[15] Selfish

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"What are you guys doing here?"

I actually jump back with surprise.

I look up at Tsunami and Riptide and their tangled hands and heat rushes to my face. I wonder if they heard it. God.

With a slightly shocked expression, Tsunami gives me her hand, which I stare at before I rise to my feet. "Why are you guys outside?"

That's it. Deathbringer's going to turn everything into a joke, and I can just imagine it: I just got a love confession from Scarlett Sister 1 before you guys came! Isn't that hilarious? But he doesn't say a word.

I'm too scared to look at his face.

"I was feeling- a little dizzy." My voice is too high, and my heart is tap dancing in my chest. "And De- he came outside with me." I'm staring at the floor with embarrassment.

"You are blushing so hard, I thought you finally got a confession from Deathbringer or something." Tsunami throws her head back and laughs, but her voice isn't natural either.

"NO!" My hands are shaking, so I hide them in my pocket. "I mean- we were just talking. Talk to you later- Deathbrinwhdian." I can't look at him. I can't even say his full name, and he doesn't correct my pronounciation.

Is that a bad sign?

"Glory, I have something to tell you." That's when I realize it- Tsunami's blushing. "Let's go inside. Are you okay now?"

I'm yelping random words. "Yes! Of course! Sjwifnekdnw!"

Her arm goes around my shoulder as she whispers into my ear. With her other hand, she's touching her blue hair unconsciously like it's the most beautiful thing in the world. "He kissed me in the backstage. Nobody was there, and we snuck out through the door."

At the word kiss, I feel myself blushing again. "Wow. Wow. That's nice. That's really nice."

"Are you okay?" Tsunami quickly looks at me, with fear in her blue eyes. "Is it your- cancer?"

"No!" My mind seems to come back with the word cancer. It really is a magic word. "It's just really hot around here. That's all." I gulp, trying to calm myself. It works partly. "Aren't you going to practice?"

"Nobody cares about this stupid play," Tsunami brushes off, which kind of hurts. Because a lot of people do. "Riptide is way more important."

I don't know if I agree. Everything's so blurry, so silent compared to my overly loud heartbeats. "I- did you hear anything before you came out?"

"Nope. Was it something important?" Tsunami is barely looking at me. She turns back to Deathbinger and Riptide. "Deathbringer, what were you guys talking about before we came out of the door?"

You can do this. You can freaking do this.

I slowly turn with Tsunami, my eyes looking at Riptide's shoes, and then Deathbringer's hoodie, and then his face.

"Nothing special," he says smoothly, a lazy grin on his face. It's nothing out of the ordinary. When Tsunami shrugs and turns back, I keep looking at him. And he notices it, which makes his expression twist to something else.

I can't breathe.

He's giving me The Look.


What did I do to deserve the Look?

"Glory! Are you listening to me?"

I look at her, and I realize that no, I haven't been listening to a word she has said the last twenty minutes. "Sorry, no."

We're in the car heading home, only Tsunami and me, because we live in the same direction. In the too-big house that scream out, WE'RE RICH STARE AT US AND REALIZE THAT YOU'LL NEVER BE RICH ENOUGH TO LIVE IN SUCH LUXURIOUS HOUSES AHAHAHAHA.

Apparently, Tsunami lives in one of the houses that's the biggest in town.

Tsunami's looking at me, disappointed, her hands gripping the script she'll never read. "This Saturday! I was asking if you could cover for me."

"Cover- what?" The Look. Why the heck was he looking at me like that?

"So I can sneak out to meet Riptide and tell Mom that I was over at your house practicing for the play. You know, the usual."

"But the play is in like a few months. You need to practice. You told me you wanted to practice." I don't know if the slight anger that's slipping from my voice is real. Or because I'm still thinking about that freaking look. Because apparently, I care so much about him that a look he gives me can change my entire mood for the day. Amazing.

"Woah. I know, but it's not like I'm going to get any better." Tsunami seems surprised at my reaction, but she quickly hides it with a smile. Her blue eyes are begging. "I suck, and you know that."

I'm suddenly irritated. And maybe it's not about Deathbringer's facial expressions. Maybe I'm genuinely annoyed at Tsunami. Because the play really matters to me, because she can be a better Scarlett. "Then why are you in the drama club kn the first place?"

Tsunami's smile fades away. "Why are you being like this, Glory? You know I don't want to. I know I suck, okay? But my mom wanted me to be in the drama club and because that freaking Kestrel likes my mom I got the main role. It's not like I want to waste my time on a stupid play that NOBODY cares about."

"Then TELL YOUR MOM you don't want to be in the drama club!" My voice is rising. "Because some people actually care about the play, okay? Because whether you like it or not, you got the role and you're ruining everything!"

"IS IT MY FAULT that my mom forces me to do things? And I'm sorry if my acting freaking sucks, but it's not like I wanted the freaking role." Tsunami's trembling. "You don't even- you don't know my mom. She thinks I have to do everything she says. The moment I try to talk to her she- she-"

"You can at least practice to show us you freaking give a crap about the play," I spit out. "Instead of running off with your boyfriend all the time."

"Oh, I see what it is." Tsunami's frown turns into an angry sneer. "You want the role? You think my acting sucks, so you think I should just get off the club because you think you'd do better?"

"Yeah, exactly." It isn't what I thought of at all, but maybe there is some truth to her words. "Better than seeing you running around ruining everyone's play whining all the time that your mommy's place got you into a good role when you don't DESERVE IT. Because I can actually act. And not got a role because my mom's a freaking writer and I can't tell her my feelings."

"Oh, we're talking about moms?" Tsunami had this weird expression on her face. And I know she knows. Her blue eyes are screaming with pain and anger. "Maybe you should mind your own family business- then maybe they won't be abandoning you."

