Chapter 13 Youri's Date

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Time: 9:02 AM
Location: Mondstadt
Status: Normal

Few Days Later After Destruction

Kayden: The Hell happened major, at least you came back by uh.. Now? I guess.. -_-

Kayden Sips Pepsi

Youri: Oh, nothing much you know. Just got an intimate encounter with Signora, exploded a few stuff, got stuck with a kid and playing the teachers in artillery.... The usual ya know?

Sky: ...bruh

Kayden: Teaching The Most Dangerous Kid than me with freakin 'Artillery, huh..

Youri: And also the Fatui knows that we are outworlder. Don't ask how I don't know either.

Sky: Sooooo, how did that "talk" between you, your adopted child and Jean work out?

Youri: Uh....


*Youri's flashback*

Youri was repairing the shell's craters under the supervision of Jean who was holding Klee.


Youri finally finished his job with a bit of ground painting.

Youri: See? I told you it would be quick!

Jean: ....

Youri: Now, about that new equip-

Jean: No....

Youri: ;-;


Youri: Better than expected I guess...

Sky: *nods* Ok... Now, what are we going to do today?

Kayden: hmm.. Now I thought about it. The Commissions are getting boring each day somehow. Any ideas?

Youri: Teach Klee our way?

Kayden: No. And I have a high possibility that this will be the same way like you did.

Sky: How about going to the library?

Kayden: Sure I guess. That won't be a problem anymore since I had my protection.

Sky: Well, Aether and Paimon needed a book from the library, called the "Teyvat Travel Guide." Isn't that right?

Paimon: Yes. Since we're going to travel from different nations, we might as well need that book to help us.

Kayden: I Do have a Map for Liyue but I'll save it later once you uh.. Get a little bit bored here. But I don't.

Sky: Well then, shall we get going?

Kayden: Da.

Major: Roger.


After a long walk towards the Knights of Favonius HQ, the travelers are now inside and they went to the library. They got towards the librarian's counter, where Lisa was sitting.

Lisa: Oh, greeting cuties. Is there anything you need?

Kayden: We're just Chillin..

Sky: Yes uhh, do you have a book called the "Teyvat Travel Guide" here?

Lisa: Well... I suppose I can try to find you a copy from the list...

Paimon: Isn't that Lisa's job? What does she mean "I suppose"...?

Lisa went to one of the bookshelves, trying to find the "Teyvat Travel Guide", but she couldn't find it.

Lisa: Oh dear... That's unfortunate. Our copy is currently being borrowed. That said, it is now overdue... Come to think of it, quite a few of our books are now overdue. Ugh! I REALLY wish people would just return their books... on time!

Lisa was so frustrated, that the atmosphere not only became tense, but it was also filled with electro shocks.

Paimon: Whoa! Is Paimon imagining things, or does the air in here suddenly feel a lot more... electrified!?

Aether: It's giving me goosebumps!

This immediately sparked Youri's attention; he once saw during his studying here what would happen to any unfortunate souls who don't return the book on time.

Youri: So.... *slowly get gun* Do you want us to get the book back? *load gun*

Lisa turned to them with a sweet smile on her face but with an obvious thick dark aura surrounding her.

Lisa: Ara Ara~ you would do it for me? How lovely.

Paimon: P-paimon is s-so scared right now...

Sky: Please don't tell me that you two are going to commit genocide just to get those books back...

Lisa: Aw come on cutie, why would I even think of doing that for a book?

Kayden: I can feel the surge of your energy though to be honest.

Kayden Always Feels Fine due to Venti's Blessing.

Kayden: anyway. So we will get the Teyvat Travel Guide because someone forgot to put it back in the library. Is drinking allowed here?

Sky: ...this is a library Kayden. Of course no drinking!

Kayden: But this is another world. I'm sure it is :v

Sky: ...are you sure?

Kayden: Yes :3

Lisa: Sorry darling but ever since someone spilled a drink over one of my favorite books, drinking is no longer allowed.

