Chapter 2 Episode 11 Osial

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[Time: ???]
[Location: Liyue Harbor, Jade Palace]
[Status: In-Combat]

{Health - 200}
{Energy Shield - 300}

<50 Minutes Later>

After The Battle Between me and Childe, The Gnosis wasn't in the Exuvia in the first place, thus the Geo Archon was alive all along. He Left the Golden house after he summoned The God- Overlord of the Vortex was once defeated by Morax during the archon war, pinned within the Guyun Stone Forest. Right now, The Qixing and Adepti are now fighting together against a common enemy and we are now defending the Guizhong Ballista, Upgraded version to defeat Osial.

Objective - Defend 3 Guizhong Ballista against Waves of Fatui's, Do not let them Interrupt their work.

Kayden: Defend Here!

Kayden Grab Sasha, rev up and shoot at the Fatui Soldiers. Aether engage close combat on Fatuis while Kayden covering his back and defending from distance on East and North.

Kayden: YYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fatui Anemo Boxer trying to block plasma bullets with Anemo shield end up breaking into pieces and get shot multiple times.

Osial Makes his move, all heads aim up the sky and shoots his divine energy.

Xiao: That is Osial's Divine power. I am.. very familiar with it. Be careful not to get hit.

Aether dodge an incoming water meteor while Kayden quickly switch weapon mod to energy shield mod. activate the shield and block it, reduce damage to 90%

More waves of Fatuis are coming out though the dark portal

Ningguang: Ha, How daring. Snezhnaya's Diplomats will answer for this afterward. every last one.

Kayden: Keep defending!

More waves of Fatui and Osial's divine attack kept unleashing multiple water meteors. Me and Aether having struggle slaying Fatui's and dodging at the same time.

Paimon: The ancient god's attacking again! There are so many fatui, too! We can't Hold-

Madame Ping: hahahaa, were you about to say "we can't hold them," children?

Paimon: huh?

Madame Ping: Don't lose heart, here, take this.

Aether receive an adeptal energy, his slashing attacks will deal massive damage with shockwave on hit.

Paimon: This is.. adeptal energy!? Traveler, that light from your body... it's like that time in Jueyn Karst..

Kayden: Well can't even remember while im SHOOTING AT THEM!!

Kayden Activates Energy shield mod to block pyro bullets and electro cicin mage's bug attacks while shooting at them back. Aether Light up a path by slashing 5 Fatui on 1 deadly shockwave strike.

Paimon: Wow, It's madame ping's Shockwave! This granny's really strong!

Ganyu: With the blood of the Qilin, I guard you against evil.

Aether Receive Ganyu's adeptal energy - Boosted survival capability

Ganyu: Cast your fear of injury by the wayside and fight with all your might. I too did this during the Archon War.

Paimon: huh... So this is what Ganyu's like in a fight...

Xiao: My name is "Swiftness" Take my power, and run as I do.

Aether receive Xiao's Adeptal energy - Movement speed increased

Aether's Movement speed can catch up Kayden's Pace.

Kayden: Zamn Bro..

Madame Ping: Child, you are strong in body and spirit. Perhaps you can withstand three forms of adeptal energy at once...

Ganyu: this will hurt a little.. Please bear with us!

Xiao: Once you've adapted, use them in battle.

He's so fast, he can able to dodge Osial's attack with ease and demolishing 6 group of Fatui skirmishers on one strike.

Ganyu: Uh, Kayden. you've seem to be struggling.

Kayden: Im cool with that.

Kayden Type - !rtd

You are all Maggots! You Scum Sucking Fruit Baskets!

[Status: God Mode, 9 Quadrillion Damage Resistant of all source of damage type]

Kayden Rolled Powerplay for 1 Minute, revs up Sasha and start mowing Fatui's with Critical hits only.


Kayden Quickly switch weapon mod to Mobile Sentry. increasing fast firerate, obliterating Fatui's on his path.

Kayden: What Sick man sent "Babies" to Fight me!

Face Cam -

Within Minutes of Fatui Wave Grinding was wiped out, The Adepti's Guizhong Ballista's potential has reached.

Moon Carver: The Interlopers are no more. Now we may commit ourselves fully!

3 Guizhong Ballista fire at once on Osial, causing massive damage.

Paimon: Ah, Its working! We just need to keep this up!

3 Osial's Head each summon 3 water balls combined and shoots up in the sky again.

Kayden: uh oh.. that doesn't sound right..

Kayden's Powerplay exactly times out right as Osial's attack. this time its raining water meteors. all Millelith soldiers retreat and also us.

Kayden: Run you fools!

The Platform breaks and quick switch to Thermal Thrusters to land safetly, everyone was ok because of Adepti Assistance.

