Chapter 11 Xiangling

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Time: 8:29 AM
Location: Mondstadt
Status: Angery

After His Good Dream, When he woke up, he's already stressed In the Morning.

Kayden: ಠ﹏ಠ i was having a good dream, all for nothing...

*Beep 5x*

The Alarm Clock starts to make noises till he smash it into pieces.

Aether and Paimon suddenly woke up after Kayden smashed the alarm clock. Sky was still asleep since he stayed up all night stargazing at the Starsnatch Cliff as usual.

Paimon: *yawn* mornin.. What happened to you?

Kayden: Nothing. It was all a bad dream.. Better get dressed up..

Kayden stands up and heads towards the bath.. After a split second, he came out fully dressed. He checked the book, pressed 3 different colored books and the door opened then it closed. This door leads to the Mini-Statue Venti, it Contains the power of the Anemo Archon known as the God of Freedom. Kayden Always re-checking it to make sure it was not damaged. And this place is full of Deadly Traps. It won't trigger the trap unless it's not the owner who made those traps.

Kayden: I will kill any man who takes this from me.

Kayden's Gromit Mug appeared behind his back and Sips Hot-Choco.

Kayden: ah...

Then Puts it behind his back again and disappeared.


Sky Stargazer's POV

Sky was just sleeping, dreaming about Choccy Milks as usual.

[ Man he should really need to control his addiction on the Choccy Milk once... e_e ]

Until suddenly...


Sky got thrown off of the bed and fell off, face planted on the ground by the sudden air horn noise. He quickly stood up and looked around to find out who made that noise.

Sky: Who dafuq made that noise?!?

Then he suddenly heard laughing coming outside from the room. So Sky went to the door and opened it to see Paimon laughing off whilst holding the air horn.


Sky: *TF2 Heavy voice* YOU!

Paimon yelped and looked behind slowly to see Sky holding an Airsoft Light Machine Gun. She gulped in fear at this.

Paimon: Uhh... hey...?


Sky: You ruined my dream... Now face the consequences!

Paimon flew away quickly from Sky while screaming.

Sky: Get over here!

He then began shooting Paimon with a barrage of rubber bullets from the Airsoft LMG. Thanks to Paimon's size and fast speed, she was able to dodge all of it at ease.


Paimon is now hiding somewhere in the inn where she couldn't be found by Sky. She took a peek and looked around to see that he was nowhere to be seen.

Paimon: *whisper* Phew, now that was close or else Paimon would be dead...

Sky: *whisper* Yeah, lucky you

Paimon: *whisper* Thanks... wait...

Paimon slowly turned around and saw that Sky was behind her, his weapon ready.


Sky: Hello would you like to hear about the archon and savior of Mondstadt, Barbatos?

Paimon: AAAAA-


After the ruckus caused at the inn, Sky went outside, still on a mission to find Youri Major since he's been missing for 3 days now because of the incident that happened at the cathedral.

He went from every place at Mondstadt to find him and it only took him 30 minutes thanks to his HEV suit providing him with enhancements. But he still couldn't find him, causing Sky to get worried.

Sky: *sigh* Where are you man?

Sky was now at Good Hunters, eating a Chicken Mushroom Skewer. He is still wondering where Major would be.

Sky: I would've killed those Fatui bitches if I got outside of the cathedral on time...

He looked down and clenched his fist, where he was holding the Chicken Mushroom Skewer. He didn't notice that it was glitching in a second.

Sky: They hurt my friend and caused my other friend to go missing... If I ever saw them again, I'll make sure I-

???: Are you alright Honorary Knight?

Sky: Ah!

Sky yelped, then noticed that the Good Hunter's Waitress, who he knew her name is Sara, was looking at him worried.

Sky: Umm... I'm fine, just thinking about something.

Sara: Oh... Do you still want to order something?

Sky: No thanks

Sara nodded in response and went back to the ordering station

Sky: *sigh*


After eating, Sky is now heading outside of Mondstadt by the side entrance instead of the main entrance, where a guard was standing there. The guard saw Sky heading out so he called out to him.

