Scary Monsters-8: Scurvy & Flesh and Bone

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Backstage, Glory is finishing up her makeup donning a pirate costume made from Divus Crewel himself where she placed her pirate hat looking badass and beautiful as Glory smiles with satisfaction.

"Perfect. Arrgh!! Heheh." Glory giggles from mimicking a pirate. Until a knock came from the door.

"Coming!" Glory shouts as she runs to the door and opens to see Merlin beaming at her pirate costume.

"Arrgh! Are ya ready for yer performance, Captain Sundrop?" Merlin playfully asks making her giggle.

"Nice Merlin, but yes, I am." She replies. Merlin floats aside and extends his arms to her.

"Right this way, Captain." He ushers with Glory rolling her eyes and curtsied to him.

"Thank you, matie." She said while mimicking a pirate and walks to the mic and place to her lips.

Meanwhile at the lounge, things are get rowdy with the fan club when the savanaclaw are going wild for the next performance.

"OI!!!! What's taking so long?!" The savanaclaw residnet shouts.

"Yeah! Bring out our Lioness next!" The savanaclaw barks.

"Lioness! Lioness! Lioness! Lioness!!"

While the savanaclaw students roaring her name, dorm leader got and turns to his rowdy members.

"Oi! Shut the f@$k up, you damn beasts!!" Leona roars at them with an irked glare before turning back to the group clicking his tongue.

"Noisy beasts." He grumbles ruffling his hair.

"Not surprised. These fan boys kept barking at her 24/7." Ruggie bluntly points out.

"So who's going to be next?" Grim asks curiously.

"Might as well find out." Jack replies. Soon the microphone boomed through the lounge once again.

"Ahoy lads and lasses! Come on board to the pirate's booty because our pirate adventure is about to start! Please welcome to the stage: Captain Sundrop!!!"

As soon as the curtains open, the Savanaclaw boys go wild and wolf whistles to see their lioness dressed up as a sexy pirate captain.

"Holy sh#t! Look at her!"

"There's our lioness!"

"Damn she look good as captain!"

While Savanaclaw boys wolf whistles and howls at Glory, Jack widen his eyes and a blush crept from his cheeks unknowingly wags his tail.

"Well I'll be damn..." Ruggie mutters with a slight blush on his face and Leona nods at his hyena friend while staring at her with awed. Glory then snaps her fingers and points to the technical team.

"Hit it boys~." She commanded and one of Sam's ghosts crank up the music where the upbeat tone came from the speaker does her pirate dance as a couple of ghostly backup dancers skip though the stage shocking the gang.

"Ffgya! Ghost!" Grim shrieks.

"SSH!" Deuce shushes and covers his mouth.

"Are gums are black and teeth are falling out."

She sang and the other ghost flashed his "rotten teeth" to the audience as teeth falls from his mouth earning groans and disgusts from three audience.

"Ugh disgusting!" Vil gags from the sight of "rotten teeth".


Epel thought with eyes sparkling with awe while smiling widely. Then whirls around and lifts up the shift from the second ghostly backup dancer.

"We've got spots on our backs
So give it up and shout!"

She marvels while marching through the stage.

"We got scurvy we need some Vitamin C
We got scurvy, we need a lemon tree
We got scurvy, we just chillin on the sea!"

She chirps as Glory turns her heels and faces the audience beaming her signature vibrant smile where she pulls out her fake sword and points it to the ceiling.

"Let's get this scurvy started maties!!!" She boasted as the crowd goes wild including the Savanaclaw boys who are howling and wolf whistling for their Lioness. Soon the two backup ghosts lifts her up and floats to the air earning gasps from her audience where they watched her floating through the audience including her boyfriends until she landed gracefully to the Savanaclaw boys where she walks up to one of the fan boys and grabs his chin smiling coyly while her grey orbs gleam with charisma.

"A pirate ain't worthy 'til he's got some scurvy..."

Then she flips his chin making his tail wag and covers his chin with an adoring smile while receiving envious glares from the fan club members.

