Happy Beans Day-10~11

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Meanwhile at the infirmary, Merlin was watching his student facing off Jamil from his crystal ball with an amused smile.

"My my, Sundrop and Mr. Viper are getting it on~." Merlin joked where he witnessed Glory leaping over from bush to bush dodging his blast from his gun. As he watched Jamil stands to his ground cautiously searching for Glory. The ravenette squints her eyes locking her target where she quietly shakes the bush to get his attention and it did. Jamil then smirks.

"Very foolish of you, Glo-san. But your time is up!" Jamil shouted as he pushed the bushes but was shocked to see her not there.

"What?!" He gasped with a puzzled look and out of nowhere, Glory slides through the ground pulls out the gun to shoot him from behind in matrix style. Jamil turns around and was too late to dodge where he is out of the game. Then cue the pom poms from a Merlin where he cheers his sundrop on.

"Haha yes! And the sundrop strikes again with her GIRL POWER! Woohoo!!!" Merlin cheered.

"Ha! Better luck next time, Jamil. Because this gal got fire!" Glory proclaimed and strutted off with a a victorious smile.

"Yes you do, Sundrop! Yes you do!" Merlin applauded with a jolly smile under his mustache. Then he drops the pom poms and swipes his hand to the crystal ball to see Azul and Jack at the coliseum stands.

"Hmmm now what conniving scheme are you planning now, Mr. Ashengrotto?" He muttered before letting out a sigh.

"You poor wolf, I hope you have the ability to tolerate him throughout the competition, Mr. Howl. Keep on fighting." He encouraged as he sat on his chair observing the two from his crystal ball while having a gut feeling that something will go down between the two.


Meanwhile at the coliseum, Azul and Jack are making a strategy privately.

"Based on the information from the scanner, both of the teams only have a few students left. There should be more students that would be targeting the other team players." Azul informed earning a growl from the wolf.

"I've gotten quite used to this Capturing Arm. I'll capture all of the intruders who will come here." Jack growled.

"I was thinking that the Capturing Arm would be perfect for someone as quick and good at sports like you and it seems that I wasn't incorrect. Until our way here, you were able to capture about 50 students from the farmer team. Truly a beast among the beast." Azul complimented earning a huff from the wolf.

"Your mouth runs a lot. Complimenting me won't get you anything." Jack curtly spat.

"Fufu...with this, the additional physical training points will belong to us!" Azul proclaimed with a smug where their plans began.


Back at the infirmary, Merlin shakes his head and tsks at Azul's usual shady antics.

"Shady as always, Mr. Ashengrotto." He remarked.


Then swipes his hand to the crystal ball where he sees Cater sprinting holding a box of beans with Grim clinging on his shoulders.

I'm keeping my eye out for Sundrop's other teammates. I'm hoping that Sundrop or Jade will come to their aide...

Merlin thought hopefully while sitting on his desk watching as the drama unfolds.


Later with the farmer team, Cater and Grim pants heavily before the ginger whips the sweat off of his forehead and lets out a sigh.

"We finally got some beans. Good thing there were still things left in the box. By the way, we haven't been seeing a lot of students from the beast team since earlier." Grim reminded.

"It's been some time since the competition started. Both the farmer team and the beast team's students are lessened, I think." Cater assumed before smiling.

"But like, this is only the beginning. "Those who survived" = "Those who are high leveled", like that?" Cater guessed with Grim smirking and folding his arms.

"Heheh! Since we got the beans, there isn't anything that we should be scared of, ya know!" He boasted making Cater sweatdrop.

"Can you legit not jinx us please, Grim?" He pleaded until a rustle from the bushes and both of them flinched when they turned their heads to see Trey and Rook arise from the shrubs.

"Oops, sorry. Did we make the jinx happen too early?" Trey teased with a smirk.

"Hello, Monsieur Magicam, and Monsieur Furball." Rook calmly greeted causing the duo to panic.

"Ugh! Trey-kun and Rook-kun! 2 of the vice dorm leaders...!?" Cater shrieked. Rook smirked and does his theatrical pose.

"Unfortunately, your fate ends here. Become a dew nail for me, the Hunter of Love. And the Chevalier of Roses." Rook proclaimed making Trey sighed and adjust his glasses.

"I've been telling you from before, but can you not call me Knight of Roses, please?" Trey pleaded baffling the huntsman.

"Why's that? You are a confidant of the Little Bog of Roses, so it fits you perfectly!" Rook pointed out.

"To put it simply, it's embarrass-. Eeh?!"

Both vice dorm leaders caught off guard when Trey was almost hit by a bean.

"What!?" Cater gasped.

"Ffnga! What a blast!!" Grim shrieked. With an instant, Rook pulls Trey over with a serious expression.

"Trey-kun, hurry up and hide at the shade of the tree. We're being targeted by two snipers we can't see. Soon another bean spouts out of the dark corner.

"Ack! Hide!!" Grim shrieked and both him and Cater duck under the Beautiful Queen statue while the vice dorm leaders take refuge from the tree.

"Ugh! There are they shooting from? Coming from 2 o' clock. He's using a long ranged bean shooter." Rook whispered, but while hiding under the tree, Glory swooped in with a sneaky grin crept behind Trey and Rook widened his eye to see her.

"Trey-kun, look out!" Rook gasped and before Trey could turned his head, Glory smirked slyly.