Kayden: ψ(._. )>

Paimon: *intense sweating*

Sky: See? I told you

What Lisa meant → *small flashback*

Sky: Uhh Paimon, are ya okay? You seem to be sweating a lot!

Paimon: P-paimon is fine! It's j-just that Paimon uhh... You know what? Paimon doesn't wanna talk about it...

Kayden: *Eating Bread* bruh. What exactly happened to her?

Youri: *take bread away* Bruh, this is a library, not eating either

Sky: *sighs and facepalms*

Kayden: oh. *Deletes Bread* heh my usual hobby in my previous high schools e.e

Youri: ... let's just get the book already...

Kayden: Beep!

Lisa: Well, if you want to get that book back, I'll have to come with you cuties since it's my job as a librarian.

Youri: Suit yourself mylady.

Sky: What do you think Kayden?

Kayden: *Thumbs Up*

Sky: Now, off we go to get that book!

Lisa: You are such considerate cuties. Let's see, first we can go to... the souvenir shop. It's called "With Wind Comes Glory". So let's meet there shortly.


Location: With Wind Comes Glory, Mondstadt

Time: 10:46 AM


The five have now finally arrived at the Souvenir Shop called "With Wind Comes Glory", where they saw Lisa, along with a lady with light brown hair, who is standing next to the shop's entrance.

ID name: Marjorie

Lisa: Travelers, you're here! Let's begin, shall we?

Kayden: mhm..

Sky: *Clears throat* Why good day madam, we're here for the book called-

Lisa: Hello Marjorie, any exciting new item in stockp?

Sky: ...wait what? O_O

Lisa: Why so surprised? Today is such a special day, it's only natural that I'd want a souvenir to remember it by.

Kayden: oh boy..

Youri: Like... a date?

Sky: If so, who's Lisa dating then, Kayden, Aether or Youri?

Aether: Hey! Why am I involved in this?

Kayden: I Bet its Youri :v

Lisa: Ooh, is that how you see it? I suppose there's nothing wrong with that... At your age, these kinds of fleeting fantasies are normal.

Kayden: You can't call this a date if there's like 5 of us around.

Sky: He's right ya know... What is this, a sixsome?!?

Paimon: Sixsome?

Aether: *blushing* oh my...

Kayden Cover Aether's Ears.

Youri: *blushing* In the name of keeping your blissful innocence alive, the law requires that we shall never tell you what that means. And sky, for the love of Oum, don't say things like that! We are in public!

Sky: I'm just saying dude...

Kayden: I can't believe you're the most dirty minded person, Sky. Are you even 15? -_-

Sky: My dirty minded classmates told me that...

Youri: You need an adult kid.

Kayden: I am The "Adult"

Sky: How old are you two anyways?

Kayden: 21 Desu. ✌

Youri: Which makes me the oldest since I'm actually 24.

Sky: ...well that makes me the only teenager in this group.

Youri: And somehow, you're the tallest of us 3... talk about nonsense

Majorie: HaHa... Well, if it's a souvenir you're after, you're in the right place. I'm sure you'll find something that strikes your fancy, Lisa. Or you could let your new friends pick something out for you... make it more of an occasion.

Paimon: Yes, yes! Let them pick!

Aether: Alright then

Sky: Oh boy!

Suddenly, Sky disappeared... Then reappeared, now holding SO MANY SOUVENIRS

Youri: Bruh, I hope you got the money for all this crap.

Sky: Don't worry! I stole a lot of money from those Fatuis. Now, let's see...

Majorie: Take a look around, there's sure to be something she'll love.

As Youri went through the merchandise sold here, he noticed something near the books; an old scroll, a ragged one for sure judging by it's old appearance. Curious about a potential good found, he cautiously picked the scroll before showing it to Majorie.

Marjorie: This is a historical relic retrieved from some ruins by one of the Adventurers' Guild. Sure, there's a bit of wear and tear, but this thing in the painting must be well over a thousand years old... though it doesn't make much sense to me.