"Since you've got your scurvy on
You are nervy when you sing that song
Sing it!"

She commanded and cue the sword up in the air.


She sang.


The Savanaclaw students boasted.

"We got Scurvy!"

She marvels.


They chanted again.


She rejoiced again.


The Savanaclaw barked.

"Scurvy, we got scurvy!!"

She harmonized.


The Savanaclaw boys roared as the upbeat music plays along Merlin chuckles softly.

"Annnnd time for the twist!" Merlin marvels as he snaps his finger causing the music to stop and record sound zips through the background switching to the edgy stomps and whistles in the lounge earning grimaces, confusion, and shock from the audience including her boyfriend and the teachers.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Gah!" Leona, Ruggie, and Jack's ears droop down wincing from the loud creak sound.

"What's happening?!" Sebek yells already panicked.

"Oh? What's this?" Crowley asks looking surprised.

"What's with the change of music?!" Vargas yelps.

"How unexpected." Trein said.

"Agreed with you there, Mozus." Crewel said. Vivien giggles and smiles gently at them.

"The biggest show you'll ever seen, men." She reassures with her shopkeeper boyfriend chortling.

"Well well, this is going to be lively one." Sam said with an amused smile as they all watched over to see Glory stomping on the table and points her finger it the air.

"All hands on deck everyone!!!" Glory shouts as she extend her arms out for the ghosts to grab her and levitate her in the air before she starts singing the first chorus.

"Hear it getting louder, a call for revolution
Yeah, we came for what was ours, it's time for restitution
We'll protect our own, take back the stone
No, human nature cannot hold us down~~"

She marvels as she glance at her Savanaclaw boyfriends flashing a bright smile at them before landed gracefully on to their table. Glory then kneels down to Leona cupping his chin and lifts his head up to her alluring grey orbs.

"Stranded at the bottom, but we're more than a whisper."

She sang whispering to his ear while remaining stoned face, but his tail gives it away. Then she pulls away and jumps off from the table and struts to Ruggie and Jack wrapping her arms around their necks.

"No, we'll never be forgotten, our blood's thicker than silver, yeah. When worlds collide, it's do or die."

She marvels darting her eyes back and forth to the hyena and the wolf before releasing them as she saunters backwards.

"So tell me, is it wrong to stand your ground?"

She sang shrugging her shoulders while smirking with bravado in her eyes taking a few steps before clapping her hands to the air.

"Hear us howl, all or nothing
Fangs are out, we ain't running
Hear us howl, it's all or nothing!"

Then cue the sparks and cannons booming through the rooms thanks to the ghost where streamers scattered all over the lounge awing the audience.

This is a declaration
Of a new generation
It's now or never, we're in this together
We'll fight through the highs and the lows
No, we won't break, we're more than flesh and bone!"

Glory marvels as she began marches through the lounge, but ends up tripping her own feet shocking her audience. With his wolf sense tingling, Jack swoops in and caught Glory on time though placing them in an awkward position when the poor wolf found himself princess carrying Glory.

"Shishishi! Nice move, Romeo!" Ruggie cackles and Leona sighs.

"Idiot." He grumbles face palming at Jack causing the wolf to get flustered by the attention he's receiving, but Glory has no time to react as she wraps her arm around his neck caught him off guard where the second chorus began.

"The world has gone crazy and no one seems to listen
Gotta step in, no more maybes, and stop the demolition
Is it hope or fear? Look in the mirror
Everything we built is coming down!"

She marvels while staring into his gold eyes flashing a coy gentle smile at him and plants a kiss on his nose making her wolf boyfriend flustered before he puts her down as Glory struts through the lounge.

"No more hesitation, it's time we start to realize
With all this separation, silence is still taking sides
So use your voice, make a choice
And tell me, are you standing with the crowd?"

Glory harmonizes with a vibrant smile before lifting her hand to her face.

"WHERE MY PIRATE CREW AT?!?" Glory shouts and soon ghost pirates came from the stage, left, and right during the bridge shocking the audience including her boyfriends, Grim, and the teachers while she harmonizes the vocals.

