I Tried Writing...

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Well, I've written things (quite a few things) before but I've never posted any of it. (I have sent REALLY long measages. All of them either stories-usually with a drawing or just an idea I had- or WoF headcanons...I go on rants about diversity among tribes and other stuff...)
I'm going to try this and if you like it I'll start doing it more often(if I can)
Without further ado~

" Anti, look!!" Antium heard a very excited voice call out to her.
"What." She sighed.
'It's too early for him to do this...but I guess it's fair.' she thought, rolling her eyes.
Her BlueberryBoi practically skipped into the room carrying a small burgundy dragon.
Her and the dragon's eyes met.
"Ant, look at it." Blue chirped cheerily. His voice sounding gravely, from tiredness she assumed. "This is your Hate."
Ant's look at the little red thing turned to a blank stare. "Does 'Hate' have a proper name, or are we just going to call it Hateful?" She spoke, her own voice dripping with something like sarcasm.
"I mean, you can call it something else but..." he trailed off, glancing between the two.
She and Hateful continued stare at each other for a long moment, smoke steadily streaming from his nostrils, unblinking.
"Well, now this is awkward." Blue cut through the unseen tension and unsureness.
Ant just huffed air though her nostrils and refocused on her food.
"Sooooo...is that it?" Blue lifted a brow, looking around as if he were looking for Ant's thoughts and questions.
"Yeah, that's it."
"I expected more."
"You should have expected me."
"Umm...yeah, you caught me there." Blue shuffled over to the window table and sat down across from her.
"So this thing..." Ant started.
"Okay" he said, prompting the eating brunette to continue.
"It's me."
"Your hate and anger." He attempted to correct.
"Me" she repeated flatly. "It's me, but if it's all that...why is it so chill? Shouldn't it be running around screeching like the damned, preforming Satanic rituals, and other nonsense?"
They both took a gander at the supposed beast and found it limply draped across a grey fur throw.
"Is it broken already?" Ant gave the long-eared man and expecting expression.
"No." He retorted quickly; Blue paused,"Well you see"
"Here we go."
"Hush." He snapped, but softy. "I mixed it with some good attributes of mine own."
"So this is our kid." Ant stopped mid bite to gaze at Sir Floppy Ears through her eyelashes.
"What? No!" He stopped to think, then nervously but his tongue. "Well, I guess."
"Alright then."
"That's it?" He breathed.
Ant glimpsed at his face. He wore and expression that was flustered, relived, and a bit dumbstruck. Apparently he'll never get used to me.
"You're gawking." I sniggered.
"Am not!" His face going slightly redder. "Okay maybe I am."
They sat in a comfortable silence before Skull had to break it with a question.
By now she had finished her breakfast, quite a lot slower than usual, and was currently washing her dish. All he gat was a preoccupied-but-still-listening 'hm?'.
"Are-are you really okay with that?"
"With what?" Ant responded quietly.
"With what I said about little Hateful over theatre being our kid." Adding quickly,"soul kid."
"Technically I brought that up." She settled the cleaned such down on a drying rack by the wash basin. She made her way over to Blue and wrapped her arms around him. "And yes, I'm totally fine with little Hateful being our technical kid."
She felt him sigh in relief to her words and then reciprocate her actions by hugging her closer to his body. He was warm. She enjoyed it.
"Maybe we shouldn't call him hatful though." She whispered.
"Yeah but I'm not creative with names like you."
She smiled." I was thinking Heinrich."
"Why that one?"
"It looks like a Heinrich."
"Agreed." He laughed at her cuteness.
They didn't say anything from there. They didn't need to. They just stood, embracing one another, and enjoying each others presence. Also embracing the fact that they practically have a son now, that Skull was the mother, and that Heinrich was also literally both of their souls mushed together in a physical form. Kind funny, isn't it? That not all family is bound by blood.

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