Results of Week-1

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Happy International Women's Day!

Your Host is here again with Results of Week-1

Before I announce the results, don't you want to know who are the Judges?

As I said, I'll introduce them to you. Here, they are, our Judges.

A wonderful team from our Gloss Family. As it is a Women's Day, let me inaugurate our awesome Women Team.


An Avid Reader and a Passionate Writer. The habit of reading took her into the field of Writing. She believes that words heal your soul. Her belief is that music says even the unsaid. She believes that words and music can heal up your soul together. She is a writer, blogger and poet. She writes what her heart feels, a heartfelt writer she is. She reads that amazes her.

She is just as smooth as the Dairy Milk Silk. Her judging is the same as her Name. She will judge your Drabble in her own sweet and smooth way. But, at times she can be strict. If your book is judged by Dairy Milk, consider yourself lucky.

💜 5 STAR💜

She is a reader by the heart and a writer by the soul. Her passion for books has landed her here.
Before picking up a story, she would see the cover, title and blurb if that interests her then she proceeds further. Though she is obsessed with punctuation if the content is innovative and narration is excellent then those little mistakes can be ignored.

She is as sweet as 5 Star. Not to forget, 5 star is hard as well. So, except a hard review from her.


She is as crispy as Kit-Kat. Expect a detailed Review from her. A Passionate Reader before a Writer.


She is as healthy as Snickers. A Passionate Reader and a Writer. She is very particular for grammar in your drabble. Anticipate a Healthy Review on your Drabble from her.

Got to know about your Judges?

Now, be prepared to read a Review on your Drabble. It's a very short and crisp Review on your Book.

Before that,

Respect our Judges views. Everyone does have their own PoV. You can't expect the same review from 'n' Judges. Because it's simple, you are not ME and I'm not YOU. YOU have different PoV and I've different PoV. It varies from person to person and mind to mind. It will be best if you understand this simple logic.

They have taken their precious time to judge your book and write a review on it. Respect them. This is for your betterment.



Feminism by Shivani_SwaSan

Title- 5/5


Blurb- 8/10

Content with creativity relatable to the WORD- 10/10




Review - The Drabble depicts Swara as one strong girl and I quite liked the idea. Every girl has a certain power in themselves, and it has been portrayed nicely. The word is depicted nicely. Good attempt.

The Misogynist by keyuwrites

Title - 4/5

Cover - 5/5

Blurb - 5/5

Content with creativity relatable to the WORD- 10/10

Grammar - 9/10

Narration - 10/10

Total- 43/50

Review-Nandini emerges as a strong character in the story. And Manik realising his mistake is appreciable. Good attempt.

When Feminism Struck a Misogynist by NikkithaKJ

Title - 5/5

Cover - 3/5

Blurb - 6/10

Content with creativity relatable to the WORD- 10/10

Grammar - 9/10

Narration - 10/10

Total- 43/50

Review - A really different story showing a woman being a misogynist. A perfect portrayal, I must say. Well done.

💜 5 STAR 💜

Ending it all by spaciries




Content with creativity relatable to the WORD- 6/10

Grammar- 6/10



Review - The author portrayed the aftereffects of a suffering sister who was being harassed by her brother. And it is clearly understood that he hates women so can say that the content is based on the word, but I felt the story lacks creativity. The story only explained the meaning of the word in a better way.

Must work more on grammar and punctuations as they could make and break sentences. I found few typos and wrong usage of was instead of were to say in simple terms.

The blurb, title and cover related to the story are missing.


CHOCOLATE by WitchWithAQuill

Title- 4/5



Content with Creativity related to the WORD - 9/10


Narration -8/10


Review- The title CHOCOLATE, I found it unique and something different. If I saw it first I would be like what is in the book and open it to read for sure. The second thing in your title you have mentioned both the characters of your book, so I already knew whom the book is about. I really like that idea. But yes on a second note if I see if, with the topic given, I think the name can be something related to that. But all over I really liked it it was good.

The cover was simple yet elegant. The name of the book was clearly visible along with writers name. It was a very simple cover yet attractive. Just can't find any fault with it. Loved it a lot.

The blurb was very attractive and the words used were also great. But here I think it could have been something also related to the word given to you. But yes the blurb matched the drabble you wrote and also the title.

Here he has done a good job, you have used the word very well in your written, it was used. Not at a single point, I felt that it's getting out of track.

Your vocabulary was very good, but yes the book had grammatical errors. You could have done better with it. Like this sentence "He was expecting have been treated like the prince he had been treated his whole life" it took me a while to get what it exactly meant that was he was expecting to be treated like the prince he had been treated like. So yes I really think grammar was a point where the drabble was backing off. You can improve a lot on it. But another side of your vocabulary is just amazing, I really liked the words you used.

The narration of the drabble was something I really liked a lot. It was kind of an on the debate going on. Two points at the same time. Also throughout, there was not a single place I got bored or but the narration was such amazing that it made me think why did the drabble end. And plus point that the word given to you was used fairly throughout the drabble.


RESILENCE by RehanaSiraj

Title- 2/5

Cover- 1/5

Blurb- 0/10

Contents- 6/10

Grammar- 8/10

Narration- 6/10

Total- 23/50


Title- The title did match a bit with the story but you could have made it better.

Cover- If you're writing a story on Arnav and Khushi then please use them in the cover too.

Blurb- There was no blurb to the story.

Contents- The plot that you took up was good but it needed emphasis.

Grammar- Grammar was good, you missed punctuations here and there but otherwise, it was okay.

Narration- Again, narration could have been much much better especially the mentioning of past instances would have made the story much more appealing.


Title- 5/5




Grammar -9/10

Narration - 8/10

Total - 47/50


The title was completely apt for the story and made it beautiful. Amazing cover. It depicted the feelings or maybe the story amazingly. The tag line was the cherry on the take it blew me off and made me have more excited to read the story. No words but simply I am amazed it was wow!!!! I am speechless and the way you spun the story, it had exactly the right amount to thrill, spin and fun to it. I loved it!!! But, slight errors were there with punctuations. The narration was Amazing. The way you explained the feelings were of the father was simply great, but you could have mentioned past instances to make it more appealing.


Time to know who are the Winners?

Well, as it is a Women's Day, our Participants showed us their talent with their beautiful passion for writing. We are very happy with the way everyone tried to decipher the word in a Creative way.

And at last, we've only one Winner.

But, Week-1 brought two Winners among the participants.

And those two are

1) GS_Stella

2) Shivani_SwaSan

It's a tie between you both. And I - your host decided to declare you both as Winners for Week-1.

Congratulations to both of you!💜

Rest of the participants, don't be sad. You are best at your work, at your passion to write something, to create something Creative. You have done the best. I just want to say, try and try until you get perfect. Perfection leads you to Success, I swear.

Meet you at the Week-2 Contest!

Winners, please PM me/the_gloss_club for Prizes.

Waiting for your WORD.

Your host,


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