𝒞𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝚇𝚇𝙸𝚅

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(3rd person POV)

Upright in a stiff and intimidating posture, he was standing on the bridge, staring out of the enormous window in front of him that presented millions of twinkling stars to him. And the planet that was lying right in front of the spaceship.

The surface of the said planet showed a mixture of green, red, and blue spots, the various colors caused by its rich deposits of water, copper, and iron, as Taehyung knew. 

But none of Taehyung's thoughts were currently revolving around the planet; they were actually orbiting around the human girl he longed to be with all the time. With her appearance, familiarity, and her comforting presence, she had mesmerized and fascinated him to such an extent that it was difficult for him to keep his distance from her– not that he actually wanted to. The last time he had paid her a visit, he had revealed most of his past to her, his subconscious having already decided to make her one of the few people apart from his mother and grandmother that his heart actually trusted. And how much he was longing to see her again!

Unfortunately, though, he currently had to stay on the bridge as he had to give instructions to his incompetent lieutenants and supervise the mission.

Lost in his thoughts, Taehyung put his hands in the pocket of his uniform, blinking in surprise when his hands suddenly got hold of something inside, which turned out to be a small angular metallic thing. Carefully, he slightly pulled it out to examine it and realized that it was the box Seokjin had secretly given to him with the words that if he wanted to break free, he should open it.

Quickly, to prevent someone from seeing the box, he put it back into his pocket, glancing carefully at the other creatures in the room, relieved when he found all of them focused on their tasks, not paying him attention. Behind the fabric that covered his face, Taehyung tugged his bottom lip with his teeth as he pondered, failing to decide what he should do with the box. For the time being, he would keep it close to him in case of needing an urgent opportunity to escape his father's grasp.

His stiff and intimidating posture faltering, Taehyung proceeded to look at the planet in front of him that was a welcomed alternation to the plain black vacuum of space he would usually get to see.

A lieutenant joined him after some minutes, submissively bowing and keeping his eyes on the ground, knowing his place as a subordinate.

"Captain, Sir?"

Taehyung sighed in annoyance at the disturbance, making the lieutenant shift uncomfortably.

"Yes?" he answered monotonously, not deeming the other worthy enough to even glance at him.

"Am I allowed to provide you with information about the new planet?" the lieutenant asked warily, afraid to irritate his superior.

Taehyung nodded with an inaudible reluctant sigh. "Go on."

Content that he was finally beneficial for his commander, the lieutenant started rambling: "The planet is called Yaldus. Its superior species, the Yuldrians, tend to be aggressive, are very strong and-"

"I believe that the basic knowledge was already touched upon during one of the previous meetings," Taehyung interrupted him stridently, his silver eyes coldly piercing the creature in front of him. "Do you dare to waste my time further, or do you actually have crucial information that is important for the mission?"

The lieutenant, a heavily built creature, visibly shrunk under the anger of his superior, swallowing hard before answering. "Currently, there's a troop searching for specimens on the planet, Sir. They will return soon, Sir. The medical team should prepare to patch up the troop since the Yuldrians attacked them and caused severe injuries."

Taehyung acknowledged the information with a short nod, barking out the order to inform the medical team before striding away with long steps.

As the troop was returning, his duty for the day was completed, and he was finally allowed to give in to the pull he felt towards the human. Soon, he once again found himself standing in front of the door to her room. With a light touch against the surface, the heavy metallic door opened up, and he entered, instantly taking a deep breath of the mesmerizing sweet scent that lingered in the air heavily. His silver eyes traced through the room to get a glimpse of the enchanting girl, finding her at her usual place, the pallet. But unlike the days before, she wasn't sitting on it, welcoming him with sparkling eyes because she already had awaited him. Instead, she was sleeping on it peacefully, releasing a tiny, adorable huff with every breath she took, her hair flowing from the pallet like a waterfall. Her cheeks held a healthy rosy tint, and she looked so precious and divine that he had the urge to approach her, giving in to the craving as he carefully tip-toed towards the girl and kneeled down next to her to have a better look at her breathtaking features.

Taehyung felt the need to feel her skin against his own, so he took off his gloves, taking the tiny, delicate hands of the girl into his large, slender ones. Adoration sparkled in his silver eyes while he watched her sleeping peacefully.

