Results of Week-2

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Hi! Here's your Host(polymath_land) with this Week Results.

First of all, Pardon me for the late Results. I was stuck up with some personal issues.

And now, let us go to the Reviews of this week Participants.

Before that,

Respect our Judges and their views.



💜 Trepidation by RehanaSiraj

Title - 4/5
Cover - 4/5
Blurb - 9/10
Content with creativity relatable to the WORD- 8/10
Grammar - 6/10
Narration - 8/10
Total- 39/50

Review - The blurb is nicely written giving a sneak peek of the story. Khushi's fear is well described and as a reader, I could connect with her. The word given is also nicely used, though I feel, it could be extended more in Khushi's thoughts. Nevertheless, this is a nice try. But, there are many grammatical errors, which shouldn't occur as it disturbs the Reader while reading the story. It's okay, each one of us makes mistakes, but minor grammatical errors should be taken care of. I'll advise the writer to re-read your work before you post. That will help you to find mistakes yourself. Good job with the story, though. :) keep writing. Good luck.

💜 I'm proud of him - A sister's fight by NikkithaKJ

Title - 5/5
Cover - 4/5
Blurb - 9/10
Content with creativity relatable to the WORD- 10/10
Grammar - 8/10
Narration - 9/10
Total- 45/50

Review - An emotional tale of a brother and sister depicting their love. The blurb was simple yet it caught my attention. I loved the way Uttara answered the people who were bullying Sanskar. Uttara never left Sanskaar and was by his side, and that's the best part of the story. A few mistakes here and there, but the flow and emotion of the story, covered it all. Good attempt.

💜 5 STAR 💜

💜 Amelioration by ImaginaryPagal

Cover 3
Title 1
Blurb 9
Content 5
Grammar 5
Narration 6
Total - 29/50

Review - The meaning of the word "Amelioration" has been explained to some extent but then I felt the story was focussing more on the discussion between a mother and daughter about what society thinks of a single mother who is a divorcee rather than trying to make a change in their mindset.
The title must have been more creative and related to the story.
Have to work more on grammar, tense and dialogue construction.

💜 Let It Ring By WitchWithAQuill

Title 4
Cover 5
Content 8
Blurb 8
Narration 6
Grammar 7
Total - 38/50

Review - The meaning of the word is well maintained and I liked the change that Evan could get Chase to learn piano in spite of her weakness.
As the author chose to narrate the story in five parts I felt the flow missing as there was too much information to take in.
Dialogue construction needs to be better and engaging while the cover and title are really very good and apt for the story.

💜 All in her head by keywrites

Title 4
Cover 3
Blurb 10
Content 9
Narration 10
Grammar 7
Total 43/50

Review - The story is narrated well and I loved the concept. It is focussing on the social norms and ethics of leaving an ailing mother in an old-age home without deviating from the meaning of the word "hypochondriac".
Nice blurb and apt title but I felt the cover could have been made more attractive. The dialogues were written well right from the beginning but have got deviated at the end where I found quite a few typos and grammatical errors.


💜 Beholden by spaciries


The title Beholden, I found it unique. It is an attractive name, which made me want to scroll down and read it as soon as I can.


The cover was simple with a girl's pic and book name. The name of the book was clearly visible. It was a very simple cover yet attractive. Yet I believe it could be made a bit more creative, I personally love creative covers. But yes as it was going with them of your writing, that was writing about a girl, which I guessed first by the cover. One thing I would like to point out is you could have added writers name in the cover along with the title. I found that missing.

Blurb (10/10)

The blurb was very good, just couldn't find any faults. It was perfect, it described what I was to read in the drabble very well, had used simple and understandable language which anyone would easily get.


Here you have done a good job, you have used the word very well in your writing, it is used properly. A new beginning of a girl with her siblings.


There were not many grammatical errors, it was perfect, but yes I would suggest that you can improve your vocabulary a bit, but on the good side, it was written in a simple and understandable way, so I won't go on that much. All over it was good.


The narration of the drabble was something I really liked a lot. The meaning of the word given was used perfectly, the narration was done in simple and understanding words yet was creative too which I liked a lot.


💜 HAUSLA by GS_Stella


The title HAUSLA- the whisper of courage, It is an attractive and meaningful name. If understood and thought deeply, it can say many things.


The cover was very creative with ever details in it. Name of the book, authors name, both was there. I got very attracted to it, couldn't wait to scroll down and read after seeing it.

Blurb (10/10)

The blurb was very good, just couldn't find any faults. It was perfect, it described what I was to read in the drabble very well, had used simple and understandable language with an amazing vocabulary.


Here you have done a good job, you have used the word very well in your writing, it is used properly. Also, I really liked how it was plotted according to the word.


There were not many grammatical errors, it was perfect how it was, was able to understand everything too, and also vocabulary was nice.


The narration of the drabble was something I really liked a lot. The meaning of the word given was used perfectly, the narration was done perfectly and also it was nice reading it, loved to read it.


And now, the Winner is GS_Stella

Congratulations to you, dear. 💜

And Participants, don't be disheartened, you will win for sure. Just try. You'd get enough support and motivation from us. All of you have done a great job with your Creativity. Hats off to all of you! 💜

Will meet at week-3.


Dear Winner, please PM your word to me or the_gloss_club as it is a part of the Reward.

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