Scary Monsters-10: She Wolf

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Backstage, Glory unwraps her mummy costume and washed her makeup. Then she puts on her werewolf costume, ties her hair into buns, placed wolf ears on her head, and a werewolf tail. Soon after, she went on her vanity mirror to slather some brown eyeshadow, mahogany lipstick with a hint of light brown face powder on her face, and finally she puts yellow contact lenses to fit perfectly for her werewolf costume. Soon she crept a grin.

"Perfect." Glory said as she puts away her makeup to her cosmetic kit and walks out of the dressing room. Cue the wolf whistle from the tiny wizard Merlin himself.

"Ooooohhh la la sistah! Who let the wolf out?" He teases making Glory giggle and shaking her head at her mentor.

"Very funny, Merlin. Is the cage ready?" Glory asks curiously.

"All set for you, Sundrop." Merlin told her and she grins.

"Excellent! Thanks Merlin!" Glory chirps as she marches up to the remote pushed the red button.

Meanwhile at the lounge, everyone is muttering about the next performance.

"Hey! I bet it's gonna be our turn!" Scarabia whispers.

"I think so too!" He mutters.

"No way, it's going to be Diasomnia!" The Diasomnia student shrills.

"Absolutely not! Pomefiore will be next!" The Pomefiore student retorts as the threw dormitories start bickering.

"Haha! These guys are really pumped up for the next performance!" Kalim chuckles with a big smile.

"More like wanting to kill each other..." The one-brain cell trio muttered with sweatdrops while Jamil pinched his temple at the noisy fan boys.

Honestly, these guys are intolerable..." Jamil mumbles shaking his head at them. Soon an alarm boomed through the lounge freaking the audience out.

"Gah! Is there a fire?!" Kalim shrieks.

"Jeez...!" Jamil mutters with his eyes widened.

"Ffgya! That scared me!!" Grim yelps.

"What the hell's going on here!!" Ace and Deuce shrilled.

"Warning! Warning! Beware of the most dangerous that was about to be released from her cage! Ladies and gents, please welcome to the stage: The She Wolf!"

As soon as the curtains opened, all of their jaws dropped when they witnessed Glory locked in a cage in her sexy werewolf costume.

"Holy Great Sevens!!!" Grim shrieks.

"NANI?!?" Ace, Deuce, Epel, Sebek, Malleus, Riddle, Azul, and Jack yelped as a blush crept from their cheeks.

"KAWAII~~!" Cater, Rook, Lilia, Floyd, and Kalim coos admiring their girlfriend on stage and the next thing you knew, Idia Shroud.exe has stopped responding. Ortho went up to his older brother.

"Nii-san!!!" Ortho shrieked while shaking his unconscious older brother to wake up him up.

"While I'll be damn." Ruggie remarks with his eyes widened.

"She looks good." Silver casually said.

"Guess it's Scarabia's turn." Leona dryly stated.

"At least she nailed Scarabia's theme." Vil points out.

"I'll say..." Jade chimes as he darts his heterochromia eyes plastering an amused smile to see poor Jamil face's heating up.

"Kukuku. What a fresh reaction." Lilia chuckles.

"Heheheh! I know right? He's bright red!!" Floyd cackles. Their laughter and snickers does not help Jamil as a tick mark throbs from his head and whips to them glaring at them.

"Stop it...Stop it right now! I can get up and head back to the dorm!" Jamil snaps.

"Eeeh? But it's already starting." Kalim stated and true to his words, the music starts with an electropop intro where Glory opens her gold orbs earning gasps from her audience and seductively licks the bar keeping her eyes glued to the Scarabia duo.

"YASSSS BITCH!!!" Vivien yelled causing everyone to turn their heads to the lake goddess.

"Vivien!" Dire scolds and she flinched from what she said before clearing her throat and sat back down clearing her throat and reverts back to her composure.

