make yourselves vomit and let's get this going. I don't want to be up lugging blubber all night."

As they lined up to pay the porcelain bowl their offering for having fun, Maddie ripped the linen bags and placed them rolled together by the door. Deniese and Chelsea had been assigned to throwing buckets of ice in the bathtub to keep Jen's body cool. They were all glad to have seen that episode of 'Bill Nye the Science Guy' on How To Preserve A Body'.

When they got to the bathroom it was evident that ice hadn't been applied in several hours and Jen's body floated above the bottom of the tub in pink chunk filled water. The skin was boated and eyes whitish and foggy.

"This is what happens when you over hydrate ladies, pay attention. Deniese, pull the plug."

Deniese looked as if she were about to protest when Maddie put her hands on her hips and gave her famous 'try me' look. In seconds a slurping sound filled the room. When the water was down the girls tried lifting the water logged body out. Between the weight of the water and their lack of nutrition they could only lift it inches and a resounding clunk of a head being dropped was heard over and over.

Maddie watched and coordinated disgustedly. She was going to have to give them three meals tomorrow. They may finally be starting to look like hot girls but they'd never be able to pull off the routine in three days without more energy.

"Hold up girls". Claudia managed to puff from her dry lips. "The hair."

"Claud, no one cares how her hair looks. And your breath smells like vomit.  Pull it together and let's get this done. We still have another body to get to."

"The hair Maddie, it got sucked down the drain with the water. It's lodged in there. That's why we can't pull her up."

"Good eye Claud, sorry I doubted you. But not about the breath comment. If you don't brush twice tonight your rooming in here. Somebody grab some scissors."

With the chunk of hair cut they had a much easier time getting her rolled in the linen bags. Each girl pulling and tugging and leaving a pink mermaid trail behind which Maddie was making sure to clean up as they went. When the reached the stairs (thank God it was down). They just dragged Jen by the feet thankful that the plastic cover slid easily. The thuds resounded like a tribal drum.

Finally they reached the side of the boat. Maddie led the girls in a small circle excluding Claudia and Chelsea who were responsible for removing the plastic for use next on Sabrina's body. (The girls were always good about recycling).

"Goodbye to our sister Jen. Who always was a bloody mess. We will miss her cottage cheese thighs which made the rest of us look so much better in our skirts and most of all her vast supply of idiot ramblings. She constantly spouted the obvious "oh, Maddie you are awesome" (that jobs yours now Kayla). May she become a fitting meal for the fish below despite her hefty water intake."

Deneise emptied the bag of jerky over the side as the girls used their feet in harmony to roll the body into the deep waters below. No splash was heard but Jessica did confess to seeing it just before it sank. Maddie threw the towel over as well.

"On to the next one girls. Time is getting away from us and you hoe's need your beauty sleep, you all look rachett".

They trudged back into Maddie's room and took three minutes to breathe. Maddie opened the closet to start planning out her next body dumping orders only to find a clean floor with a single pair of lavender pumps, size 8.

The girls stood opened mouthed waiting for the punchline.


Where is Sabina's body?  Did they forget where they put it? 

How did Jessie's shoes get in the closet?  And is she dead?

The books referenced so far in the story are:
"666- A psychological Thriller" by AnnWrites
"Ferocious" by LeighWStuart
"Invisible Beasts" by Daphney-Firestorm

They are all Wattpad stories and friends I'm proud to follow and somehow they have supported this crazy story. All of these people, and indeed their books are worth checking out. Thank you girls, your bae (before anyone else).
As always- no cheerleaders were hurt in the making of this story.

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