Results of week-3

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I'm your host-@polymath_land, again.

Hope you are doing good!
First of all, pardon me again as I'm late in announcing the results. Blame my exams. Yeah, you heard me right, I've online exams(hackwithinfy, infytq, etc..,)every day. I'm stuck up with that even in the quarantine days. My Fate!!

Anyways, coming to the participant's entry and their reviews, here is week-3 results.



Anuraag - My Devotion by NikkithaKJ

Title - 5/5
Cover - 5/5
Blurb - 10/10
Content with creativity relatable to the WORD- 10/10
Grammar - 8/10
Narration - 9/10

Total - 47/50

Review - A beautiful drabble wrapped in devotion. The cover compliments the drabble and the emotions portrayed in the story touched my heart. I can also see a lot of improvement in the story. A job well done.

My Name is Areyah by storiesbysophie13

Cover -4/5
Blurb - 9/10
Content with creativity relatable to the WORD- 9/10
Grammar - 8/10
Narration - 8/10


Review - The cover is simple yet it compliments the word used in the drabble. The letter format is quite interesting where the protagonist used letters to define his feelings. A job well done.

💜 5-STAR 💜

Masking the contrition by spaciries

Cover 4/5
Title 5/5
Grammar 7/10
Narration 9/10
Blurb 10/10
Content 9/10

Total- 44/50

Review-A good focus on the given word and must appreciate the author for the title and narration. Though of a little bit focus on grammar and dialogue construction would have made it a beautiful read.


Reprehensible by RehanaSiraj


The title Reprehensible is very nice, is an attractive and meaningful name.


The cover was very simple with ever details in it. Name of the book, authors name, both was there. I got very attracted to it, couldn't wait to scroll down and read after seeing it.
I really liked how u had used a quote/though also in it.

Blurb (10/10)

The blurb was very good, it described what I was to read in the drabble very well, had used simple and understandable language.


Here you have done a good job, you have used the word very well in your writing, it is used properly. Also, I really liked how it was plotted according to the word, it was very interesting to read it.


There were not many grammatical errors, it was perfect how it was, was able to understand everything too, also few amazing vocabulary words were used.


The narration of the drabble was something I really liked a lot. The meaning of the word given was used perfectly, the narration was done perfectly and also it was nice reading it. I loved it a lot.



And now, the winners are,



Congratulations to both of you. You have done an amazing job. Participants, don't be disheartened, there is always another chance.

Winners, you would get your rewards soon.

Host's Note-

I'm not going to continue with the week-4 contest, not because of the happenings in the club (Everyone does know what's happening in our club, I guess.) But because I've my exams every day. I'm just sitting in front of my system and coding and coding again and again due to the online exam & practices as well. At the end of the day, I've my eyes red & puffy. So, understand me as always. And till then, I hope the issue in the club with the themes & admin will get cleared.

With love,

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