"Go Moonchild!" She cheers with an awkward smile. Soon, Glory tears the bars apart where she crawls like a werewolf hunting for her prey. Then she leaps from the stage and lands to the Savanaclaw table where Glory flashes a coy smile at them while gold orbs gleam with seduction. Then she starts moseying around Jack like a wolf with her tail curling around his waist causing the poor wolf to turned beet red and his tail to sprung up. Soon after, Glory leaps towards the Scarabia table where she stand up while on the table performing a mesmerizing belly dance.

SOS she's in disguise
SOS she's in disguise
There's a she wolf in disguise.

As she grinds her belly from the music while receiving wolf whistles from her fan club and different reactions from her boyfriends, who are blushing red, mesmerized, and admired her belly movements, Glory flashes her alluring gold orbs down at the flustered Kalim and Jamil with a smirk. Then she lifts her arms up and curled her hip to the right as the intro ends.

Coming out
Coming out
Coming out.

Soon after the intro ends, cue Glory's hypnotic hip movements while singing the first verse.

"A domesticated girl, that's all you ask of me."

Then she bends down to them and caught Kalim off guard when she lifts his chin.

"Darling, it is no joke, this is lycanthropy."

She stands up once more but extends her arms to the ceiling.

"The moon's awake now, with eyes wide open
My body's craving."

She sang starts swaying her hips to the beat teasingly placing her arms back down as bends down again but this time, Glory stares into Jamil with seductive gold orbs and flashes a coy smile at him. Then she leans to his ears startling him as she whispers this.

"So feed the hungry~."

She purrs and leans back leaving the poor vice dorm to turned beet red earning snickers and chuckles from the other dorms. Glory the flips from the table and starts bending back while growing to the music.

"I've been devoting myself to you
Monday to Monday and Friday to Friday."

Then stands back up and does her hip movements again.

"Not getting enough retribution
Or decent incentives to keep me at it
I'm starting to feel just a little abused
Like a coffee machine in an office (Uh)."

She whips her head back to Kalim and Jamil.

"So I'm gonna go somewhere cozy to get me a lover
And tell you about it."

And cue the beat drop and Glory's irresistible belly dance. Meanwhile Merlin is chortling behind the curtains grinning at her boyfriend's reactions.

"There's a she-wolf in the closet
Open up and set it free (Ah-ooh)
There's a she-wolf in your closet
Let it out so it can breathe."

After panting twice, she starts swaying her hips while her fan club are cheering and wolf whistling at their school queen while her her boyfriends are getting sweaty from her dance.

"Oh oh oh oh! It's getting hot and heavy over here!" He chuckles enjoying the view in front of him. Soon the beat drops with Glory sauntering to Kalim and Jamil where she prowls at the dorm head freaking him out.

"Sitting across a bar, staring right at her prey
It's going well so far, she's gonna get her way~."

She whispers into his ear making him heat up and strolls over to Jamil again where Glory teasingly crept her hand over his shoulder making him slightly shiver.

"Nocturnal creatures are not so prudent."

Then Glory walks over and lifts her leg up as she caught off her audience and her boyfriends when she sat between Jamil's leg flustering the poor vice dorm leader.

"The moon's my teacher and I'm her student~."

Glory coos sensually into his ear. The she sprung up and starts grinding him.

"To locate the single men, I got on me a special radar."

Then she does the Kabedon move on him.

"And the fire department hotline in case I get in trouble later."

Then she crept her hands and leans closer to Jamil while smiling coyly.

"Not looking for cute little divos or rich city guys
I just want to enjoy. Uh~"

She coos to his ear wincing him a bit before Glory leans back from her boyfriend, but also caresses his cheek to her chin.

"By having a very good time
And behave very bad in the arms of a boy.~"

She purrs as Glory plants a kiss on his nose earning a flustered reaction from Jamil as Glory stands up and marches through the lounge.

"There's a she-wolf in the closet
Open up and set it free (Ah-ooh)
There's a she-wolf in your closet
Let it out so it can breathe."

As she went back to the stage, she does her wolf like dance moves while the audience chants the lyrics.

"S.O.S, she's in disguise
S.O.S, she's in disguise
There's a she-wolf in disguise
Coming out, coming out, coming out."

