Athens arc end

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4 hours later

The group finally made it out of the proto taphus only to find out, much to their surprise, that general agon was standing next to the column. "I was expecting you freaks to show up" he said as he smirked beneath his helmet, heracles and maxion got into a fighting stance while nemesis guards princess piazza. "Who is this guy? And what does he want?" Asked remus "this is general agon of trantia, he's been going to each taphoi trying to enact his plan to resurrect typhon to get revenge on the Olympians!" Replied nemesis. General agon chuckled with dark glee and said "my, you all know about me. I thought I can pop here and wait for all of you to show up for me to reclaim my prize, and here you are bringing such an ancient relic that predated the titans!" Phorcys glared at him because he had enough of the humans using him as a battery.

"How are you here!? What happened to the guards and timaeus!?" Yelled nemesis.

"Oh nemesis, all I did for the guards is to give them a sound thrashing when they tried to stop me. As for this "Timaeus" you speak of, I didn't kill him because he wasn't worth it" replied general agon.

"You have oceanus's soul piece, I guess it wants revenge on Zeus than you! Why else would you seek the taphoi?" Questioned phorcys.

This made general agon angry, it's because a piece of oceanus's soul caused him nothing but pain and ridicule. This is why he seeks revenge on Zeus, due to the fact that this is what the soul piece desired. He drew out his sword as he bared his teeth beneath his helmet "alright you divine freaks, I've been to the fire, dark, and light taphoi. Except I have yet to enter the water, air, and earth taphoi so if you want to fight me for the world. Then may the world rot!" He growled as he watched as the group prepares to fight him. Maxion took the first initiative as he rushed towards general agon and slashed him with his sword, but it did scratched him "hmph! Is that the best you can do, mannequin?" Said general agon mockingly as he picked up maxion in one hand. He then slowly crushes his head and watches him turning back into a silver mannequin as the white ether "maxions soul" leaves, finally he threw the silver mannequin across the room. "Maxion!!" Screamed nemesis as she rushes to the silver mannequin, she grabbed the white ether and tucked it into her bag "don't worry, just rest" she said to it as she sheds a tear.

"You'll pay for this, agon!" Yelled heracles as he punched him in the stomach, it caused agon to fall to the ground thus caused an impact crater.

"Feel our pain! Aquar!" Yelled Plato as he conjures a torrent of water that rushes towards agon, but it didn't affect him as he dismisses the spell.

General agon got up and laughed at the group, much to their shock, and said "I am having too much fun, but you forget that I'm immortal and your attacks just causes scratches and tickles. I have my fair share of entertainment for today and I shall leave, but let me warn you all: don't ever get in my way again and freeing the gods of eld, or you'll regret it!" As he leaves the castle. "Get back here you big jerk!" Yelled remus as he runs after general agon but was stopped by heracles "no remus! That's what he wanted you to do, besides just like he says: he's immortal. He might kill you if you come after him, and our attacks can only scratch him than inflicting wounds. If me, nemesis, and phorcys were to fight him then it'll take an eternity" explained heracles. Nemesis looks at the silver mannequin that was once maxion, it's head was horribly dented of when general agon crushed maxions head. "It'll be alright nemesis, we might have to take this mannequin back to hephaestus for him to repair it" said heracles as he comforts her, princess piazza has the worried expression on her face "this is all my fault, I should've predicted this would happen...!" She said. Plato looked at her but he doesn't have anything to say to her to comfort her, but he held her hand and smiled.

"One question, heracles: how are we supposed to meet hephaestus?" Asked remus, heracles sighed and replied "we have to go to mount Olympus, but the shortcut is the heavens gate from which is located near the mountain itself".
Phorcys looks at the group and said "I have to go back to the seas because I missed my family, and yet I have to scout to see where agon went" "You can, but you have to take Timaeus with you as you navigate the seas" replied nemesis. He nodded as he transforms into his human form and walked to the infirmary to find Timaeus, while the group are still talking about what to do next because of the silver mannequin, formerly maxion, is heavily damaged.

Authors note- that's the end of Athens arc, the group will take the silver mannequin to mount Olympus while phorcys will bring Timaeus along to scout where general agon went. Stay tuned and be sure to vote.

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