Fracture {Legolas PoV}

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"Legolas, what ails you?" Elrond asks as I trip into the healing chamber. I march to him, grabbing his shoulders in despair. I am vaguely aware that I am shaking from head to toe and that I can't truly grip Elrond's arms without straining my hands, but I continue to hold him in his place. "Legolas-"

"Do you have a spell that can cure me of these feelings?! I am losing control and I cannot withstand it!"

"I cannot remove your heart. I thought you had refused it."

"Elrond, I am not meant to feel this! You have to know a way to fix it, you're one of the most powerful elves in Middle-Earth!"

"I cannot repair your soul, heart or mind. That is beyond my skills. I should know!" He replies and frees himself only to grab me by the shoulders and press me down onto the bed, "Why do you feel this way, tell me?"

"Lady Erthanist has cast her charms on me... I cannot bear this enchantment! She has riddled my thoughts and ensnared my soul! I have tried to distance myself from her but last night it proved too much! I don't know what is happening to me, the Elvenking's son who deserves to be alone for this cold and bitter existence, for my spirit to be so wavering."

"Legolas, you would not have frightened Erthanist by entering her house unannounced if your heart was not desperate. Your mind may have refused any notions of love, but your spirit and heart are emerging from the abyssal cell in which you locked them. I've watched you from the moment you arrived here. Lady Erthanist has enraptured you. Legolas, you fancy her." 

"Elrond, I do not want this. I do not want to feel. I am a Sinda! We are the coldest of the elves!" 

"When you stop denying that you do have a heart, you shall return to health." 

"Elrond-!" He leaves me before I can say anything further. For a few hours I fume and rant, thinking over ways to escape the world's cruelty. It is late when I decide my only choice is to die. I growl and get off of the cot, running out of the healing chambers without looking around me. I run until I collide full force with someone I had not seen as I am hurdling over the boulder covered bank of Bruinen, aiming to meet my death with the river. With a smack we both fly backwards onto the rocks and my vision swirls. When I regain my senses I bolt to my feet, intending to dive headfirst into the white water current. 

"Prince Legolas!?" 

"My lady..."

"What are you doing out here so close to the rapids!? They're dangerous, even for elves!" My mouth gapes as I stare at her, shaking uncontrollably. Her eyes are glazed with a whirlpool of emotion that reflects my own internal war. 

"Leave me be..." 

"We must get you back to Lord Elrond, my lord." She moves to grab my hand and I pull away. My heart suddenly becomes two tons heavier than before and begins to throb with aches. Erthanist does manage to wrap her hand around my wrist just before I jump further towards the river. "My lord! Prince Legolas!" 

"Let me be! Stay your hands off!" I order, choking on the bitterness. I yank my arm forward and she loses her grip, tumbling forward face first. I continue towards the water, all sound drummed out but for the rapids. Time seems to slow for the first time in millennia and I reach for the crystalline serpent, wading into the cold river without reluctance. 

"PRINCE LEGOLAS! NAY! STOP!" I hear her words just as the river rises to my shoulders. I wade in further, hoping to remove the pain from my soul. Instead of the heartache dissipating, it increases tenfold. I involuntarily gasp in pain, then choke as water begins to enter my throat, having risen to my jaw, "Legolas, please no! I care for you too deeply to let you go!" 

"What?" I look over my shoulder and freeze. Erthanist is running with the swiftness of Nessa towards me with a heart-rending, gut-wrenching expression. I watch tears well up in her eyes, her lips utter prayers and pleas to the Valar.

In an instant, everything slides into place in my mind. My stone heart fractures- shattering my spirit with them. 


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