Thank the Moon

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How the moon soars

Across the night sky

It's endless path

'Round and 'round the earth

With no one to enjoy

The silvery light it casts

Man fear the shadows of the night

But never think to look up at the moon

The moon, whom sheds unearthly light

Upon the dark soul of man

The moon watches over

The slumber of all earthly things

Yet when was the last time

You looked up, and thanked the moon?

A/N This one may make less sense, but it's less dark. I was reading a story in class about how the Native Americans saw the world before the Europeans came today. It was actually really sad and beautiful, but it made me angry too. Long story short, I'm a bit Native American, quite few great-grandparents ago, and I've always been angry at how the whites treated the Natives. It's actually very selfish of me to think like that since I wouldn't give up my life style for the world, but yeah. I was also thinking of that kid's story Luna, about the sun who wanted to marry the moon, so she challenged him with making her a skirt... Don't worry about it, it was just on my mind when I wrote this. Anyways, I've got some silly poems coming up soon, I hope you enjoy them!

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