Then drops to the ground prowling though the stage like a wolf.

"S.O.S, she's in disguise
S.O.S, she's in disguise
There's a she-wolf in disguise..."

Soon she sprung right back up doing her belly dance once more.

"Coming out, coming out, coming out."

Soon after the chorus, she skims through the stage and leaps off from the stage once more as Glory landed on to the Scarabia table once she twirls around and swung her hips with so much spunk.

"There's a she-wolf in the closet..."

She kneels down to Kalim with a coy smile prowling towards him and cups his cheeks gently.

"Let it out so it can breathe."

As soon as she she pants twice one last time, Glory leans back as Merlin waves his fingers causing her to teleport back to the stage making it look like she turned into dust. Then the audience starts to applaud for her performance.

"Waaaaah that's out Sultana!"

"Sultana all the way!!"

"Sultana! Sultana! Sultana! Sultana!" While chanted her name, all of her boyfriends were left speechless while some of them are amused.

"My my! That was absolutely thrilling and beautifully mesmerizing!! That certainly boils a huntsman's blood for sure! 1000 points!" Rook praises with a wide smile.


"Gaaah! You're so biased, Rook!" Ace criticized.


"As much as I could make, Monsieur Knight, Heart, and Spade!" The french huntsman chirps flashing them with a lackadaisical grin.

"Just give it up, Sebek." Silver reassures patting his back.

"Weeellll...*clears his throat* ...That was something." Malleus mutters with a blush dusted on his cheeks.

"But quite a heated yet entertaining performance I should say." Lilia points out.

"Ohhh...OOOHHHH!!! That was awesome!!!" Kalim squeals like it's no tomorrow.

"I know right? I even got the whole thing recorded on my Magicam! This will definitely go viral along with the other videos I recorded." Cater cheers.

"Haha. Typical tech-savvy Cater." Trey remarks.

"Not surprising." Grin dryly remarks.

"Jamil, you ok?" Riddle asks curiously subtly whipping his head to Scarabia's vice dorm leader who is a blushing mess before he bobs his head.

"...I'm fine." He utters.

"Ehehehehe!!! Sea Snake's a blushing mess!" Floyd cackles.

"Careful Floyd. You're making feel bad for him even more." Jade mockingly scolds while smiling in amusement causing Jamil to glare at the devious eel twins.

"The fact that you're scolding at your brother while smiling makes you even worst." Jamil snaps with venom from his tone.

"Oh? Sorry.~" Jade coos while smiling mockingly before they let out chuckles.

"You guys..." Deuce mutters shaking his head at the shady eel twins.

"Not surprising for a bunch of shady eel twins." Jack chimes.

"Speaking of which, I wonder who'll be next?" Epel ponders.

"Hmmm I wonder who?" Azul ponders tilting his head curiously.

"Oh I hope deep down in my heart would be Pomefiore next!" Rook perks.

"Hmph. If it is us, she better make this performance perfect." Vil sternly stated. Meanwhile at the back of the lounge while the teachers are applauding for Glory's performance, Vivien remained calm but also predict the future from Vil's comments.

Oh he will, Regal King. The next definitely blow your mind.

Vivien thought. Soon she felt Sam's hand crept up to hers as Vivien whips to her boyfriend.

"So who's going to be the next dorm to be serenaded, I wonder?" He asks playfully with the lake goddess tilting her head acting innocent.

"Hmm I don't know..." She playfully ponders.

"Oh come now, Angel. You can't play dumb around me." He quips as Vivien giggles and smiled softly.

"Well I can't give you the details, but I will inform you all that the next performance will definitely captivate you all.~ She implies letting out an ominous giggle while smiling causing the headmaster and the staff members to sweatdrop.

"The way that you're implying does not sound good at all." Divus bluntly stated.

"I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not..." Vargas mutters.

"Don't mentioned that please." Trein chimes.

"Well I'm just going to move along and see her next performance, so let's all wait patiently and see what happens." Crowley insists with a smile where they all sat there waiting patiently for the next performance.

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