"This is a declaration
Of a new generation
It's now or never, we're in this together
We'll fight through the highs and the lows
No, we won't break, we're more than flesh and bone!"

She sang before lifting her hands up and clap to the tempo along with the ghosts.

"Put your hands maties!!" Glory shouts as they all cheered and do what she said including a few of her boyfriends while some of them smiled away.

"We say no more bad blood, no more bad blood!"

She and the pirate ghost sang with fan club members chanting along with them.

"Waaaaaaahhh! Go Glory!!" Grim cheers while leaping on to the table while smiling.

"Go off, Glory-san!!" Deuce shouts with a grin.

"Ayy, ayy, ayy-ayy
No way, they can't stop us, no, they can't stop us!!"

They all sang as the beat drops before slowing down to the interlude where Glory saunters over to bed Savanaclaw boyfriends.

"History changes, but we lost the pages we wrote."

She marvels while strolling towards them.

"When you lose direction, can't see the reflection you know~."

Glory harmonies as she strolls to Ruggie and gently lays her hands onto his shoulders beaming down at him with a sweet bright smile.

"We came from the bottom then became the problem
Now everything's out of control.~"

She sang gently while caressing his cheek with her thumb and plants a kiss on his head causing her hyena boyfriend to smile warmly with his ears twitching cutely and his small tail wagging when receiving affection. Then Glory turns to Leona smiling softly at her lion boyfriend.

"So hey, are you with me?..."

She asks as Glory pats his head softly before turning to the audience with a radiant smile.

"Let's go!!"

She shouts as he raises her fist up along with the ghost pirates and the Savanaclaw fan club members as they sang the main chorus. 

This is a declaration
Of a new generation
It's now or never, we're in this together
We'll fight through the highs and the lows
No, we won't break, we're more than flesh and bone."

As she and the ghost pirates dance off the music, Glory twirls back to Leona and cups his face smiling sweetly at him as she plants a kiss on his lips before Merlin used his magic to teleport out of the lounge causing her and the pirate ghosts vanished without a trace awing Jack and Ruggie with Leona smiling warmly at his lioness girlfriend with the fan club applauding her personality along with the roars from the Savanaclaw boys.

"Whoa..." Jack gasps.

"Hehe. I'll admit, that was pretty cool. What about you, Leona." Ruggie asks whipping to his lion friend with a grin as Leona bobs his head plastering a fond smile while staring at the stage.

Not bad Lioness, not bad...

He thought while her other boyfriends applauded and praising her performance.

"Waaaaah that was amazing!" Grim chirps.

"Okay, that was badass!" Ace admits with a smile.

"Woooo!!! Angel-chan/Glory-san!!" Cater and Deuce cheered while clapping.

"Aaah! Beaute! Her performance is tres bien! 1000 points!!" Rook praises ranking it once again.

"Yeah! I-It was so cool!!" Epel chimes with a smile as his eyes gleam with admiration.

"Lionfishie is so awesome!!" Floyd chirps while clapping and smiling brightly.

"Certainly stunning." Jade compliments with a grin.

"Indeed, but I wonder who's next to serenaded?" Azul asks with a smirk hoping it would be them next. Meanwhile at the back, the teachers are on standing ovation applauding for Glory's thrilling performance.

"My what an edgy performance." Sam praises,

"I have to say Sam. Your ghosts are did a wonderful job of helping Moonchild out." Vivien stated as Sam grins at his girlfriend.

"Hey no problem! Me and my friends from the other side will do anything to provide service for our little demons including little Angel." Sam reassures.

"Speaking of which, I wonder who's going next?" Trein ponders laying his hand under his chin curiously.

"Hmm who knows. We just have to find out and see." Crowley said as Vivien let's out a giggle.

"Oh you'll find out eventually Dire but I have to warn you headmaster. The next performance will definitely tung your heartstrings." She advises them baffling the headmaster and the teachers leaving them to the unknown of what's going to happen next.

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