"Time's up, Trey~." She purred and shoots him twice in the back.

"Ow!" He winced from the impact but regains his stance.

"Aight. It seems like I got hit by the bean. Rook, you should run." Trey told him.

"How unfortunate! Chevalier of Roses~~!!" He cried dramatically.

"Can you please stop already....?" Trey groaned.

"Your noble sacrifice...I won't let it go to waste. Adieu..." Rook said and fled away. Glory giggled and step right out of the shadows with a grin.

"Guess you lost, Trey." Glory gloated and lends him a hand making Trey sighed.

"You're a real sneaky one." He remarked as he grabs her hand and lifts him back up to his feet. Soon Cater and Grim ran out to the duo.

"Phew, that was a close call, ya know." Grim sighed.

"Yeah. I knew you were going to pop out soon to save us, but I have a feeling that you're not alone in this one..." Cater assumed.

"Everyone, are you alright?" Jade asked curiously sauntering up to them.

"I knew it! It's Jade-kun! Saving us big time twice already! You and Angel-chan are seriously cool!" Cater complimented and Jade smiled.

"Why yes, I was going to shoot Trey from behind, but it seems that Angelfish beat me to it." Jade said before letting out a chuckle.

"I have to say Angelfish, you never failed to surprise me." Jade praised with Glory giggling.

"I have my ways." Glory bragged with a confident smile. Soon Carer brought out his phone with a smile.

"Come on! Let's take a pic to celebrate!" He ushered and both of them grinned.

"Eeh! Why not? I'm down for a selfie." Glory shrugged nonchalantly.

"Sure thing." Jade calmly replied with a smile. Cater then turns to Trey with a smile.

"Join us too, Trey. Since you're the Beast Team student that Jade-kun defeated." Cater ushered.

"What am I, decorative fish?" Trey snarked while smiling nervously and Glory shrugged her shoulders with a smile.

"Might as well do it." Glory reassured with Trey sighed.

"Alright." He reluctantly complied as he stands next to the Farmer team where Cater snaps a selfie of them and soon the ginger taps in hashtags on his account.

"#NRC #HappyBeansDay #StrengthOfFarmerTeam #TooBadTreykun ⭐️." Cater typed in and zoom! He posted it on Magicam.

"Well, since I got eliminated, I'll take my leave now. There isn't much time left. Good luck on retrieving the harp." Trey said.

"See ya Trey." Glory said waving at him with a smile and he smiled back as he turns around and left the Main Street.

"Jade, you keep coming in at a nice timing since earlier, you're amazing! And Glory was no better, YOU just appeared out of nowhere and shoot Trey from behind! That was awesome! You guys are like legit heroes you can rely on during a trouble!" Grim praised with eyes gleam with admiration and Glory giggles.

"Not a hero Grim. I'm just a friend and strong teammate to the Farmer team." Glory reassured.

"Fufufu, I am no such thing as a hero either. It's just that I checked Cater's Magicam account frequently." Jade said making Cater freeze.

"Eh?" He froze in disbelief as the eel kept on talking.

"A picture would be uploaded each time something would happen, so it was helpful for me in finding your location." Jade explained making Cater froze uttering with a dumbfounded look and Glory folded her arms with a blank look.

"Even I looked at your Magicam so it's not that hard to noticed. And honestly Cay, you gotta choose the right time to upload pics." Glory sighed lightly shaking her head at her boyfriend.

"Awww~ B-But then, we were saved this because of that, right?" Cater assumed with an awkward smile.

"Yes, you're right. Fufufu." Jade chuckled with a smile.

"But take your time right, this time." Glory bluntly reminded making Cater sweatdrop and chuckle awkwardly.

"Hehehehe. Sorry, sorry." Cater apologized and turns to Jade.

"By the way, Jade-kun. Seems like you were able to get the weapon safely." Cater pointed out.

"Compared to ours, it's a really long beans shooter, ya know!" Grim chirped and Jade nodded.

"Indeed. This is a Beans Shooter L which can shoot beans at a very far range. And I was also able to get a magic potion to make someone able to run faster for 10 seconds only." Jade explained.

"As long as I like to listened how these bad boys worked, we don't have time for this. We should get going to retrieve the harp." Glory advised them.

"Yeah, but we used a lot of beans from that battle earlier, so we only have four left." Cater informed.

"In all honesty, I only have six beans as well." Jade told him.

"Same with my gun too." Glory chimed.

"Eeeehh~~! How are we even supposed to retrieve the harp like that?" Grim shrilled, but Glory looked at him with a deadpan look.

"Grim, you wasted a lot of beans throughout the game. Therefore, you have zero beans." Glory bluntly pointed out making the gremlin stood there with Jade and Cater snickering from behind knowing that Grim lost that battle.

"I didn't know what I was thinking!" Grim chides before huffing and sticking his nose up. Glory grins and ruffles his head.

"It's fine, Grim. Just be careful next time." She reassured him.

"Regardless, we have 10 beans, potion that can make us small for 30 seconds, and a potion that can make us run faster for 10 seconds...I see." Jade muttered as he turned his head to the group.

"I have an idea in mind. Will you lend me your ear?" Jade suggested. Glory stares at him intently and nods at him.

"Shoot." She insisted where the group starts to hear him out on his plan.

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