Guard: Honorary Knight!

Sky: Hm?

Guard: I need your assistance

Sky: What is it?

Guard: There has been an update about the incident

Sky: What incident?

Guard: The incident from the Goth Grand Hotel

Sky: Wait, the one where an explosion occurred by the alleyway?

The guard nodded in response.

Sky: What's the report update all about?

Guard: According to some of the citizens of Mondstadt who saw the incident, there have been claims that a man got out from an explosion, injured. They said that he escaped through this side entrance.

Sky: Did the knights find him?

Guard: Last time we looked around for the man, but we couldn't find him. That's why we need your assistance Honorary Knight.

Sky: If that's what it is then sure, I'll see if I can find that man they're talking about. Maybe he might have some connections about the explosion.

Guard: Right

Sky went outside of Mondstadt and began looking around for the man.

Sky: Hmm... Where would he even go? He couldn't escape that far since he was injured... Maybe he was hiding somewhere...

That's when Sky heard some rustling noises.

Sky: What was that?

He looked around for that noise, until he noticed that it came from the bushes of a garden.

Sky: Hmm... and has he pushed the first bush


A bullet flew past his head, forcing him to immediately get down.

Sky: Whoa!

He stayed like this for a few seconds, until he began standing up slowly, cautious if that person would shoot again. He held up his hands in defense.

Sky: Whoever you are from those bushes, I'm not gonna hurt you!

???: S-Sky? Is t-that you?

Sky: That voice...

Then he began to run towards the bushes and went through it. When he got to the other side... he became shocked.

Sky: M-major?

It was Youri, at least what seemed to be left of him as he was leaning against the wall of a ruin, covered in bandages and wounds.

Youri: *weak smile* Yo buddy, still alive?

He ran towards Major and began checking him up.

Sky: W-what happened to you man?!? Who did this to you?!?

Youri: *spit blood* Guess.

Sky: ...the Fatui...

He clenched his fist in anger.

Youri: Correction: A tall thirsty bitch and a complete idiot. *cough* No joke... Idiot...

Anger wouldn't solve anything, so Sky took a deep breath and began picking up Major and put him on a piggyback ride.

Youri: And one last thing before I pass out...

Sky: ...what is it?

Youri: They know... expect thirsty fatui chicks in the future...

These were the last words of the albinos soldier before passing out due to his wounds and the lack of proper sleep.

Youri health: 5

Sky thought about what Youri said, until he realized it...

Sky: *sigh* Welp... looks like we're dealing with a bigger problem now...

Sky activated his rocket boots. He held Major tightly before he flew up and went back to Mondstadt to patch him up.


Kayden went back outside and traveled outside Mondstadt to cool off his stress. As he Travels Further in the woods beside SpringVale. Someone pulled him into the Bushes..

Kayden: o_O

???: Sh..

It's a Girl....

ID Name: Xiangling

Kayden: Panda..

Xiangling: I said quiet..

Xiangling and Kayden peek out to the bushes. Then She Starts Drooling over the Boars.

Kayden: Jesus christ..

Xiangling: Shh.. keep it down, I'm Hunting... I've always heard about the wide range of ingredients you can find in Mondstadt, and it looks like it's true!

Kayden: You're a hunter to catch those boars?

Xiangling: No - I'm a chef! A Chef on a mission to find rare and exotic ingredients from all corners of the world! My name is Xiangling, I'm from Liyue Harbor. And you?

Kayden: I'm Kayden. Just a traveler.

Xiangling: You're traveling alone, huh.

Kayden: I usually travel alone but my friends back there are still in Mondstadt.

Xiangling: I have a travel companion named Guoba.

Kayden: That's a nice name..

Xiangling: Anyway, can you do some hunting for me? There's lots of games around here that would be amazing to cook with. I can't catch anything to save my life and I don't want to miss out!

Kayden: You sure you really like cooking, huh..