Cloud Retainer: The Guizhong ballista is destroyed, without its covering fire, retaliation shall be difficult.

Ganyu: But the Jade chamber is our last line of defense! We can't give another inch... no matter what...

Ningguang teleports on front of us in the center.

Ningguang: I have... Another Idea.

Ganyu: what do you mean, Lady Ningguang?

Ningguang: I'll sacrifice the Jade Chamber.

Kayden: o_o

Jade Chamber moves on top of Osial

Xiao: I Understand.. *Cover his face with Mask on one swipe of his hand*

Ningguang: Traveler, lend me a hand.

Aether ready to use the MC Sword. within 3-4 Adepti energy combined, Aether Thrust the Sword on the Jade Chamber's center of the ground. Slowly descending and gets faster, within the view you can see Kayden holding Sasha with a smile

Kayden: You Did well! 

Kayden was Hug Sasha before-


[Location: Liyue Harbor, Northland Bank]

After Osial was defeated, heading back to Liyue Harbor to see Zhongli in Wangsheng Funeral Parlor but he wasn't here in Wangsheng Funeral parlor after being told by the lady guarding the Wangsheng Funeral. As we visit the Northland Bank, We see Zhongli, Childe and...

???: Oh, it seems that some of your friends have arrived.

ID Name: La Signora

Paimon: Hey, It's Zhongli and Childe! And.. you! You're also one of the Harbingers....

Kayden: Signora....

Signora: Haha, You again. I Believe we've met once before.. In the City of Bards, was it? I'm glad you still remember my name. Ah, right. I Imagine that it must have been rather hard to forget watching helplessly as something precious was snatched away from your friend.

Kayden: Kii-sama!!!

Kayden's Shoulder cannon appears, Aether Locked Kayden's arms and Paimon stopped his shoulder cannon by trying to block. Aether having struggle to hold Kayden down due to his unrelenting rage.

Aether: Kayden please, calm down! I know how you feel but don't let your emotions get you.

Paimon: Yeah, right! After the battle between You and Childe, you were severely hurt. Its best to give time a peace since there's 2 Harbingers now.


Kayden's Shoulder cannon disappears and Aether let go of me, all i can do is glare at Signora.

Childe: Well, if it isn't you three. This is our first time seeing each other since Liyue was nearly wiped off the map. This is certainly a bit... awkward, wouldn't you say?

Paimon: Hmph, Paimon Knew that we should never had trusted a Fatui Harbinger!

Kayden noted - Never Trust a Sussy Harbingers

Childe: Aww, now don't say that. Sure, I may have mislead you, bit I never had anything against you personally... Besides, I thought we were getting along quite well together, Didn't you? Except for that little tussle we had at the end... haha.. Nothing personal, we just have.. different views, that's all. Of course, you may very well hold this against me, but that's up to you... The real deceivers here are Signora and Zhongli.. curse them for leading me on.

Kayden: T-Them? 👉Zhongli-Signora

Signora: Stop wasting time, Childe. There'll be plenty of time to chat once I'm through here. You remember the agreement, Morax. Now, If you would be so kind... The Gnosis, please.

Aether: Gnosis?

Paimon: What in the world are you talking about!?

Zhongli: *Inhale and exhale* The contract is fulfilled. That which thou seeketh is now bestowed unto thee, for my promise is solid as stone.

Zhongli Shows the Gnosis on his hand, He was the real Geo Archon.

Kayden was shocked, he even was looking at his own "Dead Ringer" then look back at Morax, He knows kinda how to play Spie.

Signora: Hmph, How sanctimonious.

Paimon: What! So you're the Lord of Geo!? No, Wait! That's an exciting twist and all - but why give the Gnosis to the Fatui!?

Zhongli: I do not give it for free. I Give it as agreed upon in the contract... for it is a matter solely between the Tsaritsa and I.

Kayden: that's why you feign death to begin with?

Paimon: yeah, don't you think you went a little bit too far with that while fake death thing !? Everyone was preparing the ceremony for you when splat, this big dragon falls out of the sky and all of Liyue goes into an uproar. Talk about disaster!

Signora: hehe... Gathering all the forces that had been bubbling behind the scenes, and then stirring them together in a pot that was bound to boil over.. That's what he wanted to see, am I right?

Paimon: wait.. what?

Zhongli: Perhaps it's best that I explain. As you know, I've dwelt upon this world for more than 6000 years. I witnessed the founding of Liyue together with the adepti Three thousand 3700 years ago. Even boulders that can withstand whirlpools will erode with the passing of time. I kept convincing myself that cracks had not begun to form and that the end of my time had not yet come. Until one drizzly day, As i was strolling along the harbor, I heard a merchant tell one of his workers, "You've finished your duties, go ahead and call it a day." I Stood motionless among the crowds, asking myself, "Have I already finished my duties?"

