𝒞𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝙻𝚇𝙸𝙸

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(3rd person POV)

It didn't take long for the fight to come to an end, the rebels clearly winning over the enemy with ease as from the beginning on, they had overpowered Minsoo's people with the moment of surprise. The few soldiers of the alliance that were left had to surrender soon as they realized that they could never defeat the rebels, who had much more advanced technology and had underwent much better training. Some of the alliance members were injured heavily, but, to their enormous surprise, the rebels provided them with proper treatment for any wounds, making them feel less humiliated and repelled as they got treated like ordinary people instead of like enemies.

Despite the rebels' friendly treatment of the surviving alliance members, there was one of Minsoo's supporters who felt incredibly humbled after the rebels' victory, accompanied by the death of General Minsoo. And that person was no other than the Major General who silently pretended to surrender as it was the only possible option, even though internally, he burned with anger and bloodlust. With hatred burning in his eyes, he decided that he would make the rebels pay for what they had done to him and the General. Particularly a certain silver-eyed betrayer who had turned his back on the alliance, the life work of his father, and had decided to join that bunch of disgusting and annoying creatures!

The Major General knew that he wouldn't survive and thus wouldn't be able to put his plan into action if he didn't quit shooting instantly, otherwise, the rebels would see him as a threat and immediately kill him as they did with the other supporters of the General. Instead, he made his spaceship stop flying and didn't continue to fight any further, pretending to be calm even if he wasn't from the inside. With furiously glaring eyes, the Major General watched how the alliance's beautiful spacecraft exploded, one after the other, debris flying into all directions. He clenched his fists and teeth, trying to suppress his anger as he waited for instructions. After a few more minutes, throughout which he saw the remaining fighting spaceships of the alliance getting hit by deadly beams of laser, making them explode, the Major General finally heard a cracking sound in his earbug, indicating that someone was about to talk to him.

"We are the rebel organization. Obey our rules, and we will spare your life," a strong female voice instructed, her strict and strident tone of voice leaving no room for disobedience. "Follow our spaceships to the main rebellion starship. If you disobey or attack, we won't hesitate to kill you."

The Major General was very close to losing his patience and self-control but he managed to pull himself together, even though it was hard to do so when all he wanted was murdering everyone who had dared to attack the alliance. How dare them ordering him around!

With gritted teeth, he complied and navigated his spaceship behind the bigger ones of the rebels in an attempt to follow them. They soon reached the very advanced and enormous main starship and flew through the entrance into the hangar. A bitter expression rested on his face as the Major General watched the opening, the only way to get out of the starship, getting blocked, the star-filled universe disappearing from his sight, hidden by a metallic wall that slid in front of the hole.

His eyes focused on the room he found himself in, a hanger filled with spacecraft of all different kinds, whether from the alliance or the rebels. As he continued to glance around, he also noticed the rebel fighters that had guided him getting out of their spaceships and gesturing him to do the same. Grimly, he obeyed, not being able to hide the dark and sardonic smile that lifted the corners of his mouth for a second.

He would make them pay, that was for sure.

(Your POV)

While the fight surrounding you had slowly come to an end, you had laid in each other's arms, cradling the other in the warm and soft way of two lovers that had met again after a long, fearful time. After that precious time of healing, Taehyung and you headed toward the giant main rebel starship. As soon as you entered the spaceship's atmosphere, the spacesuit disappeared, only leaving behind a faint warm feeling on your neck from the ribbon that was attached there.

It was so healing and relieving to finally be able to hold Tae's hand again, the purple glow of his skin tickling and comforting you as it made its way into your body, giving you a soothingly familiar feeling.

As you entered a large hall where you reunited with the other rebels, Jiwon welcomed both of you with a sincere proud smile, pulling you onto a platform and into a hug and showering you with love while the rebels cheered for Taehyung for bringing down his father. It was clear to you that he didn't like the attention he was getting, especially since he still was shaken up, his emotions all over the place after all that had happened just mere moments ago, so you squeezed his hand in a comforting manner. 

Searching for the other people that had grown close to your heart during your training time (save for Ara, of course), you glanced around, spotting Jimin, Jin, and Namjoon under the rebels. As soon as they saw you, the Lucyndians bolted towards you and pulled you in exuberant joy into countless hugs, smiling at you in relief to have you back unharmed but leaving the platform soon as they mixed with the other rebels to talk and congratulate them.

But even though you were glad to see them, something was bothering you, making you frown deep in thought. It left you upset that you weren't able to see the other three Lucyndians. Had something happened to them?

Just as you wanted to ask Jiwon if they were alright, the door to the hall burst open, and in walked Yoongi and Jungkook, appearing to be completely unharmed, which made you breathe out in relief. Hobi entered a tad bit later, and you frowned in confusion when you noticed that someone was with him, seemingly injured as Hobi had to support the person.

