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I write poems of love

Of pain

Of sorrow

Of joy

I write poems that will make you laugh

I write poems that will make you weep

Some, you can feel that imagined pain

Isn't that funny?

Feeling imagined pain?

But it's true

I don't know the pain of losing someone

Of watching a child starve

Of being a soldier, watching friends

Being shot where they stand

Screaming in defiance

As they rejoice at serving the country they love

To their very last breath

I do not know that pain

And, call me selfish if you will,

I hope to never know that pain

The pain that just...

Breaks you

I can only imagine

I can only read books about such unimaginable pain

Watch movies about that never-ending sorrow

Hear stories on the news of such atrocities

Isn't it such a viscous circle?

I hear of such horrors

I grow up to (maybe) experience those horrors

I hope no else ever has to feel that kind of pain

But then someone hears of the horrors

And it starts again

I hope it never comes to that

That I'm just running away with my imagination

But in my heart,

I fear that I'm just more perspective than most

That I somehow know

This has already happened

And will happen again

But I pray to God

That if I'm right in this

That he will never subject

Those I love to such


I can only say please

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