When Lisa curiously looked at the old ragged scroll, she was shocked.

Lisa: My goodness... This is one of the three lost scrolls that make up the "Northern Border Wind Investigation"... What is it doing here!?

Youri: Beat me. What I'm su- oh, what's this?

He was referring to a big rusty old sword that he immediately took in his arms.

Sky: *gasp* Ooo! Ooo! Gimme dat sword!

Youri: *Keep the word defensenly* No! MY sword!

Sky: *Equips AK-47* OUR sword!

Suddenly the background changed into a communist flag and the Soviet National Anthem played.

Youri: *Step on top of a crate* It's over Sky! I have the high ground!

Kayden: -_-'

Everyone else: ....

Sky: You underestimate my power

Youri: *Equip nuke* Don't try.


Sky threw out a bunch of random stuff such as a bunch of Amber's Baron Bunnies, Klee's Jumpty Dumpties, a bag of mora which is needed to buy those souvenirs, and also the souvenirs itself.

Youri: Well...*take all the stuff* Thanks for all of this free stuff I guess.

Sky: No probs m8

Youri: Now about this sword...

Majorie: Oh, this is a new arrival. It took 3 adventurers to carry this big boy back from the ruins where they found it. It comes with a lot of history as well as a lot of weight.

Youri: Heavy heh?

-The sword-

Youri: Doesn't seem to be that heavy, but you got me at "history" anyway.

Sky: Hmm... why did that sword seem familiar tho...?

Kayden grabbed the sword with only one hand.

Kayden: Seems very light to me.

Youri: Am I right? Don't see the problem at all. Now give me that. *take sword back

Sky: *sigh* There goes the souvenirs then... I'll just take this voodoo doll with me.

Sky took the voodoo doll and began examining it.

Youri: So, an ancient scroll and a voodoo doll... Lisa will surely be happy with all that stuff.

Sky: Would a voodoo doll even give her an appreciation? You know that these things are used for torturing devices and curses right?

Kayden: what?

Youri: *shrug* More reasons for people to return books on time.

Sky: guys are genocidal, you know that?

Youri: What can I say? "Peace is just a truce in a perpetual war" ya know?

Lisa: You sure have strange tastes. If it's your way of saying you are my knights in shining armor, I'd rather have you just say the words instead.

Kayden: I Bet Sky or Major really suits for that..

Sky: *points at Youri* Youri bought it, so he'll be the knight in shining armor.

Youri: *blush in embarrassment*

Lisa: Goodness, is that the time? Majorie, one last thing. About the "Legend of Vennessa".

Majorie: Oh, so you're a fan of the gallant Lady Vennessa too? Why didn't you say so? I have all sorts of items I could recommend... For example, this lion tooth pendant with Vennessa's name carved into it. It was once a medal awarded to a knight by the great Lady herself!

Lisa: ...

Sky: Umm, she meant the library book that you've borrowed madam.

Majorie: Oh my goodness! I do apologize, I got so excited when you mentioned Vennessa. I didn't know that book was overdue. Even though I take it with me everywhere... I can't believe I didn't put two and two together as soon as I saw you here, haha.... Here you go.

Lisa: *sigh* Well, since you look up to Lady Vennessa so very much... Please be more punctual next time.

Majorie: Yes Lisa. I will be Lisa.

Kayden: So.. About The Teyvat Travel Guide Book thing..

Lisa: Let's go see the next overdue book.

Sky: And where should we find it?

Lisa: At the "Good Hunter" restaurant, right in front of the souvenir shop.

Youri: Uh, neat.

The six began walking at the Good Hunters. After a short walk, they have now arrived at the place.

Sara: Welcome to Good Hunter. Table for five?

Paimon: SIX!

Sara: Oh, haha! My apologies... Please sit wherever you like and call me over once you're ready to order.

Paimon: So we're gonna eat first and bring up the book situation later?