But when she lifted her head to take in the people filling the large hall, you recognized her as Dawon, and your lips immediately broke into a smile in relief to see her. She could only walk because her brother was supporting her, and she looked weak, malnourished, and vulnerable at the same time, but as your eyes met, she showed you a powerful and triumphant smile, signalizing that she hadn't lost her strength, that they had failed to break her.

At that moment, Jiwon rose to speak to the thousands of rebels who had fought and defeated the alliance, so you turned around and listened attentively to her.

"We all have given everything!" she started, her purple eyes sparkling with power and sincere pride. "We all have given everything we could: our blood, sweat, and tears to fight the alliance and we won!"

Loud cheers erupted in the large hall, thousands of aliens expressing their overflowing joy and relief about the victory with huge smiles and jubilation.

"The alliance may have had more soldiers, but in the end, we were able to overpower them because of our fruitful hard training and advanced technology. Every one of you who stands here has worked extremely hard for the victory, but I would also like to mention the rebels who have lost their lives as heroes in the fight since they played an important role in our success. Let's remember their brave great deeds; may they all get rewarded a thousandfold." With sadness glimmering in her purple eyes, she lowered her gaze, and so did everyone else, paying tribute to the fallen ones. 

After a few gloomy minutes had passed, she rose to speak again. "While most of the alliance members have either escaped or died in an attempt to fight us, there were a few soldiers that surrendered. We will treat their injuries and be friendly to them as long as they're following the rules and don't harm anyone."

Although you agreed with that, you noticed how some of the rebels were clearly not liking the idea of giving the former alliance soldiers another chance. Some of them shifted from one foot to the other with troubled expressions, whispers spreading through the rows of completely different looking aliens, but, even though some of them were unhappy about Jiwon's decision, they seemed to at least respect her orders.

Suddenly, the doors opened, and you watched as some rebels guided the few soldiers that had surrendered inside; all in all, they were approximately one hundred. With their bodies locked in stiff positions, they looked to the ground in shame and humiliation as they were stared at by the rebels, whose glances rather resembled glares. 

You didn't know what it was exactly, but while Jiwon talked again, you couldn't listen as something about one of the former alliance members was creeping you out. Hands dipping smoothly into the pockets of his pants and the head pulled down to hide his face, one alien, in particular, looked strangely familiar.

But before you could do anything about it, before you could have warned anyone, everything erupted in chaos.

(3rd person POV)

The Major General had waited long enough in the hallway, with his teeth gritted in anger. Keeping his head down, he was standing close to the few surrendering soldiers that had lost all his recognition. Their expressions looked so anxious and defeated that the fuming Major General wished he could slap some sense into them. As long as he was alive, the alliance hadn't fallen yet. He was determined to revenge the General's death before going down as a hero.

Finally, the worthless rebels guided them to the closed door, hands on their weapons as a matter of precaution. The doors swung open, and the Major General recognized the infuriating silver-eyed betrayer standing on a slightly elevated platform accessible by a few stairs. He wasn't alone; next to him were a ridiculously old woman and the useless earthling the betrayer had left the glorious alliance for, determining its fate.

As soon as he noticed that they were glancing his way, he quickly dropped his gaze and fixed his eyes on the ground to appear submissive. The worst thing that could go wrong in his plan was that Taehyung would recognize him, but that didn't seem to be the case.

Slowly, to prevent erasing suspicion under the rebels, the Major General moved nearer to the platform while the old hag gave her speech. When he had positioned himself where he would have the perfect angle, his hands fished in a hidden pocket of his uniform. 

Of course, the rebels had patted the alliance soldiers down to find any weapon they could have possibly hidden in their clothes. But they didn't know that the Major General's uniform had an extra hidden pocket in which he always had a small gun tucked away, which now turned out to his favor. With a swift motion, he pulled out his gun, hurled himself on the platform, pulled the earthling that was the closest to him from the platform and in a tight headlock, holding the weapon on her head. Nobody had the time to react, and as they finally realized what was happening, the rebels drew their guns and pointed them at the Major General. But the revenge-seeking alien just laughed spitefully, knowing full well that they wouldn't start the fire since it would endanger the earthling.

"If you shoot at me, you will kill the earthling," he smirked at the rebels, a dangerous, insane glint in his eyes.

Taehyung had been the first one to draw his weapon, his eyebrows drawn together in anger and in desperation out of fear to lose Y/N. Though he would have done everything possible, there was nothing he could do to save the precious girl, whose eyes blown wide open in shock and anxiety, out of the unmerciful arms of the Major General.

2046 words

I have exciting news for you all: I RELEASED MY NEW FANFICTION!!!!!!😄
It's a Jimin ff! Please go check it out on my account, I hope you'll enjoy!💜💜💜💜💜

And more important news for you:

If you have ever wanted to improve your writing you can do so when you become a trainee at the Stay Gold Writing Academy! Trainers will judge your writing and help you to progress and flourish into an author that writes books veryone has joy to read!
Please consider participating, I'm a trainer myself! Here's the account where you can find it: Blushylilbunbun

Two chapters left until the Epilogue!

With purple love💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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