Testing designs for Antium

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Probably the first part of a series of posts??
Can I just turn this into an art journal that nobody reads??

Also it probably already is-

To the point of this chapter:
I feel the intense need to have a solid design for Ant-even if it only lasts for a year or so before I change my mind
The last design I had for her was the cool greys and cyan one (still like the design-May use it for another chara-hands off it's still mine) ((and the one I had before that of-also a cool grey, mainly black with cyan blue markings))
So I wanted to create a design that I was-am-pleased with and will stick for a long while
So if no one's going to read I can dump my thoughts here:0

Key features I would like to implement:
•the head crest stays just as it came into existence
•intense (thick???) darker marks over her shoulders-all marks follow my style and natural lines that can be drawn on a body-or at least the way I draw them...)
•an uneven stripe down her back mimicking the way my spine used to look (or organic metal like my other creatures like her)
•brown scheme to match my hair colour
•keep all the scars (especially her, iconic to me, facial scar-mostly on the right side of her face-and the form right ear)
•Sophie's pelt pattern/colours (thats my cat-said it a few times but I love her-that's my cat:3)
•the Myirkenshade family symbol (it's just a shape I made years ago with duct tape on the cover of a cheap notebook that I liked and kept)
•at least part of the design drawn by a friend for Ant two years ago

Some pictures of my work here so it can still be considered an art chapter:

this one, I believe would be an iconic design that people could recognize

again-just to be said-
Respect my work and the work of artists and don't take it, you wouldn't like if I care in a stole something important to you and claimed it as my own, would you?

i personally love the last two but I'm biased:)
(The last two are based off- a r e Sophie's pelt pattern and eye colour-I needed to see how it'd look on Ant's body)

Should I draw all 80 dragons from Spyro
I think I should
That's more than a year of dragon drawing if I did one a week
Digital or traditional??
Back to topic
Design of Antium
Should I draw the past versions of her and give some background on where she came from?-no I'm not popular enough for anyone to be curious
I'd still draw past versions regardless
I think
Maybe not
Oop here comes my self-doubt and other issues
Fun times
Oh well
Let's keep going

I am not writing this how you are reading-as in not in the chronological order that you are reading it in-I'm kinda jumping around a lot?

Journaling digitally is more fun than traditionally
Okay not more fun, but more convenient for when your mind breaks off to one thing and then comes back to another and you want to get it down before it vanishes-
It's nice in a way

Should I be more formal or laid back when online?

Have any tips on following though on plans to start commissions, using digital programs that aren't an app, and giving self discipline in a creative way-or a way that's not going to burn me out or anything
Life tips for an artist that wants to do/sell fanart, their own stories and art, getting people interested in their work and the artist actually sticking with what they're doing
How do consistent fanart and other fan work
How do-
Or, better yet-commit to a comic and story that others will enjoy while sticking with my own characters and world

How do you create a world that you can start writing about its characters and everything?

A proper environment unique to every area and Empire
An alphabet and language will take awhile
A culture and many species (some 'animals' others 'people') will too
Oh man have I had my work cut out for me for six years now but only in the recent years actually started caring about it like it would go anywhere or be somewhat successful like 'The Hobbit' or something-or even like WoF

Incomplete questions or questions that don't make sense
Maybe not questions at all

Is this even journaling?

Have any of you picked up that I'm weird?
Eh-it doesn't matter
Everyone's a little bit weird
Dropping that subject-

I'll end it here-
A chapter into the mind of its writer
Will likely go unread
So my thoughts are safe for now

830 words, excluding this final segment
Practically an Essay

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