Chapter 15 Liyue Harbor

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What Are your Thoughts About Major and Sky?

Time: 11:23 AM
Location: Liyue, Stone Gate
Status: Normal

Kayden was Holding the map, while his party followed behind his back.

Kayden: I Think we're at the entrance, This place reminds me where Xiangling hunt for random ingredients out of nowhere, and it's a pain -_-

Sky: Ahh, I love the fresh smell of air here...

Youri: *Yamn* It sure is refreshing... nothing like the fresh smell of the ocean to keep someone awake. I need more Pepsi Max...

Kayden: Were not actual in Liyue Harbor, the map says so, I think we can pass through "Wangshu Inn"

Kayden Pass Pepsi Max for Major.

Youri: Thanks Pal. *drink Pepsi*

Aether: Right. *To Paimon* So Paimon, this is where the Geo Archon lies right?

Paimon: Yep! This is Liyue. Where mountains stand tall and terrains lie flat, and many of the ores are preserved in this place, all thanks to the Geo Archon himself! He is also known as the God of Contracts.

Youri: Heh, mountains and richies? Sounds oddly familiar.

Kayden: I Hope we don't run into more Ruin Guardians again.

Sky: Ores... *mutters* I could get a lot of those for a ton of money... or yet make some things out of them...

Youri: Gosh, now you sound like a minecraft grinder kiddo. -_-'

Sky: Hey now, I always like that game!

Youri: And so do I. Ever since the beta 1.6. What's your excuse now?

Sky: I played it on alpha, before it was even released...

Youri: Lucky, got caught in family issues before I got the occasion to play. At least we don't have to worry about hostiles bothering us for now...

Sky: Yeah...

Youri: Speaking of which: Are we there yet?

Kayden: Kinda..

Kayden's Eye Vision Zoomed + Star Platinum's eyes, Able to see far distance and saw a Tree mixed Building

Kayden: Is that "WangShu Inn" I Suppose.

Kayden's Eye Vision Return To Normal.

Kayden: I Bet you can't see it without your Binoculars.

Youri: I have a sniper Kayden, remember? But damn, this place is gorgeous.

Kayden: Dude, we're not under attack yet. -_-

Youri: Yet...

Kayden: I only see roaming people and Armed Guards There.

Youri: Just like in Mondstadt and there was a f*cking dragon in the sky. Don't jinx us already.

Sky: Might as well take a rest from that place first, my legs are still feeling wobbly thanks to that electro-grenade...

Youri: That's what you get to disrespect your elders, now shut up and move.

Sky: I'm just teaching you a lesson bro. Why won't you just accept it?

Youri: How about you ask this to Kayden since he tends to avoid ANY girls in a 3 km radius.

Kayden: What are you talking about? :v

Youri: You can't tell me that Amber suddenly gets sent to fly every time she tries to talk to you ever since you got that blessing is a coincidence.

Kayden: hmm.. Maybe not, I guess, I only Desire Freedom. I already achieved my Quiet Life so everything went smoothly. Unless that Damn " Bitch" Knows how to turn it off, though.

Kayden Looks back on the Map. Equip With Pepsi Drinking Helmet + Pepsi Logo.

Youri: *leaning to Sky* Is he really saying that he got cursed by a goddess of love or something?

Sky: *whisper* Possibly, yes...

Youri: At least he didn't attract any thicc seductress....

Sky: Ugh, let's just hope it wouldn't...

Suddenly, a fire bullet appeared out of the bushes from a distance, launching towards the group. This caused them to notice this and dodged it.

Sky: What was that?!?

Youri: *get down* Sniper!

Then more of those fire bullets appeared, so they quickly took cover by the huge rocks.

Youri: *deploy dispenser* Get ready, we need a plan, fast!

Kayden: *Groan* Why at the Time like this?

Youri: Welcome to the rice field mf.

Sky took out a crate of jarate and threw it high up in the air. Then he took out an airblaster.

Sky: Fire in the hole!

He airblasted the jarate crate, going towards the attackers from the bushes. It blew up on impact, spreading piss everywhere.

Sky: *TF2 Sniper voice* All right!

Youri: Bruh -_-'

Kayden: Is this? Mon dieu!!

???: EW! IS THAT PISS?!?