My voice is cold. "Shut up."

Tsunami's sneer fades away. "Glory, no, I'm sorry. I will practice, I shouldn't have- I-"

That's it, the anger is bursting, making everything shatter into little pieces, burning everything. "Yeah, we ARE talking about moms. And you- you're a COWARD for not talking to your mom. Just admit you're scared to face your mommy, just say you're TOO SELFISH ABOUT YOUR OWN NEEDS BECAUSE NOTHING ELSE IS IMPORTANT TO YOU. THE PLAY, THE PEOPLE WORKING FOR IT, NOTHING."

It's almost funny how people- people that cared about you, placed their arms over your shoulder, told you what they did backsyage- react when you say hurtful things to them. And how you react when they say hurtful things back.

Another funny thing is how the best of friends can turn into enemies over couple words. Except they aren't just words.

"Shut up. Shut up talking about everything like you know things about me." Tsunami's trembling, and it's the first time I see her really angry. "SHUT UP."



We're shouting now, it's actually a wonder that the driver is still driving. Tsunami's eyes whip to him. "I'm going to walk. I'M GOING TO WALK, STOP HERE!"

I'm spitting out random words. "NO YOU'RE NOT, YOU FREAKING CAMEL BRAINED BANANAS."

"WATCH ME YOU LITTLE GOBLIN DONUT." The car stops, and I surprise the driver by getting off with her.

"YOU LITTLE WALNUT FACE! SEAWEED HAIR!" I'm screaming, and Tsunami's running towards her house. I run with her.

"DON'T FOLLOW ME YOU ARROGANT LITTLE TURTLE STALKER!" Tsunami's screaming back, and I don't even realize how funny her insults are. They just sound like insults.

"I'M NOT DONE! STAND THERE! I'M NOT DONE TALKING TO YOU!" I'm barely breathing, and Tsunami's so fast. But I spot a blue, six-story house, and just know it's hers. And I see the lady standing on the front porch.


Tsunami sees her before I do and turn. But then she walks back, her shoulders raised. And that stupid blue-haired little girl that screamed at me about my mom a minute ago. I can't help but admire her, even a little bit.

"Tsunami," Coral's voice is low and deadly. She speaks silently, but even I can hear her. "You have- dyed your hair, I suppose? And created all that racket with your friend over there."

Well, this day is absolutely beautiful. "Hello!" I say it with as much politeness as I can muster. Tsunami has frozen, and I awkwardly walk towards her. "I'm Tsunami's classmate, Glory Bright."

"Well, you guys were having fun yelling at each other." Coral walks up to us. Her hair is dark and short, wearing a blue dress that comes up to her ankles. What's up with this family and blue? "Tsunami, your drama teacher told me today that you snuck out of the gym with a boy named- Riptide?" She doesn't even glance at me. Well, thanks a lot. "You know exactly what I told you about boys. You date who I choose you to date. And that boy- where did you meet him? In the dump?"

I blurt out the words before I can thinking everything over. God, this woman is scarier than I thought. I think back to Tsunami's words in the car and realize what she meant about her mom. "Riptide's my boyfriend." Her eyes finally look at me, and they make me flinch. They widen for a moment, which makes her seem like a freaking witch. Goodness, woman, look into the mirror. "Tsunami was- was helping me get his number. Like, his telephone number."

Well, I guess I just defended her. Tsunami looks over to me with surprise, and I can't do anything but shrug.

She clenches her fists.

"Glory," she says quietly. "You're right about what you said in the car. Mom. Riptide's my boyfriend and I don't want to hide it. I'm proud of him. And I want to go back to swimming. Because I don't have any talent in acting, and I don't like it. I can't bring myself to like it. I'm sorry, but it's true."

"Tsunami." Coral's voice is getting colder, and there's something in her eyes that makes me think of Anaconda's husband. "Come into the house and we'll talk. Glory, dear, please go to your house for today."

"No!" Tsunami's eyes are nothing like what I have seen before. Tears are dripping from her stunning, strong blue eyes. "We'll talk now! Please, Mom, please-"


"Get inside. Now."

I look at Tsunami's red cheek. Grandmother never hits me. Maybe Tsunami was right. Maybe this woman is more horrible than I could have thought.

"NO!" Tsunami's fully sobbing. "You're going to guilt trap and make me think I have to match your expectations! You won't- just LISTEN TO ME!"

"You'll act in the play and that's final. If you meet that boy again-"



Faster faster lighting, Coral grabs Tsunami's uniform collar and shakes her. "We'll go into the house. Before anybody sees us. Don't say a word."

Tsunami's trying to shake away, but she's crying harder and getting dragged away.


I grab Tsunami's shirt and jerk as hard as I can, which sends her flying into the yard. And then we're running together, Coral screaming behind us.

Tsunami's sobs fade away, and we're running out of there in silence when Tsunami bursts out laughing, her voice hoarse from crying. "Did you just yell at freaking Coral the New York Times author?"

I'm gasping for breath, but I'm smiling. "Come to my house. I'll tell my grandmother- I'll tell her what happened. I'm sorry if what I did-"

Tsunami stops to breathe. "Don't apologize. Don't." She looks into my eyes. "Thank you, Glory. I'm the one that should apologize."

Before we know, we're wrapping each other in our arms.

Dear Helianthus,

Can you tell me who you are? I have an idea of your identity, although I might be wishing too much.

I confessed to the boy. I know you told me to drop subtle hints, but I really wanted to get everything over with.

I probably should have followed your advice, because he gave me a really strange look. I couldn't hear his answer, but I think it's a no.

If you are who I think you are, you'll probably know who I am. If you aren't, maybe we can help each other. Consider my case a failure-- perhaps I can help yours.


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