Xiangling: *smile* Of Course! How about you get those 3 boars over there.

Kayden: sure..

Kayden Aim at the boars with Plasma Pistol. Each shot 100% hit and got 3 boars. Then he gave it to Xiangling.

Xiangling: Wowee! This is great! Some of it I'll shallow fry, some of it I'll deep fry with mushroom- ooh, and I wonder how well it goes with slime condensate.

Kayden: Wait, you use slimes as an ingredient? p_p

Xiangling: yes of course! With this, My cooking taste will be great! I was thinking about new recipes, do you imagine that one of my cookings will be popular in a blast!

Xiangling's face was off the world, then she looked closely at Kayden's face while her eyes turned into stars.

Kayden: *Blush* Too close! Too Close! Too Close Goddamn it!

Xiangling went back to normal and focused on the cooking method instead as she grabbed some boars to cook.

Allan: Hey! What do you think you're doing?!

Allan came right at us.

Allan: This is a boar's natural habitat, you can't hunt them here! You'll send them all running. We hunters know better than to kill the chicken to get at the egg.

Xiangling: oh, I get it! The freshest, best quality meat comes from free-range boars that grow up in the environment nature intended for them! If they all ran off... it would be a major blow to gastronomy-no, to all mankind!

Kayden: what the f*beep* Is she talking about.. -_-

Allan: You should apologize to Draff.. As our leader, he always stresses the importance of respecting the rules of the hunt. I'm afraid he is very upset right now..

Kayden: I Agree with him.

Xiangling: I made a mistake, and I should go and apologize. Hee-hee, thanks guys. I'll cook up some more tasty snacks for you once this is over.

(Time Skip)

After Xiangling apologizes to Draff for killing the boars, She smells something over the distance in Springvale.

Xiangling: what was that smell.. It's.. good..

She talks to brook. She was doing cooking stuff on her own.

Xiangling: Hello, may I have a taste of your delicious cooking?

Brook: Sorry, I've taken all the orders I can for the next few days. The Earliest I Could put you down for is seven days from now, is that okay?

Kayden: *sniff* mhm, the smell is not bad. But I Still prefer Her cooking. She came from "Liyue Harbor". Why the chinese culture outfit....

Brook: Mondstadt's cuisine can't compete with that of Teyvat's biggest business hub Liyue Harbor. But I Disagree! I Don't think my cooking is at all inferior to anyone else's.

Xiangling: Well then.. Show me what you got! Maybe I can give you some feedback.

Brook: Sorry, but customer feedback like " Oh, That taste good" is no use to me. If I wanted feedback I would as a professional chef- Hang on, Are you... Xiangling!?

Xiangling: That's me!

Kayden: Wew, I never knew you were popular among the liyue harbor chefs.

Brook: It's really you! Well, I Guess you do know what you're doing when it comes to cooking meat then. As it happens, I have one of today's prime cuts remaining. So tell me, how would you cook this?

Kayden: Oh boy.. There goes talk about foods now. I'mma sit this one out..

As these 2 are talking about foods and ingredients, time passes and now they start to argue, turning it into clash of the titans.

Kayden: oi oi oi, this is getting ugly here..

Xiangling: Hmph. Well, There's only one sure-fire way out of a cooking dispute. I Declare a cook-off!

Brook: Suits me! If you can't beat my cooking. It'll show that Draff was clearly wrong about you.

Xiangling: Alright. But if I win, you have to use my winning dish to promote springvale!

Brook: And if you lose. You have to add my winning dish to the Wanmin menu! With a caption saying "This special addition to the wanmin menu is generously provided by Chef Brook of Springvale, meat expert." Hmph!

Xiangling: you have a deal! I'm off to get ingredients, I will see you all in Liyue!

Kayden: what?

Xiangling Ran off and headed to Liyue.

Kayden: You can't just run off like that! Wait! For a normal girl, she runs fast..

Kayden Sigh and talk to Brook for a second.