(Your POV)

Your vision was filled with white fog that forbid you to see anything, rendering you frightened as you were clueless of what possibly lurked in your surroundings. But the mist soon disappeared, leaving you in complete darkness that didn't help you out of your disorientation at all.

The sound of your feet slapping onto the ground with each step you took reached your ears. Only then you realized that you were running, and the exertion was draining all of your energy, leaving you utterly exhausted.

You didn't know what you were running away from, but there was a frightened lump in your throat that gave you the feeling that it was something horrible. It seemed to hunt you down, coming after you to end you, so there was no other choice than to run.

Run, run, run.

Until you would collapse on the ground, dying out of exhaustion and fear, your breaths first growing sharper and sharper and then become weaker and weaker until you would take your last one, and your soul would be torn from your body and melt together with the darkness. At least, that death didn't seem as cruel as the one that awaited you if what you were running from would succeed in capturing you.

But for now, you had to run, the tiny spark of hope of managing to escape still faintly glimmering in you.

Suddenly, though, there was an obstacle right in front of you, and due to your speed and the darkness that was blinding you, you collided with it and knocked it over, painfully tumbling with it to the ground.

Fear overwhelmed you, painfully clutching onto you with its cold grasp when you realized your vulnerability in that situation, and you started sobbing, afraid of what would happen to you if the horror you had run away from would catch up to you. The fear numbed your senses, limbs, and brain, making your whole body shake in panic while you closed your eyes, not wanting to face your doom.

Suddenly, you felt a soft, friendly touch on your hand, and when you opened your eyes in surprise, looking towards it with great curiosity, you found it to be in the hold of someone else.

The hand of the other person emitted a purple glow, which fascinated you. The tingling sensation of their skin against yours entered your body and spread through it, sending you comfort and warmth, banishing the numbing fear that had overtaken and frozen your heart, and leaving you at peace.

Curious as to who was making you feel that solaced, you looked up and saw the face of a boy who couldn't be that much older than you and whose skin had a soft, purple glow. Strangely his face was blurred at some parts, the haze only revealing his adorable boxy smile, which was evident on his mouth when he asked: "Do you wanna play with me?"

You instantly nodded with round, curious eyes, wanting to stay in the calming and soothing presence of the boy forever.

After walking for a while through the forest that, with the boy right next to you, was noticeably less horrifying than before, you ended up lying down on the grass of a clearing next to each other.

The exertion from the previous running had drained all your energy, and you felt so tired that you were sure you would fall asleep immediately if you closed your eyes for a mere second.

"You should sleep," the boy told you, seeming to have noticed your current condition.

Anxiously, you looked at him with your eyes full of distress. "I don't want to. What if something bad happens while I'm sleeping?" you asked with a vulnerable quiver in your voice.

"Nothing will happen," he reassured with a soft and calm voice, a comforting smile stretching his lips. "I'm here to protect you, so nothing bad will happen to you."

Your heart was swelling with thankfulness, and you looked up to meet the eyes of the person who had been so welcoming and comforting, making you feel safe and protected.

Finally, you were able to see his other facial features apart from his smile, the previous blur vanishing, and your eyes widened when they met silver orbs looking at them tenderly.

Those mesmerizing silver orbs you already knew so well.

(3rd person POV)

He was immersed in looking at the girl while she was asleep, so enchanted and fascinated by her that he couldn't avert his silver orbs from her. Under her eyelids, he saw the movement of her eyes, making him come to the conclusion that she was currently dreaming, seeing things he had no access to. 

Curious to know if it was a good dream, Taehyung approached her even further to have a better look at her expression.

Suddenly, her eyes flew open, her body jolting up, causing their heads to almost collide if Taehyung hadn't had excellent instincts and moved away just in time to prevent that incident from happening. Startled and concerned, Taehyung watched her as her eyes wildly searched through the whole room. When her gaze eventually found his silver orbs, she gasped, and her following words echoed through Taehyung's mind:

"I know who you are!"

1767 words

Hehehe I'm evil. Next chapter you will find out Tae's reaction but for now I won't tell you anything🤐😈

I hope you're all doing well! Thank you for reading my book! Thank you for all the support! Stay safe, I purple you!!!💜💜💜💜

pic credit: https://www.pinterest.de/pin/647885096368285528/

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