???4: *girly scream*

Sky heard something coming from the bushes, so he took a peek and saw some kind of mechanical soldiers, 6 of them to be precise. Three of the soldiers held a rifle, one had a huge violet hammer, the other had a cyan gauntlet and the last one was an electro cicin mage.

Youri: So who are our ambushers? Want me to bet a BTR or something?

Then he noticed the Fatui symbol on their badges.

Sky: The Fatui... seems that they're trying to ambush us...

Youri: Sky... hold my beer...

Sky took the "beer" from Youri, which was actually a Pepsi. Once done, Youri spawned is favorite anti-infantry vehicle:

He immediately exits the BTR from cover and points the turret at the terrified Fatui agents.

Kayden drinks Pepsi, But Turns out it wasn't Pepsi, but a Beer that he used to drink with Venti.

Kayden: oops, uh.. *burp* wrong one.

Sky: Hey! Why are ya drinking a beer in the middle of a fight?!?

Youri: Need help here!

Sky: Right...

Sky came out of the rocks, with his BFG9000 engaged and aimed at the Fatui soldiers.

Kayden: Are you sure you can lift a weapon like that?

Youri: He's a Gmod player with an addon... of course he can!

Kayden: *Burp* but its 20 pounds

Sky: You drank those piss Fatuis, now you'll also have to eat shit!

Kayden Equip Sticky Launchers for Mini-crit hits.

Kayden: Gonna kill you and I'll keep killin you and I'll never, cause You're gonna be dead and then I'm gonna kill you..

Youri: *from vehicle speaker* We have you outgunned! Surrender now or face annihilation!

The Fatuis looked at each other, then they began to chuckle menacingly.

Fatui Soldier #1: No, you are the ones who are going to get outgunned!

One of the fatui soldiers snapped his fingers. Suddenly, more of them came out from the bushes, their weapons aiming at them. The group is now surrounded by the Fatui.

Youri: Kayden... authorization for gas attack on those fuckers...

Kayden: Aye!

Kayden Spams Sticky Launchers in each Fatui Enemies. Each Explosion causes Sticky Grenade Clusters.

Youri was removing many fatui from existence as they stood no chance against a 30 mm auto-cannon. Forcing everyone nearby to either hide or retreat from this iron beast.

Youri: Cell unichtozhena. Vrag ubit

Sky kept shooting the BFG9000 at the enemies at a rapid pace, throwing them away because of the explosion from the bullet. Until he instantly ran out of ammo.

Sky: You've gotta be kidding me...

But... more of the Fatui soldiers kept appearing out of nowhere. Sky noticed that they were appearing through some sort of void portals.

Sky: Aw come on!

Youri: Where did that army come from!? I won't be able to use my artillery support that much!

Some of the enemies then send a volley of heavy rifles, hitting the BTR wheels before a Hammer warrior manages to land a powerful hit on Youri's APC, disabling it in the process. The electro hammer dude didn't have to cheer as the last thing he saw was the barrel of Youri's sci-fi spas.

Youri: *shoot the saboteur* One annoyance done, more to go.

Despawning the now useless vehicul, Youri placed a lvl 3 sentry next to the dispenser while preparing a little forcefield generator to protect the two assets..

Unknown to him, an electro cicin mage was about to cast an electro spell at him from behind, unnoticed, when suddenly...

Kayden: My Turn..

Kayden Already Drink Pepsi to Remove Drunkness. He Toss a Vacuum Grenade, pull all enemies like a blackhole and charge The Ballista Destroyer Mode and blast them all at once.

Kayden: Time to Inform Next of kin!

The Fatui numbers started to diminish as they became more cautious despite their crushing number advantage.

Sky: Noice!

Youri: They're retreating! Light them up boy!

Sky: Affirmative! Aim for that portal!

Sky took out his flamethrower, and loaded it up. He fired it towards one portal to another, dissipating them in the process.

Youri: Leave those portals to me! I got a better idea!

Sky nodded and stopped firing the portals.

Youri took an old WW2 radio and started his call for artillery support... with chemical shells.

Youri: Command, this is station. Requesting chemical artillery support! 10 rounds! Sector Key 9!

[Radio]: Roger that, mission received. Clear the area.

After a few seconds of waiting, the melody of artillery firing could be heard before a volley of artillery shells rained on the Fatui portals, destroying or damaging it and covering the Fatui forces into a deadly fog of phosphore gas.