Kayden: Brook. Do you have a map for Liyue?

Brook: sure.

Brook handed me a simple map of Liyue.

Kayden: thanks..

(Time Skip)

Location: Liyue

Kayden: There you are..

Kayden Lands on Front of Xiangling.

Xiangling: I Think we're getting close...

Kayden: Close what? No! I mean. What Exactly are you looking for?

Xiangling: I um...

Kayden: You really have no idea what kind of ingredients you're looking for and you just ran off like that, huh.

Xiangling: Well.. That's just my style. If I decided in advance exactly how I was going to cook something. There'd be no element of surprise to the dish. In the same way, If I knew what I was looking for before I found it, it wouldn't be a surprise.

Kayden: You're the dumbest person I've met.

Xiangling: You are meany and cute at the same time, I like you Little Miss.

Kayden: FFFFFF-

5 Minutes later Kayden was Triggered from destruction around Liyue Territory. He Literally destroyed most parts of this area.

Xiangling: That was surprising... you're really a boy.

Kayden: Ofc i was.. -_-

Xiangling: To be Honest though, there's one person I've seen that I Realized he was a boy too. You're not the only ones though. He also lives in Liyue..

Xiangling Mention him

Kayden: unbelievable.

Xiangling: Say, are you from Snezhnaya? The way you look..

Kayden: No, I'm not from that country to be honest. This is gonna be a pain for finding all these random ingredients that she doesn't know -_-

(Time Skip)

During our Ingredient hunting, we discovered a man with wolf or cat ears? Shivering down near the waterfall.

Olaf: Br... so, so-cold..

Xiangling: He's shivering! We need to warm him up, quick!

Kayden: Should I make a campfire here?

Xiangling: A Hot Soup would be better. Kayden, how about I look after him while you make him a nice warm bowl of soup? We passed a hilichurl camp on the way here. There'll almost certainly be a campfire there to cook on.

Kayden: No need for that, I already have my own things I need.

Xiangling: like what?

Kayden Spawns a Oven using a toolgun, then spawn a Combine Energy generator and place a Combine Energy ball on it to run electricity.

Kayden: With this, you can think of it as cooking backpack stuff. Anywhere you want.

Xiangling: Cool! Then we can make hot soup right here and now. Let me help you traveler.

Kayden and Xiangling made Delicious Hot Soup Radish Veggie soup. Then we gave the soup to the Hunter. When these 2 Start cooking, Xiangling looks at him with curiosity that he knows what to do by cooking.

Kayden: oi, are you still dreaming about food.

Xiangling: oh, sorry. Here.

Few Minutes later, The Cooking is done.

Olaf: Mmm... That is Better... That is Better.. Thank you. That soup really did the trick.

Kayden: Did you actually get frozen somewhere here?

Olaf: Yes. I was chasing a boar. And after chasing him all this way he slipped into those underground ruins over there. I followed it inside, but ran into a cryo regisvine. It froze me instantly. Then I woke up, I ran outside, but... I only made it this far before my strength failed me.

Kayden: wow. Who knew cryostasis exists in fantasy world, huhh.

Xiangling: Cryo Regisvine? Vines... attack people?

Olaf: They do now! I'd heard of them before from others, but this was the first time seeing one with my own eyes.

Xiangling: Yikes, we should definitely keep our distance from the ruins.. It sounds dangerous. It sounds delicious!

Kayden: Seriously.. Even she sees dangerous monsters are also foods now. What's on the next list? Hilichurls and Abyss mage? I bet Paimon was among the list soon.

Xiangling: That's it! The Missing ingredient! The icing on the cake!

Kayden: Do I need to kill that thing? I haven't even seen a real Cryo regisvine.

Xiangling: Only one way to find out, Let's go!

Xiangling ran off towards the ruins.

Kayden: There she goes. Damn that speed is the same as mine. What about you mister?

Olaf: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. But you must stop her, she is putting herself in grave danger.

Kayden: *sigh* yare yare...

← To be continued

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