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A warm welcome to all of you!
We are here with an amazing Contest with an innovative idea from one of our Writer (polymath_land) here.

So, you must have read the Title of the Book, right?

💜Gloss 'Word' - Your 'Drabble'💜

Wonder what this book is about?
Any guesses?

If you have read the Title, I must say, you'll definitely have a guess about the Contest!

Comm'n, just put your brains on a stint.

Tik tik 10

Tik tik 9

Tik tik 8

Tik tik 7

Tik tik 6

Tik tik 5

Tik tik 4

Tik tik 3

Tik tik 2

Tik tik 1

So, who had a guess? Please leave an inline comment here.

🎯 No inline comment?

Well, maybe your brain is too lazy to think about the Title!

Let me take my gloss and let you know about what the little crazy head of mine is come up with!

Ever got a chance to showcase your Creativity in Writing?


This book gives you a platform for your amazing Creativity.

How are we going to give you the platform?

Any Guess?

Don't kill me! I'll no more give you a chance to have a thought of killing me.

Let's jump to what the crazy cranium of mine is stuffed with.

We - The Glossians or polymath_land will give you a WORD for every seven days.

You - The Participants will write a pentadrabble/drabble fewer than or equal to 500 words based on the 'Word' assigned every week.

Your Creativity, Content, Narration and Grammar is tested with this Contest.

Well, have you thought what's new with this Contest? After all, we'll give you a simple word only, right?

I know this qualm is somewhere roaming around your Head.

If you think it is just a 'simple word', then you are absolutely wrong.

The word has a twist.

The twist is that the 'Word' will be the Origin of any Language, basically German, French, Roman etc..,

Every word you read is the Origin of those Languages. I believe you do know about that. Don't you?

Sounds Fun/Innovative?

Once you present your Skills,
The Best from the Participants will be the only Winner.

There is No Second or Third Runner up. Don't worry, if you are not the Winner of this week, you can be the one in the near future, definitely.

After all, no one is perfect.

🎯 Failure is the first step towards Success.

Follow the quote and participate in the Contest.

How's the Contest sounding?

Amazingly amazing?

Well, I know it is Amazing!

How do I know?

You have arrived till here, haven't you? This is the only proof that this contest amazed you competently.

Now let me take my cranium for sleep, and I'll let you hop in
Gloss 'Word'-Your 'Drabble'

Rules and Forms will be up soon.

With love,

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro