underworld arc end

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"What brings you to my realm, mortal?" Asked hades, saria hesitated for a moment before replying "I was on the run from the soldiers of trantia, they branded arguspedes and me as traitors by general agons orders. When the earth formed stairs that lead to here, I walked down the stairs while bringing thanatos with me as a means of escaping the soldiers". Hades nodded as he spots thanatos' child like physical form "I see, you came here to escape from the soldiers while bringing thanatos who has been freed from the dark taphus. Very well, I shall give him his spirit back but know this mortal: he is still punished even when he reclaim his spirit back. He shall remain in the land of the dead unless if he's doing his duty" he said. The huge dark ether lowered in front of thanatos before taking on the form of an adult version of him but with difference:

1. His wings are still black but wide.

2. He carries a scythe in both hands.

3. His eyes glowed purple.

Thanatos touched the dark ether and began to glow, saria shielded her eyes from the blinding light "what's happening?" She said "he's turning back to his original form" replied hades. Thanatos went from child form to adult form and stopped glowing, saria looked at him with surprise as he resembles what she saw from the huge dark ether but two differences:

1. He know wear a black robe with gold trimmings.

2. He wears a gold laurel wreath on his head.

"How long have I been separated from my body?" He finally spoke, it surprised saria because all the time thanatos has been silent (except singing). "Now that's the thanatos I remembered" said hades, thanatos notices saria as walks to her "thank you for staying with me, I would've been captured if it weren't for you or worse" he said. She smiled at him "I've got one question for you Lord hades: what is that huge earth ether next to you?" She asked, hades looks to his right side and noticed the earth ether "this? This the spirit of hypnos, the god of sleep, I've kept it to punish him along with thanatos for joining the titans in the war" he replied. Saria nodded as she understood, but there's one thing: how is she going back to the land of the living? "How am i to go back to the land of the living?" She asked, hades stood up from his throne and said "in order to return back to the land of the living, there is a cave at the back of my palace. Just walk up the stairs even though it will take 2 hours to reach up, but I know where you can take refuge... and that is a port town called poness, one of my brother Poseidon's sacred places".

Saria nodded but thanatos stepped in front of hades and said "allow me to escort her" the god of the underworld nodded and replied "alright but by the time she enters the cave, she goes alone". After that, thanatos escorted saria out of the palace and when she enters the cave, he stayed behind just like what hades said. Saria walked up the stairs as though if she's walking up the stairs of a tower, after the second flight of stairs, she leaned against the wall to catch her breath. She pulled out the golden bough out of her pocket, it started to fade as it loses its golden color "I must be reaching halfway to the surface" she said to herself. After she caught her breath, she continued walking up the stairs determined to reach to the surface.

2 hours later

She looks up and saw the exit from which it's a door, even though she's exhausted from walking up the flights of stairs. She took few steps before stopping to rest, she sat down because her legs were numb and to catch her breath. After that, she got up and opened the door while stepping out, she shielded her eyes from the brightness before her eyes adjust. Much to her surprise, she sees the blue sky with white clouds, green grass with trees, and a town in the distance that is built next to the sea. She sat down on a boulder and said to herself "finally, I'm in greece" as she is tuckered out, she turned around and watched as the door closed on itself before vanishing.

She then hear a man said "excuse me, miss? Are you lost?" She turned around and saw a man on a chariot that has horses tied to it. She nodded without saying a word, the man smiled and said "if you're going to my hometown of poness, I can take you there if you want" saria got up from the rock and got on the chariot next to the driver. The driver grabbed the bridle and whipped the horses, so saria and the driver rode down the road to poness.

Authors note: this is the ending to the underworld arc, stay tuned to more future arcs. Also, this is the 40th page so be sure to vote.

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