Kayden: I Honestly expect it to be a friendly trip, seriously.

Youri: Want me to do the "rice field" joke again or we're good? Now there's only a handful of them.

The next few minutes were a one sided massacre as the group finished off what was left of the Fatui ambush. Then everything went silent, as the battle was over. While Sky and Aether were taking a deserved rest, Youri was cleaning up the area by deleting the corpses while rescuing the very few wounded that accepted to surrender. Which were actually only two Cicin Mages who weren't entirely ready to surrender until they took a good look at the carnage around them.

Electro-Cicin Mage: *grunts* You brats...

Youri: Bruh, at least two of us are over 20. Start respecting your elders would ya?

Cryo-Cicin Mage: One day, you'll face the wrath of the Fatui! And since one of the harbingers, Childe, is in Liyue Harbor, he'll get you all!

Kayden: Oh boy.. Another problem.. Can we atleast get a little peace of our time?

Youri: *load revolver* That will be one loose end. Besides, It's not like we already caused way too much commotion to not get the attention of basically every faction of that goddamn world.

Electro-Cicin Mage: Just do it... It's not like we care for the world anyway. What matters is that we'll die in the name of the Tsaritsa!

Sky: Wow...

Kayden: Nah

Kayden Proceed to Delete Them using Toolgun.

Kayden: I don't think Tsaritsa will know their deaths except the ones we blast them off. :P

Sky: ...well, at least that's one way to destroy evidence...

When the Cryo Cicin Mage noticed the non-existential death of her comrade. She suddenly summoned her cryo cicin companions in anger.

Cryo-Cicin Mage: You'll pay for thi-!

Youri: *knock her out* Shut up, you're annoying!

Sky: oh god...

Youri: And I thought she would try the "family pity" card by claiming to be Kayden's relative or something... that would have been funny.

Sky: I thought so too...

Kayden: -_- for the last time, I'm not from Snezhnaya

Youri: We know... but you could pretend to for infiltration purposes. :/

Sky: *Dusted off his suit* Now then, we should get going. I'm feeling pooped today.

Youri: Just let Aether finish cleaning his blood stained sword and we're good to go.


After a bloody battle against an army of Fatui soldiers, the group has now arrived at the Wangshu Inn after a long walk towards the place. They were now at the waiting section for an elevator.

Youri: *Yamn* Finally some rest after a tiring day.

Kayden: This is a pain, need a little rest for my mental

Sky was just playing Terraria on his gaming laptop, which he took out because he hasn't played a lot of games for a long time now after their arrival in this world. Aether and Paimon were watching him.

Sky: *sigh* How long is that elevator gonna go down?

Kayden: Probably 5 minutes I guess, I Never knew elevators exist here in Alternate China.

Youri: *check Deagle* True but to be honest, elevator issues are the least of problems when we have two big troublemakers after our ass.

Sky: To be honest, who names their kid "Childe"?

Youri: Probably the same ones that gave Signora her name since it literally just means ''Lady" in italian. In my opinion it's more likely a codename than their real name.

Sky: We'll just have to find out then.

Suddenly the elevator finally went down.

Sky: Finally... *closes his gaming laptop and stands up* Come on guys, the elevator has arrived.

Youri: Yay...

The group got up and went inside the wooden elevator. It went up slowly until it reached the highest point of the inn. Getting out of the elevator, they went inside the inn and to the receptionist's section for a room to stay in. After that, they are now staying in a room that they booked to rest for today.

Sky: Ahh, after 5 hours of walking, I can now lay down in this warm and fluffy bed...

Youri: *look at though the window* 5 hours of walking AND battling random monsters and a small Fatui army. Otherwise we could have continued straight to Liyue Harbor.

Sky: You know... We could've just use a vehicle right before we start travelling towards Liyue Harbor

Youri: You didn't ask for this. And walking is good for your health.

Kayden: Well there's a high chance that we get into trouble or accidents while you guys don't have much safety mechanics.

Kayden was sitting on a bed with Cross Legs, Chugs A Large Pepsi Drink non-stop for minutes.

Youri: That as well and there is also the question of technological gaps that still remain blurry. Between the lack of vehicul knowledge and the existence of laser robots... I prefer taking the scenery route before we run into trouble, again.

