𝒞𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝙻𝙸𝚅

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(3rd person POV)

With long steps, Taehyung continuously paced through the room as he had done for such a long while already that he didn't know when he had begun with the frantic restless movements, running his hand through his hair, pulling it out in frustration. It now had been more than a day since he had seen Y/N for the last time. Every hour, every minute, every second he didn't know her safe was pushing him to the limit, trapping and suffocating him in the devastating knowledge that he was unable to do anything. He was close to snapping like a weak brick in a thunderstorm. Inevitably and disastrously.

But he wasn't the only one to feel that way. The room was full of Lucyndians and other beings who all had one purpose; trying to figure out where the human girl was, intending to find her before someone could harm her in a way that would destroy her.

Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, Jungkook, and Jimin sat in front of large screens, contacting spies and other reliable sources, asking if they had heard anything about Y/N's current whereabouts or anything about her in general. At the same time, Hoseok was looking through the security footage, his bright green eyes scanning the screen with videos flickering over it at an incredible speed, hoping to find any clues of where Ara, the traitor, could have brought her. Jiwon stood behind them, lines of worry engraved in the skin of her forehead as she couldn't help but have a bad feeling about the situation.

Finally, Namjoon had enough of Taehyung doing nothing apart from running through the room and making everyone nervous.

"Taehyung, sit down!" he ordered sternly with authority, shooting the silver-eyed being an annoyed glare.

But said silver-haired being didn't even react to the words of the alien with the bronze-colored hair whose authority seemed to fail to penetrate the state of anxiety he was trapped inside. Without sparing anyone a glance, he continued to walk in circles, aimlessly and restlessly.

Jiwon's heart broke, knowing that her grandchild was full of distress and disastrous anger as he was blaming himself for Y/N getting abducted right out of his hold. She approached him carefully and pulled his trembling, moving his body into her warm and loving arms, knowing that he needed every little comfort he could get. He didn't immediately break down, trying to stay cold and unmoved, a defense and protection mechanism he had been forced into using many times under his father's control. But after a few moments, his body slumped into her embrace, and he found himself sobbing in his grandma's arms, who held him tightly and whispered gentle and soft words to calm him down and soothe his torn soul.

Taehyung looked up to meet her loving gaze, glittering tears clinging to the eyelashes that were surrounding his silver eyes filled with desperation.

"It- It is my fault..." he whispered broken, occasional sobs and hiccups ripping through his words, eyes reddened and voice barely audible, but they were so close to each other that she somehow understood. "I knew something was going to happen, but I- I ignored it and now-"

"Shhhhh..." Jiwon mumbled, caressing his silky silver hair the same way as when he had been a child and came running to her, crying because he had fallen painfully. "It's not your fault. Didn't she ask to go to her room alone?"

"She did... but I knew something was wrong! Everything felt wrong and-"

"Hey, guys, you should take a look at that!" Hoseok suddenly shouted in alert, fortunately interrupting Taehyung's self-destructive self-blaming. "I found something!"

Every being in the room rushed to his screen, only to see camera footage of Y/N walking through the familiar hallways of the building section that contained the bedrooms. Hoseok played multiple cameras at the same time, all showing the human girl passing by. Her delicate body and expression seemed tense and weary, and she looked around quickly as if to make sure that she was safe, as if the corridors she knew as her home since a few months weren't giving her a feeling of secureness, but instead one of anxiety and fear. It appeared as if she already knew something was wrong, as if a knowing feeling in her gut was telling her to run as fast as she could to escape whatever was lurking for her, trying to hunt her down.

Out of the shadows as if she was part of them, Ara suddenly emerged, hushing the human who flinched heavily and seemed to let out a small scream. Ara and the human apparently talked to another, making every creature currently watching the footage furrow their eyebrows and unconsciously move closer to the screen, trying to get to hear the silent conversation.

"Unfortunately, we don't have microphones installed as a matter of privacy," Jiwon sighed, regretting that decision as it now was very inconvenient.

Everyone watched attentively as Ara grabbed Y/N's arm tightly and pulled the human girl behind her darkly shimmering feathered body, her strength rendering the human unable to escape. Taehyung clenched his fists upon seeing Y/N's confused and desperate expression, her visible delicateness and vulnerability making the need to protect her surge up even higher in him. He desperately wished he could have been there and saved her from the malicious intending Ara, but he helplessly had to watch her getting abducted.