Paimon: Oh, Zhongli...

Zhongli: But as I began to consider relinquishing my divine role, I soon discovered that many reasons still remained to not hastily depart. Was Liyue, the city I had dwelt in for so long, already prepared to enter its next age? I decided that a test was needed in order to reveal the answer. So I Feigned my own death, and gathered the cast of Childe, the adepti, and the Liyue Qixing to play their roles together on the stage that was Liyue.

Aether: Let me guess - you had another plan in case it all burned down.

Zhongli: That's right, which is why I continued to safeguard the Gnosis until now.

Paimon: So you mean that if the chaos ever reached the point of no return, you would simply appear and use your divine powers to bring Liyue back under control?

Signora: Of course. and it would have been all too easy for him, too. Just as a child quickly matures after losing their parents, so has Liyue matured when faced with the death of its deity...

Zhongli: I was pleasantly surprised with the finale of the show that you all put on. Why, you even deserved an encore. the Adepti deserve the greatest applause, considering their years of seclusion... They hardly recognized the city. Yet, faced with such a crisis, they exerted the greatest amount of restraint. Not only did they manage to cooperate with the Qixing, but in the end, they even tried to understand the heart of the people.  and hats off to the emissary dispatched by the Cryo Archon to fulfill our contracts, Signora. She managed to keep everything she knew in strict confidence, far from the eavesdropping ears of her colleague, Childe, Just as I had requested. All the while, I Carried on as Zhongli and fulfilled the traditions of Liyue in the mortal form. Thank you for walking that path with me, Travelers. These things were all a part of my script. The only unforeseen plot twist was the conduct of the Liyue Qixing. I had expected them to do more than the adepti... To come to the defense of Liyue. But when all was said and done... They seized the opportunity to supplant Liyue's divine protectors, and used the subsequent power vacuum left by my death to quickly gain complete control of Liyue.

Paimon: huh? That doesn't sound good at all!

Kayden: *Play MP3 "wtf is going on" on his head*


Location: Liyue Harbor

We spend alot of time here in Rites of parting. things are very twisty when Zhongli was Geo archon, specially Signora was here. in the end were just being a Puppet for zhongli's attraction. in truth, he's still a good guy nonetheless. we saw him beside the Rite of Parting zone and spend time talking with him, he even talk about the Inazuma Nation, The Electro Archon Baal. the words he describe, was actually Japan Based. Its a closed country and seemed very dark and depressing for people who had Visions.

Zhongli: Alright then. Was there anything else you wished to know?

Kayden: if your no longer the Geo archon. what will happened to Mora?

Paimon: Thats Right! Zhongli, now that you don't have your Gnosis, What's going to happen to all the Mora in Teyvat? Since Morax is "dead", are they all just gonna disappear? Also isn't the Golden House the only mint in the entire continent? will it even continue to work?

Zhongli: The Mora present now will not vanish. But the Golden House will indeed have to cease operations for a lengthy period of time, since creating Mora requires the use of the Geo Archon's power.


Paimon: *gasp* This is terrible. We're all about to run out of Mora! The world is coming to an end!

Zhongli: Yes, This is indeed a Major issue from a financial standpoint... Uh... Well. I suppose we'll just leave such troublesome matters to the Liyue Qixing to debate.

Paimon: Then... did you at least set some private funds aside for yourself?

Zhongli: Oh, a private fund? Hmm, this does seem like a good, logical, common-sense idea. Ah, It's a shame.

Paimon: what's a shame?

Zhongli: It's a shame that I didn't think of it at the time.

Kayden: bruh...

Zhongli: Alright, then. Was there anything else you wish to know?

Kayden: we pretty much know about all of it, so there's nothing else.

Zhongli: Well, then. I suppose you'll have to find a way to get inside this closed nation. have patience... I suspect that serendipity must first come into play...

[Liyue Archon Quest - Complete!]
[Next Quest - The Chalk Prince and a Dragon]
[After 5 - 6 Special Chapters]

Kayden: Aether, Before we leave.. I have something to do on the golden house.

Aether: huh?

Kayden: I know how to solve this Mora Crisis...

10 Minutes Later in Golden House

10 Buckets each on the ceiling dropping 10 more per second, now the mora crisis has already ended so quickly by one person who's not a god.

Kayden: Done and done.

Achievement Unlock: The Mora Archon

← To be Continued

Liyue Archon quest in nutshell

Basically Zhongli trolls Liyue


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