Sky: Yeah, yeah... Anyways, what time is it?

Youri: Ask Kayden.

Kayden Place Pepsi Down on the table.

Kayden: Between 3 PM, Maybe in a few hours we will move to Liyue Harbor.

Sky: *sigh* Welp, another boring walk after we're done resting...

Kayden: We're not actually walking this time.

Youri: What do you mean? Want me to get a vehicle or something?

Kayden: Nope. >:)

Sky: ...I don't like where this is going



Kayden: Enjoy while you can..

Kayden Returns to Chug The Large Pepsi fresh Cold while vibing with the Music wearing Headphones

Youri laid to his bed and immediately fell asleep with his Ooarai Panzer IV plushy.

Sky disabled his HEV suit. Him and Aether slept together in one bed since this room can only offer 3 beds because the other one was destroyed due to unknown reasons, so they've decided to share one instead.


Somewhere at the huge trees outside of Wangshu Inn, Coda was looking at the windows to the group's room with his arms crossed. His appearance is covered by the shadows from the tree.

Coda: So this must be the people Lord Gaben needed for me to keep watch... I should better wait for them until they wake up and initiate my plan.

He performed ninjutsu hand signs and disappeared out of thin air, now nowhere to be seen.


Time: 9:00 PM

Location: Liyue, Wangshu Inn

Status: Normal

Kayden Grab Youri, Aether and Sky with 2 hands + Stand arms Assistant

Kayden's Stand is Star Platinum.

Kayden: Here we go >:)

Kayden Carried 3 People and Jump all the way down. Paimon was hanging on Aether's Hair.


Kayden's Run Speed is about 93 Km/ph.



Youri: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Kayden Hop 2 Rocks and Air Dash 2x Double Jump Across The Bridge.

Kayden: This is The Fastest way than a Vehicle. Pretty much easier than going around some rocks. I can see Liyue Harbor From here.

Kayden: It is a Goddamn China.

Sky: *sigh* yeah yeah... *yawn*

Youri: *Snort* Huh? Are we there yet? *Yamn*

Kayden: Almost, just enter the gate and that's it. I'll drop y'all down here next to that rock, its pretty uncommon to carry 4 people with my size like this.

Youri: *stretch arms* Yeah, true. At least we didn't get into annoying random fights again.

Kayden: Yep..

Youri: Well, until we run into the Local branch of the Fatui and their "Childe" Harbinger or something...

Kayden: They won't attack in the middle of a city, unlike uh.. Mondstadt with no guards at the Knights of Favonius Door.

Youri: There were guards bro. You guys really need to pay attention to your environment.

Sky: There's also guards around the city too so yeah...

Youri: I swear to God, if we're getting into trouble because one of you couldn't even look at where they walk I'm gonna scream.

Sky: I feel like something bad is going to happen here when you said that.

Youri: I have a talent for seemingly jinxing everyone here, don't get your hopes up kiddo.

Sky: At least I've gotten used to it

Suddenly, they heard a rustling sound coming to the trees near them, so they turned around and looked at it.

Youri got his silenced deagle, ready to fire at any surprise encounter.

Sky and Aether took out their swords, pointed towards the rustling trees.

The group waited for something to come out of the trees in hesitation... Until it suddenly stopped.

Sky: Huh... *sheaths his sword* Maybe it was just a squirrel.

Kayden: It's an Armored Squirrel.

Kayden Remove the bushes and see a Hole on the ground.

Kayden: ???

Kayden poked The Hole and an armored Squirrel appeared in panic. It runs around spilling each single Mora, Aether kills it with a sword and drops 500 Mora.

Kayden: Oh Good, more mora.

Youri: ... Dafuq did I just witness?

Sky: How in the world did a squirrel have that much money?

Youri: Bite me.

Paimon then actually bit Major by the hair.

Sky/Aether: ...bruh O_O

Youri: What the-!? Now you ask for it!

Youri grabbeg Paimon and pulled her into a crushing hug while biting her hairs as retaliation.

Paimon: Let Paimon go!

Youri: No! No more flying around little girl!

Paimon: You were the one to ask to be bitten! Paimon just simply obliged!

Youri: And I maintain it was because you don't like to be treated like a little girl despite being one!

