Inazuma Chapter 2 Raiden Shogun

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Only one Genshin Character has TF2 Logo

Hint - Female

Vision - Hydro


Time: ???
Location: Inazuma, Kamisato Estate
Status: Normal

3 Days Later, We return back to Kamisato Estate after fulfilling Ayaka's Wishes, this time we will meet her in person.

Paimon: Oh, Ayaka! Guess who fulfilled all your wishes~!




Paimon: Ayaka?

Kayden: Don't tell me she's gone.

Me and my buddy walk closer to the uh... some kind of wooden wall place design?

I am not Familiar with Japanese culture non other than freakin anime.

Thoma pull us over and we saw Ayaka came out holding a Fan, she closes it and we finally see her on person. Kayden smiles.

Ayaka: Travelers, Paimon... it is a pleasure to finally meet you both face-to-face, hehe.


Ayaka: ? huh?

Paimon: Don't worry, he can be like this sometimes. trying to cheer our moods up.

Ayaka: oh okay... So I have heard all about how you helped our three friends. My sincerest thanks to you.

Aether: The Damage done by losing a Vision can't be completely undone.

Paimon: *sigh* yeah.... short of getting them their Visions back, it seems like there's no way to really help them...

Kayden: Same either, Im not a Doctor.

Kayden was keep eyeing on Ayaka.

Kayden: Jesus christ, how big is her forehead

Paimon: Um, Ayaka- How come this time you get to come out and meet us in person?

Ayaka: Hehe, because now that you have done the three things I asked of you, I consider you to be my friends. As you will observe, I dispense with the screen for Thoma, also.

Thoma: mhm.

Paimon: Wait a second, but isn't Thoma your, um... servant? Paimon's Happy to help and all, but Paimon sure as heck did not sign up to be a servant!

Ayaka: Oh..! Ahahaha, Paimon you are most entertaining. Thoma is first and foremost my friend, and was so before he ever became my attendant.

Paimon: Oh, okay then... Ayaka, you seem pretty different out in the open compared to how you are behind the screen. Mmm... Alright, we can be friends.

Aether: Friend request accepted.

Kayden: Do i need to open my steam and accept friend request for you?

Ayaka: what?

Kayden: Nothing :v

Ayaka: .... Alright, Back to the matter at hand. You have now witnessed the pain of those deprived of their Visions... What are your feelings on what you have seen?

Kayden: Mental Torture is the right word for losing a Vision.

Ayaka: *sigh* ... Perhaps, in the eyes of a deity such as the Almighty Shogun, the lives of those who inhabit the world are inconsequential... Thunder's roar, Lightning's flash, the wind's assault, and the rain's descent... all these things take place with no regards for the feelings of the common people. But I believe that surely you understand what they must endure

Silence in few seconds.

Ayaka: it seems that perhaps now, you can appreciate my feelings on all of this. In which case... perhaps you would be willing to reconsider your stance?

Aether: I Will help you fight-

Kayden silence Aether and wrap his arm around his neck.

Kayden: No, We will fight the Vision Hunt Decree!

Ayaka: R-Really?!

Kayden: yep, you better keep the promise you made for him, eh?👍

Ayaka looks at Aether.

Ayaka: Naturally, hehe. :)

Thoma: Alright, bravo, milady. You were right all along.

Ayaka face at Thoma.

Ayaka: See... I told you they wouldn't reject them. I'd place my trust in the right person after all.

Then She turns, facing at us in a good mood.

Ayaka: Now then, given that the remainder of our discussion pertains to matters of a more.. confidential nature... perhaps we could move to the Komore Teahouse? We ought not to involve other members of the Yashiro Commission.


Location: Tenryou Commission
Quest - Save Master Masakatsu

If Ya'll whoever finish Inazuma quest, it will be alot easier to know, ye?

We enter inside behind Tenryou Commission Police Station. its a quite of a short skip since we met Yoimiya.

Paimon: Uh.... Now that we're inside, this place is a whole lot creepier than Paimon Imagined.... Eh-he....

Kayden: Its less creepy as long i've see bad guys around here.

Yoimiya: C'mon, this way! As long as we stay quiet, we've got a good chance! I Certainly wouldn't want to end up locked away in here... Let's find Master Masakatsu and get out of here. We should split up. I've got a "little present" to prepare for Master Masakatsu, hehe... I'll be right back.

Paimon: You sure? Alright then... just be careful not to get caught!

Yoimiya split up, While Kayden is having also the same thought of splitting up will be alot easier to find Master Masakatsu.

Kayden: I also have the same thing to, you know. split up? make this more easier too. Im sure you remember i'm expert of sneaking in and out, huh. If I do get caught on sight, well...

Aether: *facepalm*

Paimon: We already know what your thinking.

Kayden: *sigh* alright. Well, I Guess I don't need to say it, huh.

Kayden turns and ran on a different direction as Aether and Paimon takes a different route.

As Kayden Progress, he got spotted by Tenryou guards armed with spears.

Kayden did not use any DOOM Eternal Weapons this time, he equip using Kunai and Diamondback.

Kayden: Gentlemen, I have come to say the N word

Kayden Trickstab Multiple Tenryou Guards with a Kunai and quick swap to Diamondback and got 1 Guard with critical hit

Kayden: Can I pay you for this?