Kayden: I'm.. uh.. Just a little food would be fine

Youri: Huh, are we really going to do this Lisa?

Lisa: Why of course. The stress of work really takes the pleasure out of eating, don't you think?

Paimon: Work is that bad, huh?

As Lisa went to a table, the rest were looking at the menu.

Youri: Say, does anyone remember what Lisa actually likes?

Sky: Hmm... *shrugs* I dunno man. *Looks at Sara* What do you think?

Sara: She's been here a few times with master Jean for Afternoon tea. I think she normally orders something vegetarian. A lady tends to eat cautiously on account of her physique after all! On that note I should probably be watching my own diet a little more...

Sky: Now then...

Sky looked at the menu in search for a vegetable meal. Until he found one of them.

Sky: What about a Radish Veggie Soup?

Youri: Seems good enough.... What about everyone else?

Kayden: Sweet Madame.

Youri: Sky?

Sky: I'll have some Tea Break Pancakes and a Chocolate Milk.

Youri: ... Ok then... Aether and Paimon?

Aether: I'l-


Aether: What she said....

Youri: ...

Kayden: bruh..

Youri: You guys go ahead, I'll do the order and payment. And don't do anything funny while I'm busy ok!?

Kayden: Sure..

On The Background, Amber was hiding behind the Fountain, she already had the Lunchbox for Kayden.

Amber: *inhale and exhale* you can do this Amber.. I Know I can do this. Just Be Myself and That's it!

As She walks towards Kayden, a Powerful Wind Blows Her.

Amber: AHH!! Lord Barbatos?! Why?!- AA-

Amber got blown off by the wind. Kayden turns around for a second hearing some girl scream in a split second.

Kayden: What was that sound?

Sky: *looks around* I dunno, maybe it's just the wind...

Kayden: Maybe the wind howls or whistles. Mostly happens though indoors during windy days.

Sky: Hm, strange... You know what? Let's just wait for our orders to arrive.

Meanwhile, Youri was at the counter, giving the orders and paying Sara thanks to the money Sky gave him. Once done, he went back to his friends only to notice that the table was cramped and that the only spot available... was facing Lisa.

Youri: -_-

Kayden: Good luck on your date :P *Peace Sign and Disappeared*

Sky: Sorry man...

Sky left the table, dragging Aether and Paimon with him, leaving Lisa and Youri alone, together like a couple. Making Youri blush in embarrassment and Lisa giggling at the rather romantic situation. Kayden and Sky on Distance.

Kayden: Problem Solved, Feels good to be Free. ^_^

Youri sat uncomfortably at the table. Waiting the order in an awkward silence while Lisa was enjoying eying his cute behavior.

Kayden: Shall I play Jazz Music just for the two of them, don't worry. Others can't hear it except Youri and Her.

Sky: I'll play the saxophone.

Sky took out a saxophone from his inventory and began playing it.


Youri: How did I end up like this? >_<

Lisa: Ara Ara, Youri-kun.

Suddenly Sky's Saxophone music changed into this and he performed the Epic Sax Guy dance.


Aether: *Thumbs up*



Before Youri could pass out of embarrassment, much to the amusement of Lisa, Sara finally arrived... with two steaks. And before he could do any remark, Sara quickly left the wannabe couple, giving them a wink in the process.

Sara: Enjoy your meal!

Youri: ...

Lisa: *giggle* Well, let's eat before it gets cold shall we?

Youri: Yes! *mumble* Bon appetit.

Despite the awkward atmosphere, the both of them enjoyed a quiet, relaxing meal.

Lisa: Mm... Beautifly tender and cooked to perfection. No wonder it's their signature dish. It's a shame I can't have more, but a witch must watch her physique.

Youri: I-I can understand this feeling. After all, despite my occupation as an adventurer, keeping a healthy diet is also a priority for us combatants. *blush*

Lisa: Really now? How cute, especially from a cutie like you.