Kayden: Bruh

Sky and Aether were just watching the whole sibling fight going up.

Sky: Whenever I look at those two, I feel like they were siblings.

Aether: Siblings biting each other, I can relate to that.

Youri/Paimon: Hey!

Sky: Oops, have we interrupted your sibling moments?

Aether: We'll leave you two alone if you want.

Youri: *Take* Hello police? I would like to report a case of pedophilia.

Kayden: You are the "Pedophile"

Youri: *Point at Sky* He sure sounds like one...

Sky: *raises eyebrow* Are you sure? Then why were you trying to bite Paimon?

Youri: Cause she's our emergency food duh!

Sky: And you know she's a kid, right?

Youri: Am I really the only one who wondered what her actual age and most importantly: what species she is? -_-'

Aether: He... does have a point here.

Sky: Well... Judging by the fact that she resembled a floating elf... Yeah, I don't even know anymore...

Kayden: Does she even have long ears? No.

Sky: Yet people call her that...

Youri: Anyway.... *keep hugging Paimon* how about get over it and finally see that Archon or whatever? I don't think people came here for random shenanigans like this or stuff.

Sky: Let's get going then.


Location: Liyue Harbor

The group has now finally arrived at Liyue Harbor. They can see many people walking around, a lot of vendors can be seen selling their products, and beautiful scenery from the ocean near the harbor itself.

Sky: Finally, we have arrived!

Youri: So, this is the sea nation that got its riches from business right? With this fleet of theirs.

Kayden: I Smell Fish around here. Wait what? *Flashbacks in Remnant* O_O

Youri: Really now?

Sky: uhh...

Youri: Am I the only one who felt a british vibe here despite being totally a chinese city?

Sky: Not me...

Aether: British and Chinese? What are those?

Youri: Uhhhh.....

Youri's Mind:

Youri: The Britishs were once a powerful oceanic empire that greatly shaped the history of our world. Well, that's in a nutshell. *Mumble* Stupide Rosbeef et leur Royal Navy....

Aether: Oh... I'm curious about your world, although we'll just save it for later.

Kayden: Actually They lived in a separate place. So am I.

Youri: Yeah... Can't tell much about China since this country is probably as old as civilization itself... I'm more familiar with the british since they were until recently our"hereditarian enemies".

Sky: *mutters* So if Mondstadt resembles German, and Liyue is Chinese... I'm curious as to what each of the five other nations resembled as...

Youri: You forgot Snezhnaya, the local Russian Empire -_-

Sky: Oh right, that's four other then.

Kayden: I'll kill myself if there's a nation resemblance of a Philippines -_-

Youri: Knowing my luck I'm somewhat sure to find a country that resembles France. And I bet whatever you want I'll die of embarrassment once we get here.

Sky: I wish there's a nation that resembles Japan, that'll be cool... *To Paimon* Anyways, since we're now at Liyue Harbor, where should we look for the Geo Archon?

Paimon: If you wanna find the Geo Archon, this is the only chance you'll get all year. Guess it's a good thing Venti brought it up earlier, otherwise we definitely would've missed this year's Rite of Descension.

Aether: Do you know when it is?

Paimon: Uhh... might be today, might also be tomorrow... Look, we're already in Liyue so let's go ask some of the locals.

Youri: Nothing else we should know about.

Paimon: Oh, right. About the Geo Archon "Morax"... Did you know? The Mora we use is named after this god.

Sky: So that means he's the one who made all of the mora... Interesting...

Youri: Kinda neat if you ask. Even if "Morax" sounds kinda stupid in my opinion.

Paimon: But it's seen as impolite for people from outside of Liyue to refer to the Geo Archon by that name. So we should refer to the Geo Archon by the name of Rex Lapis, like the peoples of Liyue do.

Sky: Ok then, let's go ask the locals for some directions towards the Rite of Descension.

Aether: Right


After going further to the harbor to ask the locals about the Rite of Descension, the otherworldly travelers have now arrived at Yujing Terrace, Liyue Harbor's highest point, which according to one of the locals, is where the event will be held at.

Kayden: Ah The Long Stairs, Reminds me of my childhood movie called "Kung Fu Panda" I hope you two to get used to Stairs. If my Brother is here, he would be in a lot of pain because of the stairs.

