Elementary: The Day They Met 6

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「Muu! Get back here!!」
「Wagame-kun is too slow for me!! Haha!」

Kotori says as she runs with her arms in the air.

After trying a couple more times, Keita manages to finally catch her. He taps her shoulder and runs the other way.

「Tag! You're it!」

While running away from her, he turns around and taunts her in a similar manner.

「Is that all you got?」
「Hehe... I'm totally going to catch you!」
「Oh yeah?」
「Yeah! Prepare yourself because! Here! I come!」

Just as she was about to give chase, Kotori trips on her own feet and falls face first into the ground.


Kids gather around her to see if she was okay, but Keita ran pass them to get to her side.

She picks herself back up, but her eyes were filled with tears and they were already streaming down her face.


With Keita at her side, he pulls out his handkerchief and begins to wipe her tears and the dirt away from her face.

She looks up and sees Keita wiping away her tears.

「Are you okay?」

A faint smile appears on his worried face.

「I'm glad you're okay.」

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