Youri: I'm not cute!

Kayden: wow.. I never know he has a cute side..


Paimon: Oof... Paimon's so full...

Sky: The first five seconds before I can eat, and you're already full... Seems to be that you have an iron stomach. -_-

-Back to the "couple"-

After the funny moment, both Lisa and Youri finished their dish. Leaving them to the task at hand.

Lisa: Time is getting on. I suppose I should carry on with this ghastly thing called work. Let's have a chat with Sara about her library book.

Youri: Finally!

Sky: Hey! You two lovebirds are done with your date?

Kayden Writes down, it says Problem [2] Solved.

Kayden: heh.

Lisa: We're done. Unfortunately, we haven't started on the honeymoon yet~

Youri: The... honey... moon...

Kayden Place the Tombstone next to Youri.

Kayden: Your Dead That's Good Amen. *salute*

Sky: ...oookaaayyy...? *sigh* Looks like I'll just have to take-out my order. Come on Aether.

Aether: Sure.

Sky and Aether went to Sara for a take-out and also for the overdue book. Lisa, Paimon and Kayden, who held an unconscious Major, followed.

Kayden: I should have put him into a coffin instead. *Wheeze laugh*

Youri: *Half unconscious* I'll... get... revanche... soon...

Sara: Would you like to order something else?

Lisa: No thank you, we're quite satisfied. But I'm afraid I must ask you about "The Boar Princess"–

Sara: The Boar Brisket? I'm sorry, I think we took that off the menu.

Lisa: ...

Sky: *sigh* It's always the interruptions...

Paimon: What she means is the library book that you borrowed!

Sara: Oh! Of course! I came straight to the restaurant after I borrowed it and completely forgot that I even had it. I'm so sorry Lisa, I will bring it to the library myself as soon as I finish work.

Lisa: Mm... Okay then. But make sure you don't forget this time. Right, onto our next stop then, cuties. To the flower shop!

Kayden: *Sipping Pepsi*

Sky: Okie dokie

(Transition to the Flower Shop)

Lisa: This is our final call for the day.

Donna: Welcome. Uh... c-couple are our specialty! Let me know what you'd like and I'll wrap them up nicely for you.

Lisa: Ah yes... Now which book was it that has the line, "a date without flowers is a date without romance"?

Sky: Hmm... *A lightbulb appeared on top of his head* Oh...! *whisper* Psst Youri!

Youri: *slowly waking up* Uh... are we there yet?

Sky: *whisper* Try acting like a true gentleman towards Lisa

Kayden: *whisper* Yes, like a true gentleman.

Youri: ... *whisper* I hate you guys...

Kayden: *Snort*

Youri pushed away both Sky and Kayden on his back, fixed his composure and suit and took a deep inhale. You can see Kayden doing Conga in the background. He was still very much blushing out of embarrassment but then, in a rather confident manner, Youri gently grabbed Lisa's hand while saying with his other hand on his chest.

Youri: Madame. Would you by any chance care for some flower Mylady?

Kayden: [Radio] Pick the Rose.

Youri, immediately getting where Kayden was going at did as instructed and offered Lisa a bouquet... of white Roses

Lisa: Why, it just so happens that I would, my kindest cutie.

Lisa: Ara, as expected for a shy cutie as yourself. Offering a flower that represents innocence... Looks like combatants can be indeed romantic once they have the passion for their loved one... *lean toward Youri's blushing face* Am I right Darling?

*Youri.exe has stopped working*

Lisa: *giggle* Cute... Now back to business.

Donna: Back to business? My business is selling flowers!

Lisa: *sigh* Once again, we see a total lack of respect for literature... The Pale Princess and the Six Pygmies. Ring a bell?

Donna: Oh! Ahh, yes, what happened was... was... Oh no, what am I gonna do?

Kayden: [Radio] Something is wrong..

Youri: Uh... Did something happen to the book?

Donna: I... I lost the book.

← To be Continued


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