The footage showed Ara pulling her to the flying field, not caring for the girl who was trying to get out of her grasp, seemingly having grasped the situation and attempting to free herself. Unfortunately, the beings present in the room couldn't see what was going on on the flying field since there were fewer cameras and it had been night, causing the place to get only dimly enlightened by the three weakly silvery-shining moons. They were only able to make out the silhouettes as Ara pulled Y/N to the prototype, on which she had been working the past weeks. She rudely pushed her inside and closed it after throwing glances around to check if anyone had seen them. After a few seconds, a sudden green flash enlightened the insides of the spacecraft. The spacecraft took off soon after, disappearing from the cameras' focus.

Every being in the room collectively held their breath as they knew what the green flash meant.

"She stunned her!" Taehyung exclaimed, enraged by the traitor's audacity

"Be happy that she only stunned her," Jungkook mumbled darkly, fingers clenching around the chair he was sitting on, knuckles turning white. "It could have been worse."

Everyone silenced at that.

After a short while, Jimin piped up with a wondering expression, head tilted in worry and confusion, eyes fixed on the screen as if the spacecraft was still there. "You know, what I really don't get is... How did Ara manage to get away without anyone noticing? We have a force field surrounding the planet, controlling who gets in and who gets out! Why didn't it stop her or at least alert the patrol spaceships?"

Yoongi rubbed his temples with a defeated expression.

"Did you forget already that she was part of the team that invented and created the force field? Probably she built something in the prototype of the spacecraft that could trick the force field."

"Unfortunately, this is most likely," Jiwon hummed while frowning, her fingers tapping her chin.

Taehyung slumped down, his eyes once again filling with frantic and desperate tears. Even with watching the security footage, they hadn't found any clue that could lead them to the mesmerizing girl he was in love with. Hopelessly he stared at the screen, the footage still showing the space Ara's spacecraft had left after taking off, leaving behind the same emptiness that was now creating a hole in his chest.

Where was Y/N?

(Your POV)

You woke up with a throbbing headache that felt as if someone had smashed your skull, leaving bone splinters to pierce through your brain. Desperate to escape the darkness that was drowning you, your eyes snapped open, and you frantically looked around, only to realize that you still couldn't see anything since the room still wasn't lit with any little light. A groan tore from your lips when you tried to shift, your weak limbs hard to move. Excitement and relief filled you when you noticed that you finally could move freely without chains keeping you in place. Since you weren't able to see anything, though, you stayed at the same spot on the ground where you had woken up, afraid that you would get hurt if you moved. Instead, you used your other senses, which seemed to be enhanced because your sense of vision was currently unusable, trying to figure out your surroundings.

Only then, you noticed the suppressed breathing near you and realized that you weren't alone.

Wary of who or what was hiding in the darkness, you called out in an insecure and quiet voice, your whole body trembling in fear.

"H-Hello? Is anybody there?"

There wasn't any response, but the breathing of the other creature in the room audibly hitched before continuing at a faster pace, panting like a cornered animal. It didn't take you long to comprehend that the other being was just as afraid of you as you were of them.

You crawled over the ground carefully, slowly approaching the source of breathing you were still able to hear.

"Hello?" you repeated in a soft voice, like speaking to a child, attempting to calm them down and establish contact. "I won't hurt you..."

Your voice trailed off into the darkness without any response, but you didn't give up.

As you got nearer and nearer, the other being muttered a small curse, making you stop in your track and stare into the darkness with wide eyes.

"Are you here to torture me?" a female voice asked, cold and sharp like ice. "Are you one of them?"

You frowned at the question. The other voice sounded female, and the fear hidden behind the coldness of her voice was unmistakable, but that wasn't what confused you the most. It was the fact that she was obviously afraid of someone who intended to torture her. Someone who probably was General Minsoo or one of his subordinates.

"I'm not," you said calmly while slowly moving into the direction of the other being, trying to avoid scaring her away now that she was talking to you. "Are you also captivated in here?"

"Yes," the voice answered quietly but audibly less cold.

"For how long?"

"I don't know. Months, at least."

Your shoulders tensed as you realized that you could also end up like that: tortured and imprisoned for months.

"And since when am I in here?"

"A few hours. You were sleeping when they brought you in, and I wasn't able to see you that well, so I decided to stay away from you," the voice answered in distrust. "After all, you could be another try of them to torture me. I still don't trust you, honestly."

You laughed humorlessly, the laughter quickly fading as it wasn't heartfelt.

"I don't really trust you either. What's your name?"

She chuckled. "They already know it, so there's no reason why I would keep it as a secret. I'm Dawon."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N."

1897 words

I'm so so sorry for being that late to publish a new chapter.! It was very busy for me the past week and I failed to write a new chapter, please forgive me!

On another note: I'm so happy for BTS to be nominated for the GRAMMYs, they deserve all the success they're getting this year. Also life goes on is no.1 on BB HOT100!!!

Stay safe and healthy!

With purple love💜💜💜


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