Happy Beans Day-5

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While dashing through the forest, Glory, Cater, and Grim were fleeing from other Beast Team members.

"We managed to defeat the Beast Team at front but they're still chasing after us, y'know!!" Grim whimpers while clinging on to Glory's shoulder.

"They're too persistent!" Cater sneers.

"The beans are gonna run out!" Grim shrills.

"That's because you shoot them without thinking first!" Glory seethes.

"Agreed with Angel-chan!" Cater agrees.

"Oh. You seem to be in a troubled state. Do you want me to help?"

"Hm?" They all turn to where the familiar voice is at until they beans pop out of the blue hitting the beast team members from above.

"Beans from above my head?!" The Pomefiore resident shrieks.

"Well I'd be damn." Glory remarks. Soon she turns to where the beans are coming from until Jade leaps  from the tree with a triumphant smile.

"There, 2 beast students, failed." Jade said.

"To blend in with the branch of the tree using the magical camouflage...I was unaware." The Ignihyde mutters.

"D-Damnit it~~~~!" The Pomefiore resident seethes as the two beast team members fled. Afterwards, Glory and her duo strolls to Jade with the ravenette shooting a gentle smile at him.

"Hi love." Glory greets him as she tip toes to his level and kisses him on the cheek.

"Pleasure to see you Angelfish." Jade greets her smiling sweetly at her before kissing her cheek back.

"You're the Octavinelle's huge twin...which one?" Grim ask curiously.

"Fufu, I'm Jade." He told him.

"Thanks, Jade. We almost got beaten!" Glory thank him.

"Yeah! We were in a desperate situation! It was a special close call." Cater agrees.

"Let's take a pic for being able to survive~!" Cater suggests.

"Sure. Say cheese." Jade said.

"Cheese!!" Cater and Glory said in unison as Cater clicks the camera.

"Cater-san, you seem to have gotten the supply box as well." Jade points out.

"Yeah, but Grim-chan kept using the beans a lot so if we don't find the next supply soon, we'll run out of it soon." Cater told him.

"If you're fine with it, may I join you as well?" Jade politely ask.

"Since you saved us from danger, of course you can." Cater accepts.

"I'm glad." Jade smiled brightly.

"So what did you get from the supply box Jade?" Glory ask curiously.

"The supply box I've opened only had a magical camouflage jacket and a bean pouch, and it didn't have a bean shooter. I'm afraid to face the Beast Team unarmed so...I was trembling up in the tree by myself. Fufu." Jade chortles softly.

I think it's more of a trick than trembling in fear.

Glory thought.

"I'll be in your care. Cater-san, Grim-san, Angelfish." Jade assures.

"Same here~." Cater chimes.

"By the way, Jade-kun, where's Azul and your twin Floyd-kun who's always with you?" Cater ask curiously.

"On Happy Beans Day, it is chosen that the dorm leader and the vice dorm leader should be in separate teams. I suppose it's to avoid bias in strength." Jade told them.

"Hmm that's reasonable." Glory hums nodding her head understandably.

"Oh, now that you mention it, I remember Trey saying something like that. Meaning, Azul-kun's in the Beast Team." Cater assumes.

"Floyd is in the same Farmers Team as I, but then...He disappeared saying, 'I'm not in the mood~'." He explains making Grim and Glory looked deadpan.

"Not surprising." Grim snarks.

Of course he would be moody for this quick change...

Glory ponders with a blank look.

"On the contrary, Azul had been preparing various things for this event since before, so...I'm sure he'll come to hunt for us with all his strength." Jade reassures. This causes Glory to tilt her head.

Speaking of which, I wonder how the Beast Team are doing over there?...I hope Deuce is doing ok...

She ponders with a inquisitive expression wondering about Deuce and her boyfriends who are in the opposite team.

Later at the infirmary, Merlin is watching this from the crystal ball.

"Same here my child. Same here." Merlin mutters as he takes a sip of his prune juice while continuing watching the scene in front of him.

Meanwhile, the Beast Team....

"According to this map, there's supposed to be a supply box for the Monster team around here..." Jack mutters, but as soon as he searches for the supply box, the world stops his tracks and sniffs the air when he picks up the odor of beans.

"Grrr...It smells like fresh beans...." He mumbles.

"You right there! Farmer's team isn't? Stop hiding and come out!" Jack barks as the bush rustles when trio rises from the bush reveal Vil and the two Savanaclaw boys.

"As usual, your nose works well. I'm impressed." Vil compliments with a smirk.

"Basta-, wait, you're...Vil-senpai!" Jack shrieks.

"How brave of you to come and try to get the supply box without your pack. Or are you just an idiot?" He mocks.

"Now, huntsmen. Let's hunt for that beast." Vil orders with a prideful smirk.

"Understood!" The Savanaclaw residents complied.

"Ugh...! I have no choice but to retreat for now!" Jack curses as he fled from Vil and the two Savanaclaw residents.

"That physical strength, he should be taken care of while he's unarmed. Chase after him!" Vil commands.

"Right!" They both complied as the Savanaclaw boys began chasing after the wolf.

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