Kayden Flips 3 Mora and shot with a Crit Diamondback, Obliterate 6 Tenryou Guards. Flips one more coin and punch it, becoming a fast coin projectile and hits the Tenryou Samurai.

+Fistful of Dollar

The Tenryou Samurai tries to stands up and his weapon was on the ground next to Kayden slowly walking towards the Samurai. yet, The Tenryou Samurai has no longer will to fight against him as his brothers were easily fallen by the hands of a gamer. he stares at him filled with fear.

Kayden: Whats The Matter? Lives flashing before your eyes?

Kayden Kick the Katana next to the Tenryou Samurai.

Kayden: Pick it up. Pick. it. up.

He ran away out of Kayden's sight.

Kayden: Coward, I Thought every Samurai will fight ti'll the end.

5 minutes of running and parkour, he heard fireworks alot of times as no guards are around here passing each hallway, he reach at the end from where Master Masakatsu cage but no longer found.

Kayden: Looks like I'm late.

???: If your looking for your friends, they already left with Masakatsu. 

Kayden Quickly turn around the source of a female sound.

ID Name: Kujou Sara

Kayden: Wha- really?

Kujou: You better leave quick or else I'll catch you myself. You have 10 seconds.

Kayden: okay, that makes alot easier then.

Kayden use Cloak and Dagger and disappears.

Kayden: Who exactly was Kujou Sara but she seems to be nice on the inside

(The Next Day)

We Return to Komore Teahouse with my partner Aether and Paimon. However, something feels off around this place as Taroumaru barking.

Paimon: How strange... It's never this quiet here. Thoma's playing his ventriloquist game again, huh? Thoma... Thoma...

Kayden: He was not here but, something feels very off here for his unknown disappearance. 

Paimon: *Shock* Y-you mean he's not here?!

Kayden: not sure, but maybe he was with Kamisato Ayaka. he's a servant, right?

Paimon: Y-yeah.. your right.

Until Kamisato Ayaka came up right behind us and we turn around.

Ayaka: Hello, have either of you seen Thoma?

Kayden: Wai- We thought Thoma was with you. something happen to him?

Ayaka: Then It's as I feared... On the way here, I heard that Thoma had been taken away by the Tenryou Commission.

Kayden: Son of a bitch....

Ayaka: I wasn't certain whether it was true, so I came right here. The fact that he hasn't arrived here as we arranged the suggests that it is true. The Raiden Shogun is holding a Vision Hun Ceremony at the Statue of the Omnipresent God today, to mark the 100th Vision seized under the decree. And the 100th Vision bearer in question... the one who will have their Vision seized, I fear... is Thoma.

Paimon: Hold up a second... So the ceremony that Thoma said the Tenryou Commission were busy preparing for... that was this Vision hunt Ceremony? And he was the target all along?

Ayaka: I believe so. The shogun and the Tenryou Commission see the ceremony as a milestone. With the 100th Vision, they wish to mark the success of the Vision Hunt Decree to date. This cannot happen. I must go and rescue him!

Kayden: Woah Woah Woah! you can't be serious?! if you do that, it will affect the reputation of the Yashiro Commission into a chaotic mess, also you will be considered a rebellion without knowing a plan to fight the decree in the first place!

Paimon: Yeah! Like it ot not, you represent the while Yashiro Commission. So if you go and pull a stunt like that, you're basically declaring you and the Raiden Shogun are enemies now, right? and by doing it so publicly, you might be implicating a lot of other people from Yashiro Commission, too..

Ayaka: There is no other option.. I must act with haste - the ceremony is about to begin. I will not abandon Thoma like this. He is my friend! To think that not long ago, we were.. all eating hotpot together..

Kayden hold Ayaka's shoulder.

Kayden: We know Thoma is "our" friend. but you going to fight the shogun to rescue Thoma is not a great option for you. so let us rescue Thoma, alright?

Kayden Smiles for Ayaka and stand beside Aether.

Ayaka: .... Okay, I'll... wait here for your return. Get back safely.

Paimon: Don't worry, Ayaka. A Friend's life is on the line - we ain't about to mess this up!

Quest -  Go to the Vision Hunt Ceremony

We exit Komore Teahouse on a rush to rescue Thoma, Kayden was on the lead while Aether barely catch his speed.

Kayden: Make haste, Mortals!

After 10 seconds we arrive at the Statue of the Omnipresent God, We were behind the crowd and Kayden saw Raiden Shogun for the first time.

ID Name: Raiden Shogun

Without Second Thought, Aether Jumps in and catch Thoma's Pyro Vision before it reach Raiden's Grasp. 2 Soldiers rush towards Aether. With Kayden's Aid He Backstab a Tenryou Soldier and punch the other Soldier with critical hit.


Raiden slowly walks down making a small electric stairs right towards us.

Raiden: Capable of using elemental energy without a Vision. and a tool with brains. you are an exception it appears. Exceptions... The enemy of eternity.

Kayden Quickly stand beside Aether completely ready to use DOOM Eternal weaponry.

Kayden: Booba sword?!

Raiden: You will be inlaid upon this statue.

Until A Dark Void surrounds us.

To be Continued

Next Chapter - Taste of Defeat


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