Youri: I live in a rather mountainous place, stairs are nothing compared to what nature offers in terms of traveling through places.

Sky: I do some daily exercise where I climb up and down on stairs multiple times to strengthen my legs.

Youri: Really bro? -_-'

Sky: Hey now, don't judge on my exercise routine!

Paimon: Anyways, Paimon heard that the best time to make a wish is today, during the Rite of Descension, do you guys wanna give it a try?

Kayden: My wish was already fulfilled but I'll try a wish to increase my luck ro 75% somehow :v

Sky: Sure, why not?

Youri: Whatever...

The group went towards one of the censers from the southwest, where they found someone in a trenchcoat praying in front of it.

ID Name: Ivanovich

Youri: Looks like a fellow Snezhnayan *whisper to Kayden* Remember, pretend that we're either Snezhnayan or have origins from here for cover.

Kayden: ok...

They approached the Snezhnaya citizen.

Sky:*General Kenobi voice* Hello there

Ivanovich: Oh, hi there! Judging by those exotic attire of yours, you must be travelers from afar, right?

Kayden/Youri: Da

Ivanovich: ...okaaay. Anyways, your first time in Liyue? Actually it's my first time to see the Rite of Descension too.

Sky looked at the center of Yujing Terrace, where he found a woman with white hair, wearing a fancy chinese clothing in white and an accessory on her forehead.

Sky: Who's that fancy schmancy woman?

Ivanovich: That woman, is Ms. Ninguang of the Liyue Qixing! Only those who have control in Liyue can preside over the Rite of Descension.

Kayden: I guess, we came here to watch :V

Ivanovich: Oh yeah, not sure if you knew, but most of the adepti appear in the form of various beasts. I heard that when attending these kinds of formal occasions., Rex Lapis himself appears as a celestial cross between two of Liyue's ancient mythical creatures.

Sky: Well that's even more interesting...

Ivanovich: ...Oops, sorry, I shouldn't interrupt your wishes. Please, take this.

Ivanovich then stepped back to let the otherworldly travelers pray for their wishes.

Aether: I wish I could get some leads from the Geo Archon.

After praying, the group then went to the next censer by the east for another wish. They found a woman near that censer, also praying. This caused her to notice their presence and look at them.

ID Name: Changshun

Changshun: Hi there travelers, you also want a little adepti luck too?

Kayden: No thanks but these 3 will.

Youri: *roll eyes*

Changshun: Haha, it seems you know a lot! Making a wish during this time is sure to get you the blessings of both the Adepti and Rex Lapis himself. I've already made my wish, so you four can take this.

The lady stepped back to let the group pray for another wish.

Aether: I wish I could find my sister soon

Youri: Done? Cause I can see the people gathering around the place from here.

Aether nodded in response. So the group went to the main location at the center of Yujing Terrace where the Rite of Descension will be held, where there are a lot of crowds.

Paimon: Whoa! Look at all the people... We gotta get up front! We can't see squat back here!

After many "excuse me"s and "pardon me"s, they got towards the front to clearly see the event happening.

Kayden rode Sky's back to see a better view since Kayden's Height was small.

Youri climbed on one of the nearby trees before taking his sniper pistol and unloading it, giving him a better view on some details of the ceremony.

Ningguang looked at the sun for a brief moment before turning to the crowd of people gathered for the ceremony.

Ningguang: The hour is upon us.

The two assistants beside Ningguang bowed to let her begin the ceremony. So she casted a Geo spell, summoning 4 small shards of glowing rocks circling around her. She then moved the rocks to the huge center and inserted it, causing it to glow immensely. A huge beam came out from the center, shooting up towards the sky, making dark clouds appear.

Youri: *whistle* Those guys sure know how to flex on everyone else. But... why do I suddenly get the cliché feeling that suddenly something won't go well?

Kayden: [Radio] Don't you dare fking jinx it, Youri.

Youri: Wut?

This caused Ningguang to notice that something was off. Suddenly, a brown and gold dragon came out from the vortex caused by the beam from the center. But instead of the dragon flying and circling around the citizens, which they always expected... It fell down and crashed onto the huge center, laying dead. This made the people panic and gossip around each other.

Youri: ....

Sky: *sigh* great...

Youri: I Have Several Questionss


← To be Continued


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